5 research outputs found
Chemical composition of seeds and green beans of common bean varieties, breeded in Omsk State Agrarian University under conditions of southern forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia
ArticleThe article considers the biochemical composition of green beans and seeds of
common beans varieties, breeded in Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin
(OmSAU). The research was conducted in 2014–2016. Varieties of locally breeded beans, in
comparison with the standards, have advantages in the content of protein, zinc, iodine, calcium,
iron, sugar; green bean technological properties and tenderizing of seeds during cooking, which
becomes an indispensable component of the diet
Продуктивность сортов фасоли овощной селекции Омского ГАУ в южной лесостепи Западной Сибири
Relevance. Garden bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. is a functional food product; a source of complete plant protein; part of modern ecological farming systems; may be of high importance for the food, economic and environmental security of the West Siberian region.Methods. The experimental part of the work was carried out in 2016-2017 in the laboratory of selection and seed production of field crops of S.I. Leontiev of the Omsk State Agrarian University. Material for the study were six varieties of beans vegetable of destination, of which four varieties breeding Omsk State Agrarian University and two varieties of foreign selection. Over the years, studies of the varieties of beans vegetable selection Omsk State Agrarian University exceeded the grade standard of the Siberian and Polka yield, number of beans per plant, weight of seeds per plant.Results. The results of the studies show that at different seeding rates the productivity of green beans and seeds in the studied varieties was different. The highest yield of green beans and seed yields productivity was obtained in the Pamyati Ryzhkovoy variety with a seeding rate of 13 PCs/m2 – 585.8 g/m2 and 647.5 g/m2 . The dependence of yield on the hydrothermal coefficient was recorded. 2016 year was slightly arid (SCC = 1,1), favorable for the cultivation of beans, as well as in August there were good weather conditions for the maturation of seeds, recorded the highest yield of green beans, which can not be said about 2017 year – arid (SCC = 0,72).Актуальность. Фасоль обыкновенная – продукт функционального питания; источник полноценного растительного белка; составляющая часть современных систем экологического земледелия; может иметь высокую значимость для продовольственной, экономической и экологической безопасности Западно-Сибирского региона.Материал и методы. Экспериментальная часть работы выполнена в 2016-2017 годах в лаборатории селекции и семеноводства полевых культур имени С.И. Леонтьева Учебноопытного хозяйства Омского ГАУ. Оценку и учет проводили в соответствии с методикой Государственного сортоиспытания сельскохозяйственных культур. Материалом для исследования служили шесть сортов фасоли овощного назначения, из них четыре сорта селекции Омского ГАУ и два сорта иностранной селекции, которые были взяты с целью проведения сравнительной оценки и определения конкурентоспособности местных сортов.Результаты. За годы исследований сорта фасоли овощной селекции Омского ГАУ превзошли сорта-стандарты Сибирячка и Полька по урожайности, количеству бобов с растения, массе семян с растения. При разных нормах высева продуктивность зеленых бобов и семян у изучаемых сортов была различной. Наибольшая урожайность зеленых бобов и семян была получена у сорта Памяти Рыжковой при норме высева семян 13 шт./м2 − 585,8 и 647,5 г/м2 , соответственно. В ходе проведения опытов зафиксирована зависимость урожайности от гидротермического коэффициента региона возделывания. 2016 год был слабо засушливый (ГТК = 1,1), благоприятный для выращивания фасоли, при этом в августе сложились хорошие метеорологические условия и для созревания семян, в результате была зафиксирована наибольшая урожайность зеленых бобов, что нельзя сказать про засушливый 2017 год (ГТК = 0,72)
Агроэкологический паспорт сорта фасоли овощной Маруся
Relevance. As a result of long-term research, the staff of the Department of Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Seed Production of Omsk State Agrarian University created a new variety of green beans called Marusya, which was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2015. The competitiveness of the variety is ensured by stable yields, high palatability, and the ability of green beans to maintain their economic viability over the long period. The variety is resistant to drought and low temperatures.Material and methods. The research on the variety of the green beans was conducted following the methods of competitive variety trial from 2016 to 2020. The trials were conducted on the breeding crop rotation fields of the Educational and Experimental Farm of Omsk State Agrarian University, which is located in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Region (city of Omsk). The following zoned varieties were used as control samples: Zolushka (Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Farming, Moscow) and the imported Polka variety (Poland).Results. The developed agroecological passport the Marusya variety, the use of which will allow to take into account the positive effects of the genotype-environment-variety interaction to the maximum extent. When selecting bean varieties suitable for cultivation for vegetable purposes in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia in industrial production and the private sector, the Marusya variety makes it possible to obtain high-quality products and expand the range of legumes in the region.Актуальность. В итоге длительной научной работы коллективом кафедры агрономии, селекции и семеноводства Омского ГАУ создан новый сорт фасоли овощной Маруся, который включен в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений в 2015 году. Конкурентоспособность сорта обеспечивается стабильной урожайностью, высокими вкусовыми качествами, способностью зелёных бобов длительное время сохранять хозяйственную годность. Сорт хорошо переносит засуху и пониженные температуры.Материал и методы. Работа по сортоизучению фасоли овощной велась по типу конкурсного сортоиспытание с 2016 по 2020 годы на полях селекционного севооборота Учебно-опытного хозяйства Омского ГАУ, которая находится в южной лесостепи Омской области (г. Омск). В качестве стандарта использовали районированные сорта: Золушка (ФГБНУ ФНЦО, Москва) и сорт иностранной селекции Полька (Польша).Результаты. Разработан агроэкологический паспорт сорта Маруся, использование которого позволит в максимальной степени учитывать положительные эффекты взаимодействия генотип-среда-сорт. При подборе сортов фасоли, пригодных для возделывания на овощные цели в условиях южной лесостепи Западной Сибири в промышленном производстве и частном секторе, сорт Маруся дает возможность получать высококачественную продукцию и расширить ассортимент бобовых культур в регионе
The productivity of common beans vegetable selection Omsk State Agrarian University in southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia
Relevance. Garden bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. is a functional food product; a source of complete plant protein; part of modern ecological farming systems; may be of high importance for the food, economic and environmental security of the West Siberian region.Methods. The experimental part of the work was carried out in 2016-2017 in the laboratory of selection and seed production of field crops of S.I. Leontiev of the Omsk State Agrarian University. Material for the study were six varieties of beans vegetable of destination, of which four varieties breeding Omsk State Agrarian University and two varieties of foreign selection. Over the years, studies of the varieties of beans vegetable selection Omsk State Agrarian University exceeded the grade standard of the Siberian and Polka yield, number of beans per plant, weight of seeds per plant.Results. The results of the studies show that at different seeding rates the productivity of green beans and seeds in the studied varieties was different. The highest yield of green beans and seed yields productivity was obtained in the Pamyati Ryzhkovoy variety with a seeding rate of 13 PCs/m2 – 585.8 g/m2 and 647.5 g/m2 . The dependence of yield on the hydrothermal coefficient was recorded. 2016 year was slightly arid (SCC = 1,1), favorable for the cultivation of beans, as well as in August there were good weather conditions for the maturation of seeds, recorded the highest yield of green beans, which can not be said about 2017 year – arid (SCC = 0,72)
Agroecological passport of the Marusya green bean variety
Relevance. As a result of long-term research, the staff of the Department of Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Seed Production of Omsk State Agrarian University created a new variety of green beans called Marusya, which was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2015. The competitiveness of the variety is ensured by stable yields, high palatability, and the ability of green beans to maintain their economic viability over the long period. The variety is resistant to drought and low temperatures.Material and methods. The research on the variety of the green beans was conducted following the methods of competitive variety trial from 2016 to 2020. The trials were conducted on the breeding crop rotation fields of the Educational and Experimental Farm of Omsk State Agrarian University, which is located in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Region (city of Omsk). The following zoned varieties were used as control samples: Zolushka (Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Farming, Moscow) and the imported Polka variety (Poland).Results. The developed agroecological passport the Marusya variety, the use of which will allow to take into account the positive effects of the genotype-environment-variety interaction to the maximum extent. When selecting bean varieties suitable for cultivation for vegetable purposes in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia in industrial production and the private sector, the Marusya variety makes it possible to obtain high-quality products and expand the range of legumes in the region