109 research outputs found

    V745\,Cassiopeia: an interacting young massive binary in a multiple star system

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    We present spectroscopic observations of the massive early type system V745\,Cas, embedded in a multiple star system. The brightest star of the system is the eclipsing binary V745\,Cas with an orbital period of 1.41 days. The radial velocities of both components and light curves obtained by INTEGRALINTEGRAL and HipparcosHipparcos missions were analysed. The components of V745\,Cas are shown to be a B0\,V primary with a mass Mp_p=18.31±\pm0.51 M⊙_{\odot} and radius Rp_p=6.94±\pm0.07 R⊙_{\odot} and a B(1-2)\,V secondary with a mass Ms_s=10.47±\pm0.28 M⊙_{\odot} and radius Rs_s=5.35±\pm0.05 R⊙_{\odot}. Our analysis shows that both components fill their corresponding RocheRoche lobes, indicating double contact configuration. Using the UBVJHK magnitudes and interstellar absorption we estimated the mean distance to the system as 1700±\pm50\,pc. The locations of the component stars in the mass-luminosity, mass-radius, effective temperature-mass and surface gravity-mass are in agreement with those of the main-sequence massive stars. We also obtained UBVUBV photometry of the three visual companions and we estimate that all are B-type stars based upon their de-reddened colours.We suspect that this multiple system is probably a member of the Cas OB4 association in the PerseusPerseus arm of the GalaxyGalaxy.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures Accepted by MNRA

    Is NP Aqr a new near-contact binary?

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    We present radial velocities of the double-lined spectroscopic binary NP Aqr. The radial velocities and the optical light curves obtained by Hipparcos and ASAS-3 are analyzed separately. The masses of the primary and secondary components have been found to be 1.65±\pm0.09 and 0.99±\pm0.05 M⊙_{\odot}, respectively. The cross-correlation functions indicate triple peaks which show presence of a tertiary star. The spectroscopic properties of this additional component resemble to that of the primary star. The analysis of the light curves yielded that the more massive primary star fills its corresponding Roche lobe. The secondary component is at or near Roche lobe indicating a new β\beta Lyrae-type near-contact binary. The orbital inclination is about 40∘^{\circ} and, therefore, the observed light variations are produced only by the proximity effects. Due to the absence of eclipses, the effective temperature of the secondary star and the radii of the components could not be determined accurately. We conclude that NP Aqr is a non-eclipsing double-lined spectroscopic binary with a distance of about 134±\pm7 pc. The absolute parameters of the components are also compared with the evolutionary models. While the location of the primary star seems to be suitable with respect to its mass in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the secondary component is located as if a star having a mass less than 0.6 M⊙_{\odot}. This discrepancy is originated from very low effective temperature determined only from the light curve produced by proximity effects. The distance to the third star appears to be very close to that of the close binary which indicates that it may be dynamically bounded to the binary.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure, Accepted by New Astronom

    Long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of the near-contact binary KR Cygni

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    We present the multi-color, five-year light curves and the first radial velocities of the near-contact binary system KR Cyg. We derived the masses of the components as 2.88±\pm0.20 M⊙_{\odot} and 1.26±\pm0.07 M⊙_{\odot} and the radii as 2.59±\pm0.06 R⊙_{\odot} and 1.80±\pm0.04 R⊙_{\odot}. Analyses of the UBVR light curves and the radial velocities indicate that none of the components exactly fill their corresponding Roche lobes. We have calculated the distance to the system of KR Cyg as {411±\pm12} pc using the observed apparent UBV magnitudes and the bolometric corrections for the component stars. We also searched for the empirical determination of albedo and effective temperature of the cooler, less massive star of KR Cyg, and of two similar near contact binaries AK CMi, and DO Cas. The residuals between the observed and computed fluxes are attributed to the effect of mutual illumination which heats the surface layers of the illuminated star and does vary not only its bolometric albedo but also its limb-darkening coefficient and gravity-brightening exponent. The analysis of the light curves shows that the effective albedos are generally smaller than that expected from an envelope of convective star, being mostly departed from the theoretical value at the B passband. As the reflected light diminishes the effective temperature and, therefore, the luminosity of the irradiated star increase. The observed bluer U-B colors during primary minimum are attributed to the effects of mutual irradiation and multiple scattering processes which may alter several characteristics of these systems.Comment: Accepted. 18 pages, 7 figures; 2012, October, Rev. Me

    V1135 Herculis: a double-lined eclipsing binary with an Anomalous Cepheid

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    BVR light curves and radial velocities for the double-lined eclipsing binary V1135\,Her were obtained. The brighter component of V1135\,Her is a Cepheid variable with a pulsation period of 4.22433±\pm0.00026 days. The orbital period of the system is about 39.99782±\pm0.00233 days, which is the shortest value among the known Type\,II Cepheid binaries. The observed B, V, and R magnitudes were cleaned for the intrinsic variations of the primary star. The remaining light curves, consisting of eclipses and proximity effects, are obtained. Our analyses of the multi-colour light curves and radial velocities led to the determination of fundamental stellar properties of both components of the interesting system V1135\,Her. The system consists of two evolved stars, G1+K3 between giants and supergiants, with masses of M1_1=1.461±\pm0.054 \Msun ~and M2_2=0.504±\pm0.040 {\Msun} and radii of R1_1=27.1±\pm0.4 {\Rsun} and R2_2=10.4±\pm0.2 {\Rsun}. The pulsating star is almost filling its corresponding Roche lobe which indicates the possibility of mass loss or transfer having taken place. We find an average distance of d=7500±\pm450 pc using the BVR magnitudes and also the V-band extinction. Location in the Galaxy and the distance to the galactic plane with an amount of 1300 pc indicate that it probably belongs to the thick-disk population. Most of the observed and calculated parameters of the V1135\,Her and its location on the color-magnitude and period-luminosity diagrams lead to a classification of an Anomalous Cepheid.Comment: 25 pages, 9 Tables, 9 Figures, Accepted Revista Mexicana de Astronom\'ia y Astrof\'isica. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1211.120
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