34 research outputs found

    On computation of the first Baues--Wirsching cohomology of a freely-generated small category

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    The Baues--Wirsching cohomology is one of the cohomologies of a small category. Our aim is to describe the first Baues--Wirsching cohomology of the small category generated by a finite quiver freely. We consider the case where the coefficient is a natural system obtained by the composition of a functor and the target functor. We give an algorithm to obtain generators of the vector space of inner derivations. It is known that there exists a surjection from the vector space of derivations of the small category to the first Baues--Wirsching cohomology whose kernel is the vector space of inner derivations.Comment: 11 page

    Automorphism groups of polycyclic-by-finite groups and arithmetic groups

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    We show that the outer automorphism group of a polycyclic-by-finite group is an arithmetic group. This result follows from a detailed structural analysis of the automorphism groups of such groups. We use an extended version of the theory of the algebraic hull functor initiated by Mostow. We thus make applicable refined methods from the theory of algebraic and arithmetic groups. We also construct examples of polycyclic-by-finite groups which have an automorphism group which does not contain an arithmetic group of finite index. Finally we discuss applications of our results to the groups of homotopy self-equivalences of K(\Gamma, 1)-spaces and obtain an extension of arithmeticity results of Sullivan in rational homotopy theory

    Virtually abelian K\"ahler and projective groups

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    We characterise the virtually abelian groups which are fundamental groups of compact K\"ahler manifolds and of smooth projective varieties. We show that a virtually abelian group is K\"ahler if and only if it is projective. In particular, this allows to describe the K\"ahler condition for such groups in terms of integral symplectic representations

    Strominger--Yau--Zaslow geometry, Affine Spheres and Painlev\'e III

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    We give a gauge invariant characterisation of the elliptic affine sphere equation and the closely related Tzitz\'eica equation as reductions of real forms of SL(3, \C) anti--self--dual Yang--Mills equations by two translations, or equivalently as a special case of the Hitchin equation. We use the Loftin--Yau--Zaslow construction to give an explicit expression for a six--real dimensional semi--flat Calabi--Yau metric in terms of a solution to the affine-sphere equation and show how a subclass of such metrics arises from 3rd Painlev\'e transcendents.Comment: 38 pages. Final version. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Geodesics in non-positively curved plane tessellations

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    We introduce a natural combinatorial curvature function on the corners of plane tessellations and relate it to the global metric geometry of their corresponding edge and dual graphs. If the combinatorial curvature in the corners is non-positive then we prove that any geodesic path in such a graph may be extended to infinity. Moreover, if the combinatorial curvature is negative we show that every pair of geodesic segments with the same end points does not enclose any vertices. We apply these results to establish an estimate for the growth of distance balls, Gromov hyperbolicity, and four-colourability of certain classes of plane tessellations

    Curvature and Geometry of Tessellating Plane Graphs

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    We show that the growth of plane tessellations and their edge graphs may be controlled from below by upper bounds for the combinatorial curvature. Under the assumption that every geodesic path may be extended to infinity we provide explicit estimates of the grwoth rate and isoperimetric constant of distance ball in negatively curved tessellations. We show that the assumption about geodesics holds for all tessellations with at least p faces meeting in each vertex and at least q edges bounding each face, where (p,q) equals (3,6), (4,4) or (6,3)

    Rigidity of compact pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous spaces for solvable Lie groups

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    Advance Access Publication February 4, 2017Let M be a compact connected pseudo-Riemannian manifold on which a solvable connected Lie group G of isometries acts transitively. We show that G acts almost freely on M and that the metric onM is induced by a bi-invariant pseudo-Riemannian metric on G. Furthermore, we show that the identity component of the isometry group ofM coincides with G. The proofs rely on a combination of density properties for uniform subgroups of solvable Lie groups and the reduction theory of pseudo-Riemannian metric Lie groups.Oliver Baues and Wolfgang Globk

    Approximating Generators for Integral Arithmetic Groups

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