102 research outputs found

    Differential sensitivity of brainstem vs cortical astrocytes to changes in pH reveals functional regional specialization of astroglia

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    Astrocytes might function as brain interoceptors capable of detecting different (chemo)sensory modalities and transmitting sensory information to the relevant neural networks controlling vital functions. For example, astrocytes which reside near the ventral surface of the brainstem (central respiratory chemosensitive area) respond to physiological decreases in pH with vigorous elevations in intracellular Ca(2+) and release of ATP. ATP transmits astroglial excitation to the brainstem respiratory network and contributes to adaptive changes in lung ventilation. Here we show that in terms of pH-sensitivity ventral brainstem astrocytes are clearly distinct from astrocytes residing in the cerebral cortex. We monitored vesicular fusion in cultured rat brainstem astrocytes using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and found that approximately 35% of them respond to acidification with an increased rate of exocytosis of ATP-containing vesicular compartments. These fusion events require intracellular Ca(2+) signaling and are independent of autocrine ATP actions. In contrast, the rate of vesicular fusion in cultured cortical astrocytes is not affected by changes in pH. Compared to cortical astrocytes, ventral brainstem astrocytes display higher levels of expression of genes encoding proteins associated with ATP vesicular transport and fusion, including vesicle-associated membrane protein-3 and vesicular nucleotide transporter. These results suggest that astrocytes residing in different parts of the rat brain are functionally specialized. In contrast to cortical astrocytes, astrocytes of the brainstem chemosensitive area(s) possess signaling properties which are functionally relevant – they are able to sense changes in pH and respond to acidification with enhanced vesicular release of ATP

    Development of an insurance industry image assessment index

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    The article discusses the results of the study of consumer attitudes towards the insurance sector in the Russian Federation. A low level of financial literacy, cases of fraud by insurers lead to the formation of a negative image of the insurance industry, even if the respondents have a positive experience of using insurance products. In world practice the relationship between reputation management of companies and their financial condition has been proven, however, a quantitative assessment of the insurance sector image has been not carried out earlier. The article offers a methodology for assessing the insurance sector image? using the author’s index, and provides an example of its calculation based on the Russian insurance market. The developed indicator will allows to objectively assess the dynamics of consumer attitudes to insurance, and to conduct a cross-country comparison of the indicator

    Prospects for digital transformation of the monetary systems

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    The active digitalization of financial markets generates new types of digital financial assets, and also raises questions about prospects of the national monetary systems development, taking into account the emerging digital financial instruments. The authors present the results of a study conducted via interviewing respondents about their attitude to cryptocurrencies, about the likelihood of cashless economies, and about the impact of economy digitalization on changing people’s lives. Current scientific studies show that a significant part of authors is inclined to believe that current digitalization trends will lead to the complete disappearance of cash, including cryptocurrencies will play an important role in this process. Low financial literacy, possible failures in electronic payment systems, the difficulty of adaptation for certain groups of the population are the reasons that delay the transition to cashless economies. However, a significant number of advantages that digital assets provide for the development of the economy, and the positive attitude of society to the changes taking place in the process of digital transformation, contribute to a further change in the monetary system

    Rating Agencies in Russia and their Influence on Subfederal Borrowing

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    In Russia, the topical issue today is the high volume of obligations of regions against the federal budget. These liabilities have been caused by the current crisis in the Russian economy as well as by the disproportionate economic development, and this issue requires an adequate solution. It is planned that later on the regions will develop market borrowings first of all in form of securities. This article analyzes the infrastructural component of the market of subfederal and municipal borrowings - rating agencies in Russia. The article is based on the actual official data characterizing the current state of the market of regional and municipal borrowings, data from credit rating agencies were used as well. There were used systems analysis method, comparative approach, and clustering method. The article results in the conclusion that ratings of the international agencies are not always unbiased politically, not economically, which negatively affects the development of the debt market as a whole and the market of subfederal and municipal bonds, in particular. The development of the Russian credit rating agencies has a number of advantages and will contribute to the development of the indicated market in the future

    The Effect of the Russian Subnational Debt on the Socio-economic Development of the Region

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    The actual problem currently in Russia is the high degree of differentiation level of socio-economic development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The specified uneven development is a significant problem, requiring prudent and gradual approach. An important point is to determine the optimal size and form of regional borrowing, contributing to the socio-economic development of the region. This article examines the structure of the borrowing regions. Many regions have a significant amount of borrowing in the form of budget loans. Outlines the problem caused by the miscalculations of the regional authorities when conducting its own financial policy, and a more global objective reasons, which are a consequence of the current crisis situation in economy of the Russian Federation and the disparity of economic development. The basis for the paper is drawn from actual official data describing the state of the market of regional and municipal borrowing. Used methods of system analysis, comparison and clustering.The result is proved in the article that on the one hand the issue of securities does not stimulate socio-economic development of the region, on the other hand in the current situation, the desired reduction provide budget loans should pay attention of regions in the possible form of borrowing. With the improvement of the situation on the debt market regions will be stimulated to ensure that the overwhelming proportion of their debt would be the consequence of market borrowings, primarily in the form of securities.The article presents a comparison of different forms of regional borrowing and identified deficiencies inherent in different types of borrowing. It is concluded that a bank loan is the most popular form of market borrowing, as it has in relation to issuance of bonds less amount of disadvantages. According to the authors, for the development of the bonded form of the borrowing of regions should consider the infrastructure of the state support

    Мобильные кошельки: их виды и использование

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    Статья выполнена в рамках гранта РФФИ по проекту № 20-010-00346 по теме «Исследование влияния современных цифровых технологий на институциональное развитие финансового рынка и системный анализ последствий цифровизации финансового рынка»

    Typology of risks of territories of advanced development

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    The article deals with the one of the most difficult aspects of the implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) - risk management. That partnership is the answer to the solution of problems with the choice of an effective way of development of transport, social, communal and other infrastructure. The practice of using PPP forms is gaining popularity in the territory of Russia. The authors considers the matters of the Russian economy improvement by readjustment the existing risk management paradigm of a PPP. An integral part of highly professional risk management is the definition of management objects in the economic sphere. A number of controversial issues related to classifications of risks of PPP is raised in the article. Since the domestic theory has not yet solved the problem of clear and comprehensive risk identification in the implementation of projects based on PPP, it is necessary to develop such a classification is now becoming particularly relevant. Various available points of view on this issue are analyzed. The authors propose their position on the classification of risks for the territories of advanced development proceeding from the environment of their origin. The developed classification will help stimulate the PPP market from a practical point of view in different sectors. The modern advantages of using advanced development territories in the Russian Federation and recommended them as an organizational model of PPP are revealed. It should be noted that to date there is no single system of documents for the development of regional infrastructure, which causes a lot of uncertainties in the course of making a decision on this transaction


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    Salmonelloses, which are associated with products from clinically healthy animals that undergone veterinary and sanitary observations and examinations and are secondary-contaminated in the process, transportation, processing and marketing, are at the forefront of the list of emerging food zoonoses. The haphazard use of antibiotics in agriculture contributes to the selection of resistant clones of microorganisms. The high resistance of strains of salmonella isolated from poultry production poses a real risk of transmission through the food chain to humans, as well as being perpetuated and passed on to subsequent generations of bacteria, expanding geographical areas as a result of globalization. Separation of Salmonella microorganisms from poultry production was carried out in accordance with GOST 31468-2012, antigenic profile of isolated isolates was determined according to the classification of Kaufmann-White, sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial preparations - according to MUK 4.2.1890-04. In the study of 503 samples of poultry production 42 isolates of microorganisms of the genus Salmonella were isolated, which amounted to 8.35% of the number of samples studied. Sensitivity to antimicrobial agents showed that 42% of the isolates were resistant to tetracyclines and only 5-16% were resistant to antibiotics of the II generation of fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin) and III generation of cephalosporins (cefotaxime, cefoxitin, ceftriaxone). The authors found out the change in resistance towards cephepium, ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin resistance in the secondary isolates of S. virhow. The study of biological properties, frequency of isolation and resistance to various AMF of Salmonella microorganisms is an integral part of the development of mechanisms for controlling the formation of resistance to antimicrobial agents.Ведущие место в списке эмерджентных пищевых зоонозов занимают сальмонеллезы, связанные с продукцией, полученной от клинически здоровых животных, прошедшей ветеринарно-санитарную экспертизу и вторично контаминированной в процессе транспортировки, переработки и реализации. Повсеместное бессистемное использование антибиотиков в сельском хозяйстве способствует селекции резистентных клонов микроорганизмов. Высокая резистентность штаммов сальмонелл, изолированных от продукции птицеводства, представляет реальную опасность передачи их по пищевой цепи людям, а также закрепляется и передается по наследству последующим генерациям бактерий, расширяя географические ареалы в результате условий глобализации. Выделение микроорганизмов рода Salmonella из продукции птицеводства проводили по ГОСТ 31468–2012, антигенный профиль выделенных изолятов определяли согласно классификации КауфманаУайта, чувствительность микроорганизмов к антибактериальным препаратам – по МУК 4.2.1890–04. При исследовании 503 образцов продукции птицеводства выделено 42 изолята микроорганизмов рода Salmonella, что составило 8,35% от числа исследованных проб. Изучение чувствительности к антимикробным препаратам показало, что 42% изолятов были резистентны к препаратам тетрациклинового ряда и только 5–16% к антибиотикам II поколения фторхинолонов (ципрофлоксацин, норфлоксацин) и III поколения цефалоспоринов (цефотаксим, цефокситин, цефтриаксон). Выявлено изменение чувствительности в сторону резистентности к цефепиму, ципрофлоксацину и амоксициллину у вторичных изолятов S. virhow. Изучение биологических свойств, частоты выделения и устойчивости к различным АМП микроорганизмов рода Salmonella является неотъемлемой частью разработки механизмов контроля формирования резистентности к антимикробным препаратам

    Acute mitral chodae rupture in the early postcovid in heavy physical active men. Case series

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    The opinion that COVID-19 is a greater threat only to the elderly people has changed over the past year. Experience has been accumulated in the development of complications of varying severity in young patients who had optimal health indicators before infection. The consequences of myocarditis are most dangerous, especially in athletes and military personnel. We present a series of clinical cases of spontaneous mitral valve chordae rupture in highly trained middle-aged men in the early post-COVID period. In all cases, the infection proceeded subclinically; SARS-CoV-2 was verified only by analysis for IgM. 1–2 weeks after infection, against the background of a routine training process, patients felt pain in the heart area, which was underestimated. Patients presented for help at 2 and 10 weeks with complaints of reduced endurance and shortness of breath. Echocardiography revealed rupture of one of the chords of the anterior part of the mitral valve against the background of signs of myocarditis with the development of valvular insufficiency of the 1st degree. By the time of treatment, the pathology of other laboratory data and ECG was not observed. The control after 6 months showed in 1 patient a focus of myocardial fibrosis according to MRI, a minimal increase in NT-proBNP, a decrease in exercise tolerance, in 2 patients there was no visible fibrosis, normal NT-proBNP and complete restoration of exercise tolerance, but a decrease in local myocardial deformation according to echocardiography

    Assessment of the risks of changes in brachiocephalic vessels according to ultrasound examination of patients with obstructive sleep apnea

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    Introduction. In the medical literature, there is not enough work on the impact of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on the development of atherosclerosis of the brachiocephalic arteries and venous dysgemenia. For the purpose of early diagnosis of vascular complications, further study of extracranial vessels in patients with OSA is necessary.Aim. To study the chances of changes in brachiocephalic vessels by ultrasound examination in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.Materials and methods. A survey was carried out of 88 patients. The results of anthropompetry, polysomnography and ultrasound examination of brachiocephalic vessels were evaluated.Results and discussion. New data were obtained on the severity of macroangiopathy, an increase in the peak systolic blood flow velocity in the internal jugular veins, and an increase in the diameters of the vertebral veins in patients with sleep apnea. It was also found that in patients with OSA, the chances of having a wide diameter of the common carotid artery (CCA) on both sides and the internal carotid artery on the left are more than 3 times higher, the probability of thickening of the intima-media complex in the area of the CCA and its bifurcation is more than on the left 3.5 times and the chances of macroangiopathy are 3 times higher in comparison with the examined patients without apnea.Conclusion. Timely assessment of the entire spectrum of pathological changes in the brachiocephalic vessels in patients with OSA will make it possible to diagnose early signs of atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries, venous dysfunction at the extracranial level