10,266 research outputs found

    How Much Help Is Exchanged in Families? Towards an Understanding of Discrepant Research Findings

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    Responding to claims that contemporary families had abandoned their elderly members, gerontologists over the past 30 years have provided extensive documentation of intergenerational familial support. These studies have been lodged within conceptual frameworks of the modified extended family, intergenerational solidarity, and, more recently, intergenerational equity. By and large, studies claim to have found extensive levels of support. Closer examination of findings from various studies, however, reveals widely discrepant findings in terms of amounts of help given to and received by older family members. This paper examines the findings from four representative Canadian and American studies spanning four decades. Factors contributing to discrepant findings are identified at both methodological and conceptual levels, and implications for future research are discussed.intergenerational support

    Fiscal policymaking and the central bank institutional constraint

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    Monetary policy ; Banks and banking, Central ; Fiscal policy

    The history and properties of ultrasonic inhomogeneous waves

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    How Much Help Is Exchanged in Families? Towards an Understanding of Discrepant Research Finding

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    Responding to claims that contemporary families had abandoned their elderly members, gerontologists over the past 30 years have provided extensive documentation of intergenerational familial support. These studies have been lodged within conceptual frameworks of the modified extended family, intergenerational solidarity, and, more recently, intergenerational equity. By and large, studies claim to have found extensive levels of support. Closer examination of findings from various studies, however, reveals widely discrepant findings in terms of amounts of help given to and received by older family members. This paper examines the findings from four representative Canadian and American studies spanning four decades. Factors contributing to discrepant findings are identified at both methodological and conceptual levels, and implications for future research are discussed.intergenerational support

    Sedimentary and environmental characteristics of the Gilan-Mazenderan plain, northern Iran: Influence of long- and short-term Caspian water level fluctuations on geomorphology

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    The south-southwestern Caspian coastal lowland in Iran, or the Gilan-Mazenderan plain, is a relatively narrow but long, composite depositional area of late Quaternary age. The Sefid Rud delta, the Anzali Lake (connected to the Caspian Sea by a meandering outlet 3.5 km long) and storm-dominated beaches are its prominent sedimentary features. They are controlled by the present water level of the Caspian Sea at -26.36 m in 2000. The Late Pleistocene-Holocene deposits of the lowland, which are covered commonly by a modern loess-origin soil, mainly consist of alternations of marine and non-marine sediments. The marine units form coastal terraces at 19-20 m (I), 2-0 m (II) and –6/-8 m (III) corresponing to the Late Khvalinian and Neocaspian transgressions. The deposits of the youngest terrace (terrace III) that represents a prograding beach-ridge complex are a consequence of several medium-term, cyclic water level oscillations in Late Holocene. Just after the initiation of the beach-ridge complex, Lake Anzali formed by damming of rivers and then by progradation of the complex in time forced to form the outlet of the lake. The nearest medium-term cycle lasted c. 65 years between 1930-1995 and the records showed that it included a lot of short-term (c. 4-5 yrs) and very short-term (week to months) water level oscillations. During the last erratic rise of sea level (1977-1996), the area of Lake Anzali doubled; the delta and the coastal sands including modern beaches were eroded on c. 30-100 m. Overall, a step-like morphology, repetition of marine and non-marine facies and also water level records of the last 75 years indicate that the ancient and recent deposition on the coastal lowland has been controlled by long- medium- and short-term fluctuations of the Caspian Sea level
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