21 research outputs found

    Vocabulary for Lower Back and Lumbar Pain in Russian Dialects: ‘utin’ and ‘chemer’

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    A semantic-motivational and etymological analysis of two Russian dialectisms ‘utin’ and ‘chemer’ are carried out in the article, in the semantic structure of which (among others) meanings associated with diseases of various localization and etiology (the authors are mainly interested in the semantics of low back pain) are presented. The semantic organization of the corresponding etymological and derivational nests is reconstructed; nests are matched by value configuration. The authors show what semantic transitions determined the appearance of the meaning «lumbar pain» (and, secondarily, «lower back» and «spine») in the words ‘utin’ and ‘chemer’. Both designations for low back pain are analyzed in a broad ethnolinguistic context, which implies taking into account the practices of traditional medicine, which are due to archaic ideas about pain and disease. It is shown that etymological magic is repeatedly triggered in the nest of the word ‘utin’, and its action is carried out in two directions: from the generating verb *tęti, *tьnǫ «cut down, cut» to the derivative ‘utin’, and then from it to other words of the morphosemantic field (‘utyug’, ‘utin’ «boundary», ‘utinok’ «stump», ‘ovin’, ‘tyn’ etc.). In the nest of the word ‘chemer’, a nontrivial transition of botanical meaning («poisonous plant») to physiological one («poisoning» → «pain in case of poisoning» → «pain of various etiologies, including lumbar pain») is restored, then (in parallel) to somatic and demonic

    Vocabulary for Lower Back and Lumbar Pain in Russian Dialects: an Overview

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    The semantic-motivational and etymological analysis of the Russian dialectal designations of lumbar and lumbar pain is presented. The material was extracted from dictionaries of Russian dialects, from unpublished card files of the Ural University toponymic expedition to the territories of the Russian North and the Upper Volga region, as well as folklore and ethnographic sources related to folk medicine. The main semantic-motivational models underlying the designation of the lower back, which can reflect the idea of the “topography” of this part of the body, correlation with adjacent bodily areas, the functions of the lower back, and pain symptoms are considered. It is noted that in the “lumbar” vocabulary the main place belongs to the names of lumbar pain, the abundance of which is determined by the nature of agricultural labor. It has been shown that several names contain an indication of the localization of pain, but in most cases the nature of the pain is conveyed — cutting, stabbing, aching, etc. The authors analyze linguistic material in combination with folklore and ethnographic: texts of conspiracies, ritual dialogues, descriptions of magical healing practices. Sign complexes are identified, within which the designations of pain symptoms are projected onto methods, means and tools of treatment. In such complexes, the principle of etymological magic can be realized, consistent with the concept of the “witchcraft” origin of pain symptoms. Motivational and etymological solutions for dark words are proposed

    Application of polarization ellipse technique for analysis of ULF magnetic fields from two distant stations in Koyna-Warna seismoactive region, West India

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    A new approach is developed to find the source azimuth of the ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic (EM) signals believed to be emanating from well defined seismic zone. The method is test applied on magnetic data procured from the seismoactive region of Koyna-Warna, known for prolonged reservoir triggered seismicity. Extremely low-noise, high-sensitivity LEMI-30 search coil magnetometers were used to measure simultaneously the vector magnetic field in the frequency range 0.001–32 Hz at two stations, the one located within and another ~100 km away from the seismic active zone. During the observation campaign extending from 15 March to 30 June 2006 two earthquakes (EQs) of magnitude (M<sub><I>L</I></sub>>4) occurred, which are searched for the presence of precursory EM signals. <br><br> Comparison of polarization ellipses (PE) parameters formed by the magnetic field components at the measurement stations, in select frequency bands, allows discrimination of seismo-EM signals from the natural background ULF signals of magnetospheric/ionospheric origin. The magnetic field components corresponding to spectral bands dominated by seismo-EM fields define the PE plane which at any instant contains the source of the EM fields. Intersection lines of such defined PE planes for distant observation stations clutter in to the source region. Approximating the magnetic-dipole configuration for the source, the magnetic field components along the intersection lines suggest that azimuth of the EM source align in the NNW-SSE direction. This direction well coincides with the orientation of nodal plane of normal fault plane mechanism for the two largest EQs recorded during the campaign. More significantly the correspondence of this direction with the tectonic controlled trend in local seismicity, it has been surmised that high pressure fluid flow along the fault that facilitate EQs in the region may also be the source mechanism for EM fields by electrokinetic effect


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    The results of serological studies of blood sera of people on the content of class M immunoglobulin to tick-borne encephalitis virus in residents of the south of the Tyumen region for 2016–2018 are presented.Представлены результаты серологических исследований сывороток крови людей на содержание иммуноглобулина класса М к вирусу клещевого энцефалита у жителей г. Тюмени и юга Тюменской областиза 2016–2018 гг


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    These guidelines represent all current aspects of etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the clinical and statistical group of familial hypercholesterolemia in both adults and children in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    The Realistic Myths: the Historical Memory in Intellectual Culture of Russia in the Period after the Great Reforms

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    Публикуется по материалам исследования, подготовленного при поддержке гранта AZ 21/SR/05 фонда Герды Хенкель (Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Дюссельдорф, Германия)

    Sildenafil in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension

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    The paper describes the clinical use of a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor (sildenafll) in a patient with primary pulmonary hypertension during a long-term controlled follow-up. The 6-year use of sildenafll as monotherapy for pulmonary hypertension had a significant positive effect as a decrease in the functional class of pulmonary hypertension from 3 to 1, an increase in exercise tolerance, improvements in echocardiographic parameters and biochemical markers (brain natriuretic peptide), and a rise in oxygen uptake during cardiorespiratory testing

    Current examination methods in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    The high incidence of myocardial hypertrophy poses practitioners a problem in the differential diagnosis and early detection of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy among those with myocardial hypertrophy in order to define treatment policy, to prevent life-threating conditions, and to improve prognosis. The paper presents current approaches to diagnosing hypertrophic cardiomyopathies and molecular genetic studies; 3D echocardiography that allows the accurate measurement of the volume parameters of cardiac chambers; speckle tracking and assessment of left atrial and left ventricular strain as diagnostic and prognostic criteria for the course of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; cardiac MRI and determination of the volume parameters, myocardial mass, and trabecular pattern of the left ventricle; biochemical parameters of atrial overload (B-type or brain natriuretic peptides) and myocardial ischemia (troponin T), as well as electrocardiographic studies

    Analysis of the local lithospheric magnetic activity before and after Panzhihua <i>M</i><sub>w</sub> = 6.0 earthquake (30 August 2008, China)

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    Lithospheric ultra low frequency (ULF) magnetic activity is recently considered as a very promising candidate for application to short-time earthquake forecasting. However the intensity of the ULF lithospheric magnetic field is very weak and often masked by much stronger ionospheric and magnetospheric signals. The study of pre-earthquake magnetic activity before the occurrence of a strong earthquake is a very hard problem which consists of the identification and localization of the weak signal sources in earthquake hazardous areas of the Earth's crust. <br><br> For the separation and localization of such sources, we used a new polarization ellipse technique (Dudkin et al., 2010) to process data acquired from fluxgate magnetometers installed in the Sichuan province, China. Sichuan is the region of the strongest seismic activity on the territory of China. During the last century, about 40 earthquakes with magnitude <i>M</i> &ge; 6.5 happened here in close proximity to heavy populated zones. <br><br> The Panzhihua earthquake <i>M</i><sub>w</sub> = 6.0 happened in the southern part of Sichuan province on 30 August 2008 at 8:30:52 UT. The earthquake hypocentre was located at 10 km depth. During the period 30–31 August – the beginning of September 2008, many clustered aftershocks with magnitudes of up to 5.6 occurred near the earthquake epicentre. <br><br> The data from three fluxgate magnetometers (belonged to China magnetometer network and placed near to the clustered earthquakes at a distance of 10–55 km from main shock epicenter) have been processed. The separation between the magnetometers was in the range of 40–65 km. <br><br> The analysis of a local lithospheric magnetic activity during the period of January–December 2008 and a possible source structure have been presented in this paper