19 research outputs found

    Combined myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and computed tomography: diagnostic and prognostic value in coronary artery disease

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    Modern imaging techniques occupy an important place in the diagnosis, selection of treatment and prognosis of patients with coronary artery disease. Hybrid imaging is a combination of two sets of diagnostic data that complement and enhance each other by comparing anatomical and functional characteristics. As a rule, hybrid imaging is synergistic, that is, more powerful, since the addition of new information leads to an increase in the sensitivity and specificity of each of the modalities separately.The review provides brief information on the diagnostic efficacy of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS), computerized tomography (CT) coronary angiography in comparison with invasive coronary angiography with fractional flow reserve. The diagnostic and prognostic significance of assessing calcium index with MPS, as well as CT coronary angiography combined with MPS in the diagnosis, risk stratification and prognosis of patients with coronary artery disease, is characterized in detail. A separate section is devoted to the importance of hybrid imaging in making decisions about myocardial revascularization

    Relationship between the degree of myocardial damage according to contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and laboratory data in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Aim. To evaluate the information value of a complex of clinical and biochemical parameters of myocardial damage in predicting the development of transmural myocardial damage according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Material and methods. The study included patients admitted to the emergency cardiology department with acute coronary syndrome. All patients underwent invasive coronary angiography, laboratory tests, and dynamic determination of cardiac biomarkers. In the interval of 6,1±4 days from admission to the hospital, patients underwent contrast-enhanced cardiac MRI. According to the pattern of delayed contrast enhancement, patients were divided into two groups: with a transmural and subendocardial pattern.Results. The mean age of patients was 62,5±10,5 years, while 27 (71,1%) had ST-segment elevation AMI. Among the risk factors for coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia (89,5%), hypertension (68,4%), and smoking (57,9%) were the most common. Creatine phosphokinase-MB (CPK-MB), serum high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and C-reactive protein (CRP) values after 24 h were significantly higher in patients with transmural hyperenhancement. Moderate positive relationship was found between the global size of left ventricular (LV) damage according to MRI data and the levels of CPK-MB after 24 h and 4 days, as well as with CRP after 24 h, 4 and 7 days, and cTnI level after 24 h and 4 days. In the group of patients with transmural pattern, the global size of LV damage was significantly higher. Patients of this group were characterized by higher prevalence of microvascular obstruction. In a univariate regression analysis, there were following significant predictors of transmural myocardial damage: CPK-MB after 4 days (p=0,023) and ST segment elevation (p=0,029). Multivariate regression analysis showed that the only independent predictor of transmural myocardial damage was an increase in CPKMB after 4 days (p=0,023).Conclusion. An independent predictor of LV transmural damage in AMI was an elevated level of CPK-MB after 4 days. However, this laboratory marker had unsatisfactory information completeness and predictive quality. In this regard, cardiac MRI in patients with AMI, compared with the standard clinical assessment, can be considered preferable for assessing the depth of myocardial damage, risk stratification, and prognosis

    Association of impaired myocardial flow reserve with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease

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    Aim. To reveal the association between disorders of myocardial blood flow and reserve, according to dynamic single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease (CAD).Material and methods. The study included patients with suspected stable nonobstructive (<50%) CAD. Based on the survey data, anamnesis, out- and in-patient medical records, we analyzed main CVD risk factors. All patients underwent dynamic myocardial SPECT and analysis of blood lipid profile in vitro. Depending on myocardial flow reserve (MFR), two groups were formed: 1. With reduced MFR <2,0 (rMFR); 2. With normal MFR ≥2,0 (nMFR).Results. The study included 47 patients divided into 2 following groups: the rMFR group consisted of 24 patients (15 men, age 56,3±9,1 years), the nMFR group — 23 patients (13 men, age 58,4±10,7 years). There was no significant difference in prevalence of CVD risk factors in groups. However, dyslipidemia was detected more often in rMFR patients (p=0,053): 58% vs 30%, respectively. In patients with rMFR, there were significantly higher levels of total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Correlation analysis revealed significant negative inverse relationships between MFR values with TC (ρ=-0,36, p=0,01) and LDL-C (ρ=-0,38, p=0,009). According to univariate logistic regression, significant predictors of reduced MFR were TC (odds ratio (OR), 2,32; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,17-4,59; p=0,01) and LDL-C (OR, 2,16; 95% CI, 1,04-4,51; p=0,04). According to a stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis, only TC was an independent predictor of a decrease in MFR (OR, 2,32; 95% CI, 1,17-4,59; p=0,02).Conclusion. MFR, determined by dynamic SPECT, is associated with TC and LDL-C levels. TC level is an independent predictor of a decrease in MFR

    Coronary flow reserve in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Aim. To study the parameters of myocardial blood flow (MBF) and coronary flow reserve (CFR) in patients with heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction and evaluate their relationship with the severity of HF.Material and methods. The study included 47 patients (men, 68,7%) aged 65,0 (58,0; 72,0) years with left ventricular ejection fraction of 62 (56; 67)% and coronary artery stenosis <50%. Serum levels of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) were assessed by enzyme immunoassay. MBF and CFR values were assessed using cardiac single photon emission computed tomography.Results. Depending on NT-proBNP levels, the patients were divided into 2 groups (p<0,001): the 1st group included (n=15) patients with NT-proBNP <125 pg/ml (58,2 [41,6; 70,7] pg/ml), while in the 2nd group (n=32) — with NT-proBNP ≥125 pg/ml (511,4 [249,8; 1578,1] pg/ml). The group of patients with high NTproBNP levels was characterized by higher values (by 33,8%, p=0,0001) of resting MBF and reduced CFR (by 14,7%, p=0,001) compared with patients with normal NT-proBNP level: resting MBF — 0,65 (0,44; 0,79) vs 0,43 (0,30; 0,58) ml/min/g; CFR — 2,21 (1,52; 2,83) vs 2,59 (2,47; 3,05), respectively. At the same time, MBF at stress did not differ between the groups. The relationship of NTproBNP levels with global CFR (p=0,012; r=-0,339) and MBF at rest (p=0,012; r=0,322) was established. A stepwise decrease in global CFR was revealed depending on the NYHA class as follows (p<0,001): 2,79 (2,52; 2,93); 1,8 (1,55; 2,08); 1,31 (1,23; 1,49) — for class I, II, and III, respectively.Conclusion. A decrease in CFR in patients with HF with preserved ejection fraction indicates impaired myocardial blood supply, which, in this group of patients, is associated with microcirculatory changes. At the same time, the severity of MBF alterations is closely related to HF severity

    Использование метода лазерной спектроскопии в оценке эффективности терапии пациентов с тяжелой бронхиальной астмой

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    Because of the shortcomings of existing methods of assessment of inflammation activity in the airways, the method of laser optic-acoustic spectroscopy of patients expired air considered using for this purpose. This method can be used to indirectly evaluate the activity of inflammation in the airways and as an additional criterion for the effectiveness of basic treatment in patients with asthma.В связи с несовершенством существующих методов оценки активности воспаления в дыхательных путях рассмотрены возможности использования для этой цели анализа выдыхаемого пациентом воздуха методом лазерной оптикоакустической спектроскопии. Показано, что данный метод позволяет также оценить эффективность базисной терапии у пациентов с бронхиальной астмой

    Динамика газовыделений больных тяжелой бронхиальной астмой на фоне базисной противовоспалительной терапии

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    Because of the shortcomings of existing methods of assessment of asthma severity, the method of laser opto-acoustic spectroscopy was considered using for this purpose. Findings results show the availability of this method for diagnostics of clinical course severe asthma.В связи с недостатками существующих методов оценки состояния тяжести бронхиальной астмы рассмотрены возможности использования для этой цели метода лазерной оптико-акустической спектроскопии. Полученные результаты показывают перспективность данного метода для диагностики течения тяжелой бронхиальной астмы


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    Purpose: to evaluate the dependence of absolute and relative thickness of damaged myocardium in the acute myocardial infarction (AMI) area from the time interval between oncet of pain and start of intravenous thrombolysis (so-called “pain–needle time”), in AMI patients treated with prehospital intravenous thrombolysis  and also later on with subsequent percutaneous coronary angiplasty (PCA) and stenting, using contrast-enhanced MRI of the heart Materials and methods. The study comprised data of CE-MRI studies in 25 patients with theyr first acute myocardial infarction, in whom the pre-hospital thrombolytic therapy (TLT) was carried out in the course of 35–300 min after onset of chest pain, with coronarography and percutaneous coronary angioplasty and stenting after admission to the institute of cardiology. In six patients the TLT was not success ful and in these the restoration of coronary blood flow was obtained only at PCA. In all patients in terms 18–34 hours after TLT the CE-MRI of the heart was carried out using gadobutrol or gadoversetamid, as 0.1 mM per kg of BW, in T1-weighted mode with fat suppression and as inversion-recovery with inversion time adjusted to get the normal myocardium “nulled”. We calculated the segmental extension of damage, the thickness of infarcted irreversibly damaged myocardium and of non-damaged myocardium in the same locations, the index of transmurality, as ratio of thickness of damaged myocardium to the overall wall thickness. We analyzed the dependence of these indices of damage from the time interval between pain oncet and beginning of intravenous thrombolytic therapy (or PCA – when TLT was unsuccessful).Results. The dependence of thickness of non-damaged myocardium from the “pain-needle” time  was as exponential as Y = 2.08 + 17.11 · exp(−t/42.4), r = 0.843, p < 0.002. Index of transmurality did depend on the time interval “pain – needle” as Boltzmann function, pretty closely to reverse exponential one:                                                 No-reflow zone with absent blood flow in the infarcted area was present only in cases with the “pain–needle” time interval over 70 min. Later on the full or partial restoration of contractility in infarcted segments was observed only if the IT was below 0.55–0.6.Conclusion. CE-MRI delivers adequate quantitative estimates of anatomic transmural extent of myocardial infarction from early acute period of the AMI. The depth of myocardial damage is a function of “pain–needle” time and approaches the half of wall thickness for as short as 55–65 min, determining by this the future prognosis of the mechanical restitution of contractility in the infarcted region. It is suggested the CE-MRI of the heart must be carried out in every patient in whom due to AMI the thrombolytic therapy and/or percutaneous coronary angioplasty has been done, for unbiased  myocardium-focused control of efficiency of restoration of coronary arterial patency. Цель исследования: оценить зависимость абсолютной и относительной толщины инфарктного повреждения миокарда от времени “боль–игла” у пациентов, получавших при остром инфаркте раннюю догоспитальную тромболитическую терапию (ТЛТ) с последующей чрескожной баллонной ангиопластикой (ЧКВ) инфарктсвязанной коронарной артерии, с постановкой стента по данным МРТ с парамагнитным контрастным усилением (ПМКУ).Материал и методы. В исследование вошли результаты МРТ с ПМКУ 25 пациентов с внезапно развившимся первичным инфарктом миокарда, которым выполнялся догоспитальный тромболизис в течение 35–300 мин после начала тяжелых “инфарктных” болей с последующей коронарографией и стентированием непосредственно после доставки и госпитализации в отделение неотложной кардиологии. У 6 пациентов тромболизис был неэффективен и им реканализация коронарных артерий было осуществлена только при ЧКВ. Всем пациентам в срок 18–34 ч после ТЛТ была выполнена МРТ с ПМКУ (гадобутрол или гадоверсетамид как 0,1 мМ на 1 кг массы тела) в Т1-взвешенном режиме с подавлением сигнала от жира или как инверсия-восстановление с подбором времени инверсии до обнуления сигнала здорового миокарда. Рассчитывались посегментная распространенность повреждения, толщина инфарцированного необратимо поврежденного миокарда, толщина неповрежденого миокарда в области инфаркта, показатель трансмуральности повреждения – как отношение глубины повреждения к толщине стенки в целом. Анализировалась зависимость тяжести повреждения от времени “боль–игла” – между началом болей и введением тромболитика или (при безуспешности ТЛТ) – ЧКВ.Результаты. Зависимость между толщиной оставшегося неповрежденного миокарда и временем носила убывающий экспоненциальный характер вида Y = 2,08 + 17,11 · exp(−t/42,4), r = 0,843, p < 0,002. Индекс трансмуральности, характеризовавший относительную глубину повреждения миокарда в зоне инфаркта, зависел от времени “боль–игла”, близким к обратной экспоненте образом, как:Зона с отсутствующим кровот оком и микро- или макрогеморрагиями в толще инфарцированного миокарда формировалась только при величине времени “боль– игла” более 70 мин. Впоследствии полное или частичное восстановление сократимости в инфарцированных сегментах происходило только в случае трансмуральности повреждения менее 0,55–0,6. Заключение. МРТ с ПМКУ позволяет точно оценить анатомическую распространенность повреждения миокарда в остром периоде инфаркта. Глубина повреждения миокарда в зоне инфарктсвязанной артерии, характеризуемая индексом трансмуральности, определяется временем “боль–игла” и достигает половины толщины стенки левого желудочка за 45–55 мин, что определяет эффективность последующего восстановления функции области инфаркта. Предположено, что МРТ сердца с ПМКУ должна выполняться всем пациентам с острым инфарктом миокарда, которым осуществляются реканализирующие коронарное русло вмешательства, для контроля миокардиальной эффективности восстановления кровотока

    Количественная оценка проницаемости гематомиокардиального барьера для полиацетатных комплексов Gd при ишемической и воспалительной патологии миокарда

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    Purpose. We developed and applied for quantification of microvascular permeability in damaged myocardium a model - based approach employing the dynamic acquisition of magnetic resonance imaging of paramagnetic diffusion to damaged myocardium and kinetic Gjedde-Rutlend-Patlak (GRP) analysis of blood clearance of the contrast concomitantly with it’s rise in the damaged tissue, in ischemic or inflamed tissue.Material and methods. The model is based on the passive gradient-driven diffusion, unidirectional for first minutes after injection of the contrast, used as Gjedd-Rutland-Patlak technique. If the Cmyoc - depicts the concentration of the paramagnetic in the blood, and the Cblood -means the blood level of the contrast agent, whereas the kblood–myocardium – is the index of diffusion of the contrast from blood to myocardium, then assuming the diffusion unidirectional for first minutes post injection we can plot the ratio {(∫Cblood(t)dt) / Cblood} – as abscissa X, and {Cmyoc /Cblood} – as ordinata Y, kblood-myocardium can be obtained then from such linear plot as it’s slope. We substituted the concentrations themselves with the values of intensities of the echo-planar ECG-synchronized scans of the heart and validated this approach with comparison of MRI intensity data over LV cavity to Gd content in blood samples.MRI of the heart with contrast enhancement was carried out using dynamic scannig, after bolus injection of 2 ml of 0.5 M of paramagnetic contrast (Gadoversetamide -TMOptimark) per 10 Kg of BW. TR = 3.4 ms, TE = 1.7 ms, inversion time 176.0 ms, deviation angle = 40 deg, scanning field 38 х 38 cm, slice thickness = 8-10 мм, acqu-sition matrix 256 х 256, or 192 х 192, echo train length = 1. The groups of patients comprised twenty one persons with acute myocardial infarction treated clically successfully with intravenous thrombolysis and coronary stenting and also nine persons with firstly revealed inflammatory myocarditis. Uptake kinetics to the myocardium was imaged using protocols with fat supression for up to 12 minutes after bolus injection and then processed using RadiAnt software (Medixant, Poznan, Polska), and also original software for dynamic data analysis written using MATLAB 6.1 (SCILAB also), with output of plots of MRI signal intensities over time for various myocardial regions and also of GRP plots and calculation of  kblood-myocardium values.Results. The physiological sence of the kblood–myocardiumdiffusion koefficient means this value depicts the clearance of paramagnetic to myocardium, i.e. the amount of blood cleared from the paramagnetic due to paramagnetic’ diffusion to damaged myocardium, per minute, per unit of myocardial volume. The value of the kblood–myocardiumdiffusion koefficient was, respectively, as high as 3.09 ± 1.32 (2.36-11.9) ml/min/100 g of tissue, in myocardial infarction although treated successfully with thrombolysis and stenting (n = 21) and 1.78 ± 0.67 (0.50-2.42) ml/min/100 g of tissue -in inflammatory myocarditis damage of myocardium (n = 9); In normal controls kblood–myocardium was close to zero values and namely as low as 0.09 ± 0.06 (<0.2) (ml/min/100 g of tissue). Use of this dynamic protocol provided highly significant separation of ishemic and iflammatory conditions.Conclusion. Dynamic MRI echo-planar ECG-synchro-nised contrast-enhanced echo-planar study of the heart can be successfully carried out using both high- and middle-field MRI scanner. The model-based indexes of diffusion of paramagnetic to the infarction or inflammation are significantly different and deliver additional object-based characteristics of the vascular permeability of the damaged haematomyocardial barrier.Цель исследования: разработать и апробировать в клинике методику количественного расчета сосудистой проницаемости гистогематического барьера миокарда для контраста-парамагнетика на основе математической модели Гьедде-Рутланда-Патлака (ГРП) с оценкой роста содержания контраста в миокарде и его клиренса из крови по данным динамической МРТ.Материал и методы. В основе модели накопления парамагнетика в поврежденном миокарде - принцип Гьедде-Рутланд-Патлака (1977). Если Смиок - содержание контраста в миокарде, Скровь - содержание в крови, а ккрть_мтрд - показатель скорости диффузии “кровь-миокард”, считая транспорт парамагнетика однонаправленным в течение первых минут после инъекции, то откладывая {(∫Cкровь(t)dt) / Cкровь} по оси X, а {Cмиок /Cкровь} -по оси Y, kкровь–миокард получается тогда как линейный наклон такого графика.Были обследованы пациенты с острым инфарктом миокарда с успешным тромболизисом (n = 21) и впервые выявленной воспалительной патологией (n = 9). МРТ с парамагнитным контрастным усилением проводилась с помощью динамического протокола FFE1.7.ssfp330k МР-томографа Toshiba Titan Vantage. Динамика поглощения парамагнетика миокардом в ишемических региогнах фиксировалась при введении 2 мл 0,5 M раствора гадоверсетамида на 10 кг массы тела с помощью быстрого протокола в матрицу 256 х 256 элементов изображения, с показателями: время повторения TR = 3,4 мс, время эхо TE = 1,7 мс, время инверсии 176,0 мс, угол отклонения 40°, область сканирования 38 х 38 см, толщина среза 8-10 мм, матрица записи 192 х 192 или 256 х 256, при однократном усреднении, показателе длины эхо (echo train length) равном 1, собственно длительность записи группы из 4 срезов в средней трети левого желудочка 210-300 мс. Запись данных велась на протяжении до 12 мин с частотой 1 кадр в 30 с и затем обрабатывалась с помощью программы RadiAnt (Medixant, Познань, Польша), а также оригинальной программы динамического анализа на MATLAB и SCILAB с построением зависимостей содержания контраста в крови и миокарде от времени, графика ГРП и расчетом показателя kкровь-миокардРезультаты. Физиологический смысл показателя ккровь-миокард в том, что эта величина представляет собой клиренс крови по Gd-ДТПА в миокард, т.е. количество крови, очищаемое от парамагнетика за минуту единицей объема ткани миокарда. Показатель ккровь -миокард составил в зависимости от характера патологии: у пациентов с острым инфарктом миокарда с успешным тромболизистом и ЧКВ (n = 21) 3,09 ± 1,32 (2,3611,9) мл/мин/100 г ткани, тогда как у пациентов с воспалительными поражениями - хроническим миокардитом в стадии обострения или впервые выявленным острым миокардитом (n = 9) 1,78 ± 0,67 (0,50-2,42) мл/мин/100 г ткани. В норме ккровь-миокард слабо отличался от нулевых величин и составлял 0,09 ± 0,06 (<0,2) (мл/мин/100 г ткани). Использование динамического протокола позволило высокодостоверно дифференцировать ишемическое и воспалительное поражение.Заключение. Динамическое МРТ-исследование сердца с парамагнитным контрастным усилением может быть успешно выполнено с помощью как высокопольного, так и среднепольного МР-томографа. Получаемые при математическом моделировании показатели диффузии парамагнетика в ткань ишемического повреждения и воспалительного некоронарогенного очага значительно различаются в зависимости от характера процесса и позволяют получить дополнительную объективную характеристику сосудистой проницаемости пораженного гематомиокардиального барьера

    Current status of nuclear cardiology in the Russian Federation

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the current status of nuclear cardiology in the Russian Federation. The data on the number of facilities performing radionuclide investigations for the diagnosis and monitoring of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, their staffing and equipment are given. The statistics of the conducted nuclear cardiology tests for 2018-2020 are given, as well as their methods, features and diagnostic significance are described