3 research outputs found

    Innovation in teaching the culture of verbal communication in competency-based professional education

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    The aim of the investigation is to study the possibilities of the innovation system of teaching students verbal communication culture in a competency-based educational paradigm. Methods. The methods involve theoretical (the analysis of Russian and foreign research, modeling, projecting); empirical (observation, interview, questioning, diagnosing); pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. There has been developed an integrated model of innovation subject-oriented system which serves as the foundation for the project of students’ linguistic education modernization by means of verbal communication culture. Scientific novelty. A scientific and socially important problem of modeling and theoretical justification of the integral verbal communication culture teaching system which concretizes theoretical and practical regulations of verbal communication culture teaching in the context of personal and professional students’ development in the educational process has been solved; a new scientific result in the elaboration of a systemic-subject-oriented approach which serves as a basis for the innovation system and ensures systematic verbal communication culture teaching using reference points as a mechanism for «reflexive management» of person-to-person interaction has been achieved. Practical significance. The use of empirical data in educational practice contributes to ensuring a high level of verbal communication culture due to the content and didactic support of subject-oriented verbal communication culture teaching system encouraging communicative competence perfection of graduates Цель статьи – обосновать необходимость обучения студентов вуза культуре речевого общения в компетентностно-ориентированной парадигме образования. Методы. Теоретические: анализ работ отечественных изарубежных ученых; моделирование; конструирование. Эмпирические: наблюдение, беседа, анкетирование, диагностирование; педагогический эксперимент; методы математической статистики. Результаты. Сконструирована комплексная модель инновационной субъектно-ориентационной системы лингвистического образования, которая может стать частью проекта модернизации подготовки специалистов в высшей школе. Научная новизна. Показано одно из возможных решений научной и социально значимой проблемы целостной системы обучения культуре речевого общения. В контексте личностного и профессионального становления специалистов конкретизированы теоретические и практические положения, касающиеся данной компоненты образования. На основе системно-субъектно-ориентационного подхода выявлен и описан механизм определения субъектной позиции в общении. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут послужить базой содержательно-дидактического обеспечения субъектно-ориентационной системы обучения культуре речевого общения, способствующй совершенствованию коммуникативной компетентности выпускника вуза

    Traditions and innovations in teaching culture of verbal communication in professional education

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    The article touches upon the problem of communicative training within the educational process of higher educational institutions. The author suggests the innovation system of teaching verbal communication culture, ensuring communicative training of students in the context of their personal and professional development. The value system of reference points (goal, knowledge, principles, experience, stimuli) is an essential condition for mastering the quality of verbal communication and relations which is proved by the results of experimental teachingСтатья рассматривает проблему коммуникативной подготовки студентов в образовательном процессе высшей школы. Автором предлагается инновационная система обучения культуре речевого общения, обеспечивающая коммуникативную подготовку студентов в контексте их личностного и профессионального развития. Опора на ценностную систему ориентиров (цель, знания, принципы, опыт, стимулы) выступает необходимым условием совершенствования качества речевого общения и отношений, что подтверждено результатами опытно-экспериментальной работ

    Educational Migration Bridge: From Metaphor to Project

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the topical problem of educational migration and ways to solve it. The article identifies factors preventing from successful adaptation and socialization of foreign students in recipient country as legal, pedagogical, psychological, lingvo-communicative are identified. Minimization of negative factors actualized the integrated strategy of educational migration «bridge construction» development aimed at solving tasks of migrants’ integration in Russian labour market, providing them with all-round support in getting education, improving professional qualification, adaptation and socialization. The term «bridge» is metaphorically used as an artificial, virtual «construction» functioning as a means for educational migration support of citizens.The experience of the Orenburg State University in development and realization of the longterm integrated strategy of educational migration «bridge construction» presented within the Strategic Academic Leadership Program «Priority 2030» is studied. Regarding the potential of the University and Orenburg region the ways of educational migration «bridge construction» are determined: introduction of educational migration interactions into mission and policy of the university; development of open university migration interactions network structures; implementation of educational migration interaction based on norms, values and ideals of person’s lingvo-communicative culture. The practical steps for the strategy realization within the project «Educational migration bridge» are described: formation of the united scientific, educational and cultural environment based on mutual activity in international scientific and educational community; arrangement of universities regional consortium for informing applicants from Asian countries, for training and living in universities campuses; establishment of the Faculty of foreign students’ education and digital educational platform ensuring logistics and student educational improvement management; development and realization of module network programs for foreign students; realization of additional educational programs in OSU Linguistic center. The authors analyze the main indicators of the project effectiveness: quantitative and qualitative results of the Faculty of foreign students’ education activity in training Russian and culture; establishment of the Orenburg branch of Foreign Students Association, students’ involvement in various interaction forms and special career guidance events; scientific and methodological support for teachers. Realization of the strategy implies creation in OSU in the nearest future a specific environment including social infrastructure for foreigners