4,378 research outputs found

    Entanglement verification with finite data

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    Suppose an experimentalist wishes to verify that his apparatus produces entangled quantum states. A finite amount of data cannot conclusively demonstrate entanglement, so drawing conclusions from real-world data requires statistical reasoning. We propose a reliable method to quantify the weight of evidence for (or against) entanglement, based on a likelihood ratio test. Our method is universal in that it can be applied to any sort of measurements. We demonstrate the method by applying it to two simulated experiments on two qubits. The first measures a single entanglement witness, while the second performs a tomographically complete measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 pretty picture

    Deposit Growth in the Wetting of an Angular Region with Uniform Evaporation

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    Solvent loss due to evaporation in a drying drop can drive capillary flows and solute migration. The flow is controlled by the evaporation profile and the geometry of the drop. We predict the flow and solute migration near a sharp corner of the perimeter under the conditions of uniform evaporation. This extends the study of Ref. 6, which considered a singular evaporation profile, characteristic of a dry surrounding surface. We find the rate of the deposit growth along contact lines in early and intermediate time regimes. Compared to the dry-surface evaporation profile of Ref. 6, uniform evaporation yields more singular deposition in the early time regime, and nearly uniform deposition profile is obtained for a wide range of opening angles in the intermediate time regime. Uniform evaporation also shows a more pronounced contrast between acute opening angles and obtuse opening angles.Comment: 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Characteristic Angles in the Wetting of an Angular Region: Deposit Growth

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    As was shown in an earlier paper [1], solids dispersed in a drying drop migrate to the (pinned) contact line. This migration is caused by outward flows driven by the loss of the solvent due to evaporation and by geometrical constraint that the drop maintains an equilibrium surface shape with a fixed boundary. Here, in continuation of our earlier paper [2], we theoretically investigate the evaporation rate, the flow field and the rate of growth of the deposit patterns in a drop over an angular sector on a plane substrate. Asymptotic power laws near the vertex (as distance to the vertex goes to zero) are obtained. A hydrodynamic model of fluid flow near the singularity of the vertex is developed and the velocity field is obtained. The rate of the deposit growth near the contact line is found in two time regimes. The deposited mass falls off as a weak power Gamma of distance close to the vertex and as a stronger power Beta of distance further from the vertex. The power Gamma depends only slightly on the opening angle Alpha and stays between roughly -1/3 and 0. The power Beta varies from -1 to 0 as the opening angle increases from 0 to 180 degrees. At a given distance from the vertex, the deposited mass grows faster and faster with time, with the greatest increase in the growth rate occurring at the early stages of the drying process.Comment: v1: 36 pages, 21 figures, LaTeX; submitted to Physical Review E; v2: minor additions to Abstract and Introductio

    Quantum fluctuation induced ordered phase in the Blume-Capel model

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    We consider the Blume-Capel model with the quantum tunneling between the excited states. We find a magnetically ordered phase transition induced by quantum fluctuation in a model. The model has no phase transition in the corresponding classical case. Usually, quantum fluctuation breaks ordered phase as in the case of the transverse field Ising model. However, in present case, an ordered phase is induced by quantum fluctuation. Moreover, we find a phase transition between a quantum paramagnetic phase and a classical diamagnetic phase at zero temperature. We study the properties of the phase transition by using a mean field approximation (MFA), and then, by a quantum Monte Carlo method to confirm the result of the MFA.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, corrected some typo

    Real-Time Gait Analysis Using a Single Head-Worn Inertial Measurement Unit

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    The background of this paper is to apply advanced real-time gait analysis to walking interventions in daily life setting. A vast of wearable devices provide gait information but not more than pedometer functions such as step counting, displacement, and velocity. This paper suggests a real-time gait analysis method based on a head-worn inertial measurement unit. A novel analysis method implements real-time detection of gait events (heel strike, toe off, and mid-stance phase) and immediately provides detailed spatiotemporal parameters. The reliability of this method was proven by a measurement with over 11 000 steps from seven participants on a 400-m outdoor track. The advanced gait analysis was conducted without any limitation of a fixed reference frame (e.g., indoor stage and infrared cameras). The mean absolute error in step-counting was 0.24%. Compared to a pedometer, additional gait parameters were obtained such as foot-ground contact time (CT) and CT ratio. The gait monitoring system can be used as real-time and long-term feedback, which is applicable in the management of the health status and on injury prevention. © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.European Commission/H2020-FETPROACT-2014/641321/E

    Structure of boson systems beyond the mean-field

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    We investigate systems of identical bosons with the focus on two-body correlations. We use the hyperspherical adiabatic method and a decomposition of the wave function in two-body amplitudes. An analytic parametrization is used for the adiabatic effective radial potential. We discuss the structure of a condensate for arbitrary scattering length. Stability and time scales for various decay processes are estimated. The previously predicted Efimov-like states are found to be very narrow. We discuss the validity conditions and formal connections between the zero- and finite-range mean-field approximations, Faddeev-Yakubovskii formulation, Jastrow ansatz, and the present method. We compare numerical results from present work with mean-field calculations and discuss qualitatively the connection with measurements.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Phys. B. Ver. 2 is 28 pages with modified figures and discussion

    Metastability and Nucleation for the Blume-Capel Model. Different mechanisms of transition

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    We study metastability and nucleation for the Blume-Capel model: a ferromagnetic nearest neighbour two-dimensional lattice system with spin variables taking values in -1,0,+1. We consider large but finite volume, small fixed magnetic field h and chemical potential "lambda" in the limit of zero temperature; we analyze the first excursion from the metastable -1 configuration to the stable +1 configuration. We compute the asymptotic behaviour of the transition time and describe the typical tube of trajectories during the transition. We show that, unexpectedly, the mechanism of transition changes abruptly when the line h=2*lambda is crossed.Comment: 96 pages, 44 tex-figures, 7 postscript figure

    Theory of Coupled Multipole Moments Probed by X-ray Scattering in CeB6_6

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    A minimal model for multipole orders in CeB6_6 shows that degeneracy of the quadrupole order parameters and strong spin-orbit coupling lead to peculiar temperature and magnetic-field dependences of the X-ray reflection intensity at superlattice Bragg points. Furthermore, the intensity depends sensitively on the surface direction. These theoretical results explain naturally recent X-ray experiments in phases II and III of CeB6_6. It is predicted that under weak magnetic field perpendicular to the (111) surface, the reflection intensity should change non-monotonically as a function of temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Switching dynamics between metastable ordered magnetic state and nonmagnetic ground state - A possible mechanism for photoinduced ferromagnetism -

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    By studying the dynamics of the metastable magnetization of a statistical mechanical model we propose a switching mechanism of photoinduced magnetization. The equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of the Blume-Capel (BC) model, which is a typical model exhibiting metastability, are studied by mean field theory and Monte Carlo simulation. We demonstrate reversible changes of magnetization in a sequence of changes of system parameters, which would model the reversible photoinduced magnetization. Implications of the calculated results are discussed in relation to the recent experimental results for prussian blue analogs.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
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