233 research outputs found

    Magnetic pressure support and accretion disk spectra

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    Stellar atmosphere models of ionized accretion disks have generally neglected the contribution of magnetic fields to the vertical hydrostatic support, although magnetic fields are widely believed to play a critical role in the transport of angular momentum. Simulations of magnetorotational turbulence in a vertically stratified shearing box geometry show that magnetic pressure support can be dominant in the upper layers of the disk. We present calculations of accretion disk spectra that include this magnetic pressure support, as well as a vertical dissipation profile based on simulation. Magnetic pressure support generically produces a more vertically extended disk atmosphere with a larger density scale height. This acts to harden the spectrum compared to models that neglect magnetic pressure support. We estimate the significance of this effect on disk-integrated spectra by calculating an illustrative disk model for a stellar mass black hole, assuming that similar magnetic pressure support exists at all radii.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Oscillation modes of relativistic slender tori

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    Accretion flows with pressure gradients permit the existence of standing waves which may be responsible for observed quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO's) in X-ray binaries. We present a comprehensive treatment of the linear modes of a hydrodynamic, non-self-gravitating, polytropic slender torus, with arbitrary specific angular momentum distribution, orbiting in an arbitrary axisymmetric spacetime with reflection symmetry. We discuss the physical nature of the modes, present general analytic expressions and illustrations for those which are low order, and show that they can be excited in numerical simulations of relativistic tori. The mode oscillation spectrum simplifies dramatically for near Keplerian angular momentum distributions, which appear to be generic in global simulations of the magnetorotational instability. We discuss our results in light of observations of high frequency QPO's, and point out the existence of a new pair of modes which can be in an approximate 3:2 ratio for arbitrary black hole spins and angular momentum distributions, provided the torus is radiation pressure dominated. This mode pair consists of the axisymmetric vertical epicyclic mode and the lowest order axisymmetric breathing mode.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Neutron starquakes and the nature of gamma-ray bursts

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    The possibility that gamma-ray bursts originate from quakes deep in the solid crust of a neutron star is investigated. Seismic waves are radiated if shear stress is relieved by brittle fracture. However they cannot propagate directly to the surface but are temporarily trapped below a reflecting layer. The shaking of the stellar surface couples the seismic waves to Alfven waves which propagate out into the magnetosphere. The crust-magnetosphere transmission coefficient strongly increases with wave frequency and magnetic field strength. Alfven wave luminosities sufficient to power galactic gamma-ray bursts are possible if magnetic fields greater than 100 billion G cover at least part of the stellar surface. As the Alfven waves propagate out into the low density magnetosphere, they become increasingly charge starved, thereby accelerating particles to relativistic energies

    Neutron starquake models for gamma-ray bursts

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    We assess neutron starquake models for γ-ray bursts. The elastic energy the crust can store is sufficient to account for that radiated in a single burst, but it is insufficient to supply the ≳ 10^6 bursts each star produces over its lifetime, and so it must be replenished. Seismic waves are radiated if shear stress is relieved by brittle fracture. However they cannot propagate directly to the surface but are temporarily trapped below a reflecting layer. Between the reflecting layer and the surface the displacement amplitude of the wave is nearly constant and the strain is very small. At low frequencies, ≾ 10^4 Hz, the reflection is associated with an evanescent zone. At high frequencies, ≳ 10^4 Hz, the reflection occurs where the magnetic field stress starts to dominate the crustal rigidity. The shaking of the stellar surface couples the seismic waves to Alfén waves which propagate out into the magnetosphere. At low frequencies, the coupling coefficient, T, is proportional to the square of the magnetic field, B, and increases with the seventh power of the wave frequency, v. At high frequencies, T is proportional to B^(4/7)v^(3/7). Alfvén wave luminosities sufficient to power Galactic γ-ray bursts are possible if magnetic fields ≳ 10^(11) G cover at least part of the stellar surface. The conversion of Alfvén waves into γ-rays may occur if the waves are charge-starved or if their amplitudes approach that of the background magnetic field

    Epicyclic oscillations of non-slender fluid tori around Kerr black holes

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    Considering epicyclic oscillations of pressure-supported perfect fluid tori orbiting Kerr black holes we examine non-geodesic (pressure) effects on the epicyclic modes properties. Using a perturbation method we derive fully general relativistic formulas for eigenfunctions and eigenfrequencies of the radial and vertical epicyclic modes of a slightly non-slender, constant specific angular momentum torus up to second-order accuracy with respect to the torus thickness. The behaviour of the axisymmetric and lowest-order (m=±1m=\pm 1) non-axisymmetric epicyclic modes is investigated. For an arbitrary black hole spin we find that, in comparison with the (axisymmetric) epicyclic frequencies of free test particles, non-slender tori receive negative pressure corrections and exhibit thus lower frequencies. Our findings are in qualitative agreement with the results of a recent pseudo-Newtonian study of analogous problem defined within the Paczy{\'n}ski-Wiita potential. Implications of our results on the high-frequency QPO models dealing with epicyclic oscillations are addressed.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure