49 research outputs found

    Mirabegron: pharmacoeconomic aspects of the use of the drug for the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome

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    According to the International Continence Society (ICS), symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) are present in 17 % of the adult population of Europe. The prevalence of overactive bladder in Russia is unknown but is considered comparable to that in European countries. According to Russian guidelines, patients with OAB could be treated with antimuscarinics or beta 3-agonists. The results of a meta-analysis by Wang J et al. (2018) showed comparable efficacy and safety of mirabegron and solifenacin. At the same time, according to Chapple CR et al. (2017) and Yeowell G et al. (2018) the use of mirabegron is associated with greater adherence to therapy and longer average drug use before the need to change therapy compared to antimuscarinics. From an economic point of view, greater adherence to drug therapy is associated with lower costs per patient with OAB per year and mirabegron have demonstrated to be cost-eff ective in comparison to solifenacin. The results of the analysis of the structure and volume of providing various types of medical care to patients with OAB in the Moscow region demonstrate the need to expand approaches to providing drug care to this group of patients. Currently, the majority of costs related to patients with OAB are associated with surgical treatment, which indicates the opportunity to expand the possibilities of drug therapy, including within the framework of preferential drug provision

    Impedance-Matching Hearing in Paleozoic Reptiles: Evidence of Advanced Sensory Perception at an Early Stage of Amniote Evolution

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    BACKGROUND: Insights into the onset of evolutionary novelties are key to the understanding of amniote origins and diversification. The possession of an impedance-matching tympanic middle ear is characteristic of all terrestrial vertebrates with a sophisticated hearing sense and an adaptively important feature of many modern terrestrial vertebrates. Whereas tympanic ears seem to have evolved multiple times within tetrapods, especially among crown-group members such as frogs, mammals, squamates, turtles, crocodiles, and birds, the presence of true tympanic ears has never been recorded in a Paleozoic amniote, suggesting they evolved fairly recently in amniote history. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present study, we performed a morphological examination and a phylogenetic analysis of poorly known parareptiles from the Middle Permian of the Mezen River Basin in Russia. We recovered a well-supported clade that is characterized by a unique cheek morphology indicative of a tympanum stretching across large parts of the temporal region to an extent not seen in other amniotes, fossil or extant, and a braincase specialized in showing modifications clearly related to an increase in auditory function, unlike the braincase of any other Paleozoic tetrapod. In addition, we estimated the ratio of the tympanum area relative to the stapedial footplate for the basalmost taxon of the clade, which, at 23:1, is in close correspondence to that of modern amniotes capable of efficient impedance-matching hearing. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Using modern amniotes as analogues, the possession of an impedance-matching middle ear in these parareptiles suggests unique ecological adaptations potentially related to living in dim-light environments. More importantly, our results demonstrate that already at an early stage of amniote diversification, and prior to the Permo-Triassic extinction event, the complexity of terrestrial vertebrate ecosystems had reached a level that proved advanced sensory perception to be of notable adaptive significance

    Extending the footprint record of Pareiasauromorpha to the Cisuralian : earlier appearance and wider palaeobiogeography of the group

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    Pareiasauromorpha is one of the most important tetrapod groups of the Permian. Skeletal evidence suggests a late Kungurian origin in North America, whereas the majority of occurrences come from the Guadalupian and Lopingian of South Africa and Russia. However, Pareiasauromorpha footprints include the ichnogenus Pachypes, which is unknown from strata older than late Guadalupian. A revision of several Pachypes-like footprints from the Cisuralian-Guadalupian of Europe and North America confirm the occurrence of this ichnogenus and of the ichnospecies Pachypes ollieri comb. nov. beginning in the Artinskian. This is the earliest known occurrence of Pachypes and it coincides with the Artinskian reptile radiation. Based on a synapomorphy-based track-trackmaker correlation, P. ollieri can be attributed to nycteroleter pareiasauromorphs such as Macroleter. Therefore, the earliest occurrences of pareiasauromorph footprints precede by at least 10 myr the earliest occurrence of this group in the skeletal record. Moreover, the palaeobiogeography of the group is extended to the Cisuralian and Guadalupian of western Europe

    Solid phase extraction of hydroxyaromatic compounds from aquatic environment

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    The dependence of extraction parameters of hydroxyaromatic compounds on sort of polyurethane foam, nature and composition of solution deposited on a polymer foam, content of inorganic salt in solution


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    The response (reaction) on risky situations in transport process reliability management is described by a necessity to provide an adequate “persistence” of transport organization in unstable WTO environment, i.e. an ability of transport organization to follow required ISO quality management standards in scope of business process reliability despite the “damage” in extraordinary and unusual circumstances. That requires special attention to enterprise managerial system, when under term “system” we understand  a set of interconnected and relating  processes, provided by true, accurate, timely and complete information in the beginning of business process and its end.Отклик (реакция) на рисковые ситуации в управлении надежностью транспортного процесса определяется необходимостью обеспечить достаточную «живучесть» транспортной организации (ТО) в неустойчивой ВТО-среде, т.е. способностью ТО соблюдать требуемые стандартами качества семейства ISO параметры надежности бизнес-процессов, несмотря на полученные «повреждения» в чрезвычайных и нестандартных обстоятельствах. Это требует особенного внимания к системному управлению предприятием, когда под системой понимается совокупность взаимосвязанных и взаимодействующих процессов, обеспеченных достоверной, точной, своевременной и «полной» информацией по «входам» в каждый процесс и соответственно «выходам»

    New Approach to the Modeling of Processes for Maintenance Vehicle Service

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    В статье предложено рассматривать станцию технического обслуживания автомобилей как многофазную систему массового обслуживания. Приведены формулы для расчета характеристик системы в каждой из рассматриваемых фаз. На конкретном примере показано влияние загрузки производственных участков на состояние следующих по ходу технологического процесса участков. С помощью имитационного моделирования определены оптимальные значения числа рабочих мест на производственных участках.The article proposes to consider the Maintenance Vehicle Service such as the multiphase queueing system. The formulas for calculation of system characteristics in each of the analyzed study phases. A specific example illustrates the effect of download productive plots on the following condition on the downstream side of the plots. With the help of simulation the optimal values of the number of jobs in the manufacturing areas

    Improvements to the formation of lists of drugs for medical use: analysis of changes in the Government Decree no. 871

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    The article presents a description of amendments of the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 871 from August 28, 2014 (with amendments from November 20, 2018). The authors analyzed the historical development of approaches for complex drug assessment in Russia, also criteria for its evaluation were under investigation. The changes affecting both the order and the procedure of forming the lists of medical drugs for medical use are reviewed. The particularities of the current procedure for the formation of lists of drugs for medical use are described in detail. In reliance on the analysis, further direction for improvement/development of the system of formation the lists of medical drugs for medical use are educed (List of Vital and Essential Medicines, List of Medical Drugs for Certain Categories of Citizens, List of High-Cost Medical Drugs)

    Main factors of primary arterial hypertension development and pathogenesis in young, call-up-aged men with complicated family anamnesis

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    To identify the role of cardiovascular pathology, renal, renovascular and renourinal anomalies, neurogenic and endocrine diseases in arterial hypertension (AH) pathogenesis among young, call-up-aged men hospitalized for examination and primary AH diagnosis verification, 60 men aged 16-26 years were included in the study. Hemodynamics was assessed by blood pressure (BP) office measurement and ambulatory monitoring, together with B-mode echocardiography data. Renal and renourinal structure and function was assessed by static and dynamic scintigraphy, renal ultrasound, renal radiography, excretory urography, color Doppler angiography of renal arteries, measurement of microalbuminuria in morning urine and glomerular filtration rate by endogenous creatinine. Plasma levels of uric acid, red blood cell ABO antigens, and Rhesus factor were also assessed to verify familial AH predisposition. AH was not an isolated pathology, being combined with various anomalies and disorders of kidneys, renal vessels, renourinary, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, as well as with metabolic disturbances and obesity. In more than 50% of the cases, renal anomalies were explained by genetic or intrauterine factors. The results obtained point to the importance of genetic and inherited renal anomalies' role in chronic AH syndrome development among young, call-up-aged men