148 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to the study of the evolution of the foreign and domestic policies of France in the post-war period. The position of heads of leading states during the Yalta Conference and its implications for France are studied. The general situation in France in the post-war period and the struggle of various political forces are investigated. The participation of France in the founding of the UN, the status of a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the veto is disclosed. The concept of the military policy of General C. de Gaulle is highlighted, which was a consistent doctrine and was already formed in 1949-1955. The article analyzes the Dunkirk French-British agreement on alliance and mutual assistance of March 4, 1947. The factor of the American presence in France and the policy of US assistance to France are considered. The approaches of French politicians to the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty are analyzed. The collapse of the French colonial empire and the concentration of its foreign policy strategy on the development of purely European structures are investigated. It is proved that the potential of France, despite its difficult post-war socio-economic situation, prompted the Allies to take into account its position in world space. However, on the other hand, France’s dependence on assistance, in particular, the Marshall Plan, made it impossible to exclude France from participating in the geopolitical confrontation, which gave rise to the Cold War and made clear its choice. It is summarized that the phenomenon of the rapid restoration of France’s potential after the World War ІІ, the successful spread of “gaullism” are very indicative examples of the significant success of French diplomacy and the role of the individual in history, which is capable of achieving unexpected results. Although in the twentieth century. the prestige of the French language as a language of diplomacy was gradually declining, the maneuvering of France in the setting up of a bipolar world provided this country with a particularly unique place in world politics.Стаття присвячена дослідженню еволюції зовнішньої та внутрішньої політики Франції у повоєнний період. Вивчаються позиції лідерів провідних держав під час Ялтинської конференції та її наслідки для Франції. Досліджується загальна ситуація у Франції у післявоєнний час та боротьба різних політичних сил. Розкрито участь Франції у заснуванні ООН, отриманні статусу постійного члена Ради безпеки ООН та права вето. Виокремлюється концепція військової політики генерала Ш. де Голля, яка була послідовною доктриною та вже сформувалася в 1949-1955 рр. Аналізується Дюнкерська французько-британська угода про союз і взаємодопомогу від 4 березня 1947 р. Розглянуто чинник американської присутності у Франції та політика допомоги США Франції. Проаналізовано підходи французьких політиків щодо підписання Північноатлантичної угоди. Досліджено розпад французької колоніальної імперії та концентрація її зовнішньополітичної стратегії на розбудові суто європейських структур. Доведено, що потенціал Франції, незважаючи на її складне післявоєнне соціально-економічне становище, спонукав союзників до врахування її позиції на світовому просторі. Втім, з іншого боку, залежність Франції від допомоги, зокрема, плану Маршалла, робила неможливим відсторонення Франції від участі у геополітичному протистоянні, яке дало початок «холодній війні» та схиляло її визначитись з вибором. Підсумовано, що феномен швидкого відновлення потенціалу Франції після Другої світової війни, успішне поширення «голлізму» є вельми показовими прикладами суттєвого успіху французької дипломатії та ролі особистості в історії, яка здатна досягати неочікуваних результатів. Хоча у ХХ ст. поступово відбувався занепад престижу французької мови як мови дипломатії, маневрування Франції за умов становлення біполярного світу надали цій країні особливо унікальне місце у світовій політиці

    Досвід та особливості узгодження суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією

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    The article is devoted to the study of the experience and peculiarities of reconciliation of contradictions between Germany and France. The positions of the Presidents of France and Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the theoretical foundations and practical steps of the implementation of French-German reconciliation are studied. This paper deals with the problem of Alsace-Lorraine, a region with a border identity, which repeatedly became the cause of Franco-German disputes and passed from one state to another. The role of the individual in overcoming the contradictions between Germany and France is highlighted. The factor of European integration is considered, which not only contributed to the reconciliation of contradictions between Germany and France, but also turned the two states into leaders of a united Europe. The Elysee Treaty and its implementation were analyzed. The military cooperation between France and Germany is investigated. The problem of historical memory and the desire to reconcile the contradictions between Germany and France are revealed. It is proved that the experience and peculiarities of reconciliation of contradictions between Germany and France testify to the fact that the real reconciliation of the two leading states directed their efforts towards a more global goal – the creation of a common Europe. It was concluded that the mechanisms for achieving Franco-German reconciliation are interesting for studying and borrowing, taking into account national characteristics in the reconciliation of other European countries, and regions with borderline identities. The French-German experience may be useful for application in Polish-Ukrainian relations. The main conclusion from the analysis of the experience and the peculiarities of reconciling the contradictions between Germany and France is that their implementation led to unexpected and far-reaching consequences that once seemed just a dream. At the beginning of European integration in the 50s of the twentieth century, it was difficult to imagine the contemporary EU with its common currency, the Schengen area, developed economy, social programs. Franco-German reconciliation was transformed into the fruitful work of the Franco-German tandem, on the success of which depends not only the future of France and Germany, but the evolution of the entire united Europe.Стаття присвячена дослідженню досвіду та особливостям узгодження суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією. Досліджуються позиції президентів Франції та канцлерів ФРН з теоретичних засад та практичних кроків втілення французько-німецького примирення. У статті досліджується проблема Ельзасу-Лотарингії, регіону з порубіжною ідентичністю, який неодноразово ставав причиною французько-німецьких суперечок та переходив зі складу однієї держави до іншої. Виокремлюється роль особистості у подоланні суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією. Розглянуто чинник європейської інтеграції, який не тільки сприяв узгодженню суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією, але перетворив дві держави на лідерів об’єднаної Європи. Проаналізовано Єлисейський договір та його реалізацію. Досліджено військове співробітництво Франції та Німеччини. Розкрито проблему історичної пам’яті та прагнення узгодження суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією. Доведено, що досвід та особливості узгодження суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією свідчать про те, що справжнє примирення двох провідних держав скерувало їхні зусилля на більш глобальну мету – утворення спільної Європи. Підсумовано, що механізми досягнення французько-німецького порозуміння є цікавими для вивчення та запозичення з урахуванням національних особливостей у примиренні інших європейських країн та регіонів з порубіжною ідентичністю. Французько-німецький досвід цілком може бути корисним для застосування у польсько-українських відносинах. Головний висновок із аналізу досвіду та особливостей узгодження суперечностей між Німеччиною та Францією полягає у тому, що їхня реалізація призвела до неочікуваних та далекосяжних наслідків, які колись здавалися лише мрією. На початку європейської інтеграції у 50-х рр. ХХ ст. важко було уявити сучасний ЄС з його спільною валютою, Шенгенською зоною, розвиненою економікою, соціальними програмами. Французько-німецьке примирення трансформувалося у плідну роботу французко-німецького тандему, від успіху якого залежить не тільки майбутнє Франції та Німеччини, але еволюція всієї об’єднаної Європи

    New genetic resources in wheat breeding for an increased grain protein content

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    The present review offers an overview of genetic research on grain protein content (GPC) in various Triticum L. and Aegilops L. species. Regularities in geographic variability of GPC and the results of a longterm screening of accessions from the VIR collection for this trait are considered. On the basis of these assessments, a core-collection of genetic sources with high GPC has been formed. It includes the diploid Aegilops species as donors of B, G and D genomes for allopolyploid wheats, as well as accessions of di-, tetra- and hexaploid wheat species. The use of highprotein sources in wheat breeding in the United States and Canada in the 1970’s–1980’s resulted in the bread wheat GPC increase by 0.5–3.0 %; however, further purposeful attempts at increasing GPC by traditional breeding methods failed. A breakthrough in increasing the total GPC has been achieved as a result of molecular genetics methods and molecular markers development. For the first time, a functional locus, or the Gpc-B1 gene (chromosome 6BS) affecting the accumulation of protein, Zn and Fe in grain, was identified in T. dicoccoides, cloned and studied in detail. The application of molecular markers has revealed the active allele of this gene in some landraces and old cul-tivars of T. dicoccum, T. durum, T. spelta and T. aestivum. Moreover, Gpc-A1, Gpc-D1, and Gpc-2 wheat genes have been found in chromosomes 6A, 6D and homeologous group 2, respectively. All these genes have been identified as NAC transcription factors, which play an important role in the accelerated senescence of plants and remobilization of nutrients from leaves to grain. The genes related to Gpc-B1 from T. dicoccoides were found in the G genome of T. timopheevii and B (=S) genome of different species of Aegilops sect. sitopsis. Functional Gpc-B1 alleles have been introduced into commercial tetra- and hexaploid wheat cultivars, and it resulted in the creation of new highprotein and high-yield cultivars and series of nearly isogenic lines in different countries. They are promising sources for research and wheat breeding purposes

    Molecular markers in the genetic analysis of crossability of bread wheat with rye

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    Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the varieties of which are widely used for the grain production, is difficultly crossable with related species of Triticeae Dum. This factor limits the chance of introduction of alien genetic material into the wheat gene pool and the possibility of new varieties breeding with good adaptation to adverse environmental factors. The crossability between wheat and related species is controlled by Kr1-Kr4 genes (Crossability with Rye, Hordeum and Aegilops spp.) and the SKr gene (Suppressor of crossability). SKr and Kr1 have the largest influence on the trait. In the case of the recessive alleles, these genes do not function and the quantity of hybrid seeds after pollination with alien species can achieve more than 50 %. SKr is located on 5BS between the GBR0233 and Xgwm234 markers, closely linked with the markers Xcfb341, TGlc2 and gene12. Kr1 was mapped on 5BL, proximally to the Ph1 gene, between the EST-SSR markers Xw5145 and Xw9340. The markers of SKr were used to control the transfer of its recessive allele into other wheat genotypes, which made it possible to obtain highly crossable forms. However, the advantages of using the SKr and Kr1 markers in marker-assisted selection and in the screening of ex situ collections are not sufficiently studied. The published Kr1 sequence for varieties with different crossability offers great prospects, because it will be possible to create allele-specific markers. In this review, the following issues are considered: genetic resources created by wheat and rye hybridization, the geographical distribution of easy-to-cross forms of wheat, genetic control of the wheat and rye compatibility, advances of the use of molecular markers in the mapping of Kr-genes and their transmission control

    A system of molecular markers to identify alleles of the Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 genes controlling reduced height in bread wheat

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    Mutant alleles of the Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 (Reduced height) genes are widely used in bread wheat breeding for the development of intensive-type cultivars. These genes and their f lanking regions have been sequenced and the point mutations leading to the nonsense codons (Rht-B1b, Rht-B1e, Rht-B1p and Rht-D1b alleles) and various insertions (Rht-B1c, Rht-B1h and Rht-B1i-1) associated with a change in plant height have been described. DNA-markers based on the allele-specif ic PCR have been developed to identify single-nucleotide changes. However, the use of such technique imposes stringent PCR conditions, and the resulting data are not always unambiguous. An alternative can be found in the CAPS technology: it detects differences in sequences by digesting PCR products. In the absence of restrictases capable of digesting DNA at the point mutation site, restriction sites can be introduced into the primer sequence (derived CAPS). The aim of this study was to propose a system of CAPS-, dCAPS- and STS-markers for identifying alleles of the reduced height genes frequently used in breeding programs. Three CAPS have been developed to identify the Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht-B1p alleles, as well as two dCAPS for Rht-B1b, Rht-B1e. STS-markers for the insertioncontaining alleles Rht-B1c, Rht-B1h and Rht-B1i-1 have been selected from publications. The proposed markers were tested during the genotyping of 11 bread wheat accessions from the VIR collection with the abovementioned mutant alleles and the wild-type Rht-B1a and Rht-D1a. The presence of nonsense mutations was also conf irmed by the results of allele-specif ic PCR. This marker system, along with the existing ones, can be used to identify dwarf ing alleles of the Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 genes in bread wheat for genetic screening of accessions from ex situ collections and/or for marker-assisted selection


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    Background. Winter wheat resistance to adverse winter­ing conditions is one of the most important adaptive charac­teristics. To obtain high yields, modern wheat cultivars should have various protective reactions. For their success­ful combination in one genotype, the availability of appro­priate initial material is of great importance. In Russia, the accessions from the VIR collection are traditionally used as initial material for wheat breeding. The aims of the present study were (1) to evaluate winter hardiness in accessions from the VIR collection in a field test, and (2) to use the ob­tained data and those on the geographical origin of acces­sions for making up the target sub-collection and perform­ing its eco-geographical studies.Materials and methods. The initial sample for field screening contained 431 acces­sions of common winter wheat from different regions of Russia and the former USSR, and 484 accessions from 18 foreign countries. Winter hardiness of these accessions was tested in the environmental conditions of the North­western region (Pushkin, 59°41′N 30°20′E, 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2013/2014) and of the Central Black Soil re­gion (Yekaterinino, 52°59′N 40°50′E, Tambov Province, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009). The degree of winter hardi­ness was determined in accordance with the technique de­veloped at VIR.Results and conclusions. In 2006/2007, in Pushkin, a high and a very high degree of winter hardiness was displayed by 114 accessions with the origin from Rus­sia and the former USSR as well as by 12 accessions from foreign countries. Based on the obtained data and taking into account the diversity of the geographical origin of ac­cessions, the target sub-collection was formed, whose ac­cessions were subjected to eco-geographical two-year field studies (Pushkin, 59°41′N 30°20′E, 2007/2008, 2013/2014, and Yekaterinino, 52°59′N 40°50′N, Tambov Province, 2007/2008, 2008/2009). The Friedman’s variance analysis has shown that variation on winter hardiness in 158 acces­sions from the target sub-collection was determined by the environmental conditions of wheat cultivation (χ2э = 256.7; df = 4; χ2W=0.05 = 9.5) and by genetic differences between ac­cessions (χ2э = 239.3; df = 157; χ2W=0.05 = 187.2) at that effect of the prior was stronger than that of the latter. By using the cluster analysis (k-means algorithm), the target sub-collec­tion structure has been revealed. Twelve accessions that overwintered well at both geographical locations during all the years of testing were identified

    Resistance of synthetic hexaploid wheat to the leaf rust pathogen

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    Background. One of the promising sources for enrichment of the common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) gene pool with new alleles is synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW), or allopolyploids from crossing tetraploid wheats (2n = 4x = 28, BBAA) with accessions of Aegilops tauschii Coss. (2n = 2x = 14, DD), and subsequent doubling of the chromosome number in the hybrids. Objectives of the study were to evaluate the SHW accessions from the VIR collection for resistance to Puccinia triticina Erikss. populations collected in Russia; genotype the accessions; and summarize information from the published sources concerning the resistance of the studied accessions to other harmful diseases and pests.Materials and methods. Resistance of 36 SHW accessions from the VIR collection to the populations of P. triticina was assessed in the laboratory and in the field, under artificial infection pressure, using the techniques developed by the Institute of Plant Protection. A phytopathological test and PCR markers were used to identify the Lr genes.Results and conclusion. The SHW accessions were characterized according to their resistance to the Russian populations of the wheat leaf rust pathogen. The sources of resistance in the phase of emergence and in adult plants were identified. The phytopathological test isolated three accessions with Lr23; the PCR marker of Lr21=Lr40 was found in 11 accessions, Lr39=Lr41 in 19, and Lr22a in 3. At the same time, k-65496, k-65515 and k-65517 had si multaneously Lr21=Lr40 and Lr39=Lr41, while k-65497, k-65503 and k-65508 had Lr22a and Lr39=Lr41. The analysis of published data showed that many of the studied SHW accessions were also resistant to other harmful diseases and insect pests, so they are of interest for further studying and possible use in domestic breeding

    Resistance of old winter bread wheat landraces to tan spot

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    Background. The most effective and environmentally safe way to combat wheat diseases is to produce cultivars resistant to their pathogens. For this purpose, old landraces are often used as genetically diverse sources of traits important for breeding. In the process of wheat breeding for resistance to tan spot caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechs. (abbr. Ptr), selection is carried out against the dominant allele of Tsn1, the gene of sensitivity to the toxin Ptr ToxA, which induces necrosis and represents the main pathogenicity factor of Ptr controlled by the ToxA gene. The aim of the study was to characterize a set of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions from the VIR collection for resistance to various Ptr populations, genotype these accessions using Xfcp623 – a DNA marker of the Tsn1 gene, and identify sources of tan spot resistance.Materials and methods. Sixty-seven accessions of winter bread wheat landraces were studied. Seedling resistance to two Ptr populations was assessed using a 5-point scale adopted at VIZR. The allelic state of Tsn1 was identified by PCR.Results. Dominant alleles of Tsn1 were found for 55% of the studied accessions. Seventeen accessions were resistant or moderately resistant to two Ptr populations and an isolate from Krasnodar Territory previously used for their characterization. Nine of them had the tsn1tsn1 genotype, and 8 had Tsn1Tsn1. The accessions mainly belonged to three agroecological groups proposed by N. I. Vavilov: “steppe winter bread wheat (Banatka wheats)”, “North European forest awnless bread wheats (Sandomirka wheats)”, and “Caucasian mountain winter bread wheat”.Conclusion. The identified 17 accessions resistant to Ptr are potential breeding sources of resistance. In the studied set of accessions, no significant relationship was found between the allelic state of the Tsn1 gene in the accession and its response to the infection with pathogen populations, including isolates with the ToxA gene