35 research outputs found

    The current state of development and veterinary support of pheasant farming in Ukraine

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    This work aimed to investigate the lifespan and breeding use, reproductive qualities, and the level of their discreteness in sows of the large white breed of French breeding, considering their operational value. Agroprime Holding LLC of the Odesa region, the laboratory of innovative technologies, and experimental livestock facilities of the Institute of Pig Breeding and AIP of the National Academy of Sciences carried out the practical part of the work. Evaluation of sows according to indicators characterizing the level of their adaptation and reproductive qualities was carried out taking into account the following characteristics: life expectancy, days; duration of tribal use, days; received farts; all live piglets were born, head.; multifertility, ch.; high fertility, kg.; nest weight at the time of weaning at 28 days, kg; preservation, %. The selection index of reproductive qualities of the sow (SIRQS) was calculated according to the method of O. M. Tsereniuk et al. (2010), the coefficient of discreteness (D) – Seromolot and Sviatchenko (1984). Biometric processing of research results was carried out according to generally accepted methods. It has been established that sows of the large white breed of French breeding, provided they are kept in production premises using innovative technologies, are characterized by high indicators of the level of adaptation and reproductive qualities. Thus, their life span is 905.7 days, the duration of breeding use is 680.6 days, and in terms of reproductive qualities, they belong to the elite class. A significant difference between the groups of experimental animals was established in terms of life expectancy, duration of breeding use, total number of live piglets, multifertility, and litter weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days. The maximum indicators of high fertility (1.34 kg) and preservation of piglets until weaning at the age of 28 days (100 %) were found in sows of the “low operational value” category. The coefficient of discreteness of life expectancy and breeding use in sows of I, II, and III experimental groups is equal to 0.406, 0.677, and 0.633, reproductive qualities – 0.828, 0.882, and 0.903, respectively. Coefficients of paired correlation between life span and breeding use of sows and signs of reproductive qualities range from -0.055 to +0.904. The maximum increase in additional production was obtained from sows of the “high operational value” category – +6.80 %, and its value is +355.57 UAH/head/ farrowing


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    The authors have presented a case of intraoperative diagnostics of ileocecal intussusception in a boy aged 3 years with suspected acute appendicitis.Приведен клинический случай интраоперационной диагностики илеоцекальной инвагинации у мальчика 3 лет с подозрением на острый аппендицит.Наведено клінічний випадок інтраопераційного діагностування ілеоцекальної інвагінації у хлопчика 3 років з підозрою на гострий апендицит


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    A clinical case of ovarian torsion and necrosis in a 4-month infant, admitted to the surgical department with suspected ileocecal intussusception, is described.Приведён клинический случай перекрута и некроза яичника у ребёнка четырех месяцев, который поступал в хирургическое отделение с подозрением на илеоцекальную инвагинацию.Наведено клінічний випадок перекручення та некрозу яєчника в дитини чотирьох місяців, яка поступила в хірургічне відділення з підозрою на ілеоцекальну інвагінацію

    Influence of plasticity on the magnetic-field-induced bending deformation in a magneto-active elastomer with superparamagnetic nanoparticles

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    The influence of residual plastic deformation on the bending deformation of a magnetoactive elastomer (MAE) beam with non-coercive superparamagnetic manganite (La0.6Ag0.2Mn1.2O3) nanoparticles induced by a transverse uniform magnetic field has been studied. It was found that the MAE bending induced by the magnetic field switching-on/switching-off is mainly cyclic elastic. Plastic deformation leads to the emergence of residual bending and hysteresis in the field dependence of the bending. It was shown that the residual bending that appears after the first magnetic field switch-on eliminates the uncertainty of the bending direction at the next magnetization. Due to the residual plastic deformation, the bending direction of the superparamagnetic MAE with nanoparticles does not change when the direction of the applied magnetic field is inverted, in contrast to the MAE with microparticles where the uncertainty of the bending direction is eliminated due to the residual magnetization of weakly coercive ferromagnetic microparticles; therefore, the bending direction changes its sign with magnetic field reversion. In the low fields, the bending value for the MAEs with superparamagnetic particles is proportional to the square of the magnetic field strength. Model estimates on the residual deformation influence on the beam bending at beam magnetization reversal were obtained