48 research outputs found

    Screening mutation in RYR2 gene in a Kazakhstani idiopathic ventricular tachycardia study cohort: two novel mutations

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    The human ryanodine receptor 2 (RYR2) is one of the key players tightly regulating calcium efflux from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol and found frequently mutated (<60%) in context of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT1) [1]


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    This article presents an overview and results  of treatment of malignant neoplasms of the  liver hepatic artery  chemoembolization methods in 141 patients. The analysis  of  the results of this method of treatment.В статье представлены обзор и результаты эндоваскулярного лечения  злокачественных новообразований печени  методом химиоэмболизации печеночных  артерий у 141 профильного больного. Проведен анализ результатов применения данной методики.


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    Artery aneurysms of pool celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery are not often in clinical practice. Often, the first clinical manifestation of the aneurysm is a hemorrhagic shock which proceed from its rupture. The risk of aneurysm rupture doesn’t depend on their size, ranging from 3% to 10%. But the mortality from aneurysm rupture can be reaches 36%. As we know well that the aneurysm ruptures has a high rate of mortality, treatment as symptomatic as asymptomatic aneurysms are essential. The authors of the article represent the demonstration of successful endovascular treatment of aneurysms splenic artery and posttraumatic aneurysm of common hepatic artery using modern embolization materials. In the first case performed embolization of lumen aneurysm by embolization coil with next installation in the lumen of the artery stent graft, in the second case – the feeding artery was embolized by microemboles. Nowadays, the medical instruments for X – ray surgical interventions allow you to perform a complete embolization of pathological structures such as aneurysms of the main arteries of the celiac trunk. Thanks to low level of interventions endovascular therapies can be related to the method of choice in the treatment of many surgical diseases in compulsory with the open methods of operation.Аневризмы артерий бассейна чревного ствола и верхней брыжеечной артерии в клинической практике встречаются редко. Часто первым клиническим проявлением аневризмы становится геморрагический шок в следствие ее разрыва. Риск разрыва аневризм не зависит от их размера и составляет от 3 до 10%. При этом смертность от разрыва аневризм достигает 36%. Учитывая высокий уровень смертности при разрывах аневризм, лечение как симптомных, так и асимптомных аневризм является обязательным. Авторами статьи приводится демонстрация успешного эндоваскулярного лечения аневризмы селезеночной артерии и посттравматической аневризмы общей печеночной артерии при помощи современных эмболизационных материалов. В первом случае проведена эмболизация просвета аневризмы эмболизационной спиралью с последующей установкой в просвет артерии стент-графта, во втором питающая артерия была эмболизирована микроэмболами. На сегодняшний день инструментарий для проведения рентгенохирургических вмешательств позволяет выполнять полноценную эмболизацию патологических образований, таких как аневризмы магистральных артерий чревного ствола. Благодаря малоинвазивности рентгеноэндоваскулярные методы лечения можно отнести к методам выбора в лечении многих хирургических заболеваний по отношению к открытым способам операции.

    Эндопротезирование гастродуоденальной артерии стент-графтом с целью «выключения» ложной аневризмы из кровотока

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    Introduction. Aneurysms of visceral arteries in the abdominal cavity are very rare. Often aneurysms of branches of the abdominal aorta are an incidental finding as patients seldom present obvious clinical signs or pathological changes in the organ supplied by the artery involved. The incidence of aneurysms of branches connecting the celiac trunk and the upper mesenteric artery amounts to 3.5% of all the cases of aneurysms of abdominal aorta arteries, mostly the gastroduodenal artery. This paper presents a case of minimally invasive treatment of gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm at the BSMU Clinic.Materials and methods. Patient K, a 47-year-old female, was admitted for emergency treatment at the Bashkir State Medical University Clinic in May 2019. The patient’s complaints included feeling weak, black stool for seven days prior, faintness and epigastric pain.Results and discussions. Instrumental examination and angiography data demonstrated that the size of the pseudoaneurysm has increased 2.5 times and reached 65×45 mm; the clinical picture led to the conclusion that the aneurysm was ready to rupture and that there was an immediate need to stop the blood flow to the gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm.Conclusion. The range of currently available image-guided surgical procedures makes it possible to perform adequate embolization of pathological structures such as artery aneurysms.Введение. Аневризмы висцеральных артерий брюшной полости встречаются очень редко в клинической практике врачей. Зачастую аневризмы ветвей брюшной аорты являются диагностической находкой, так как клиническая картина редко когда отображает явные признаки ее наличия и на первый план выходят патологические изменения со стороны органа, который данная артерия кровоснабжает. Частота встречаемости аневризмы ветвей, соединяющих чревный ствол и верхнюю брыжеечную артерию, составляет 3,5 % от всех аневризм артерий брюшной аорты, и основную долю их занимает гастродуоденальная артерия.Цель исследования: демонстрация мини-инвазивного лечения ложной аневризмы гастродуоденальной артерии в Клинике БГМУ.Материалы и методы. В Клинику Башкирского государственного медицинского университета в мае 2019 года в экстренном порядке поступила пациентка К. 47 лет с жалобами на слабость, черный стул в течение 7 дней, головокружение, боли в эпигастральной области.Результаты и обсуждение. По данным инструментальных методов исследования и ангиографии, размер ложной аневризмы увеличился в 2,5 раза и составил 65×45 мм, по клинической картине можно было судить о готовности разрыва аневризмы и прямой необходимости в устранении кровоснабжения ложной аневризмы гастродуоденальной артерии.Заключение. На сегодняшний день инструментарий для проведения рентген-хирургических вмешательств позволяет выполнять полноценную эмболизацию патологических образований, таких как аневризмы артерий

    Зомета в терапии рака предстательной железы с метастатическим поражением костей на фоне андрогенной депривации (результаты Российского многоцентрового исследования)

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    Introduction: Hormonal therapy is the method of choice in treating disseminated prostate cancer. Chronic androgenic suppression causes a reduction in bone mineral density. The most common complications of bone metastases are pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, pain, etc.Methods: A multicenter study (11 clinics of Russia) assessing the efficacy of Zometa in preventing skeletal complications of bone metastases was conducted in 2004—2005. Zometa was administered intravenously at a dose of 4 mg every 3Р4 weeks with androgenic deprivation. Its objective effect was evaluated in 70 patients. Changes in bone mineral density were evaluated by densitometry.Results: Complete pain relief was achieved in 73% of the patients; after therapy 86% of the patients had 0—1 WHO activity status score, 97% of the patients had no bone complications. The level of bone resorption marker β-Cross-Laps decreased to the normal values in 51% of the patients.Conclusion: The study has provided an evidence of the efficacy of Zometa and the necessity of using this drug in complex therapy for bone metastases of prostate cancer.Introduction: Hormonal therapy is the method of choice in treating disseminated prostate cancer. Chronic androgenic suppression causes a reduction in bone mineral density. The most common complications of bone metastases are pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, pain, etc.Methods: A multicenter study (11 clinics of Russia) assessing the efficacy of Zometa in preventing skeletal complications of bone metastases was conducted in 2004—2005. Zometa was administered intravenously at a dose of 4 mg every 3Р4 weeks with androgenic deprivation. Its objective effect was evaluated in 70 patients. Changes in bone mineral density were evaluated by densitometry.Results: Complete pain relief was achieved in 73% of the patients; after therapy 86% of the patients had 0—1 WHO activity status score, 97% of the patients had no bone complications. The level of bone resorption marker β-Cross-Laps decreased to the normal values in 51% of the patients.Conclusion: The study has provided an evidence of the efficacy of Zometa and the necessity of using this drug in complex therapy for bone metastases of prostate cancer

    The composition of microbial communities in inflammatory periodontal diseases in young adults tatars

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    Host susceptibility and environmental factors are important for the development of gingivitis and periodontitis, but bacterial biofilms attached to the teeth and gingival tissues play a crucial role. We have analyzed and compared the subgingival microbial communities between subjects with dental plaque biofilm-induced generalized chronic gingivitis (CG), localized initial (Stage I) periodontitis (IP) and healthy controls (HC) of young people aged 18–19 years permanently residing in the city of Kazan (Tatarstan, Russia). The results showed that the α-diversity in groups with CG and IP was higher than in the healthy group. In a course of periodontal disease, a decrease in the relative abundance of dominates genera Rothia and Streptococcus was observed along with increase of class TM7-3 (Candidatus Saccharibacteria phylum) representatives. Also, the increase of red complex representatives Porphyromonadeceae, Treponema and Tannerella was detected together with statistically significant increase of Filifactor, Parvimonas, Peptostreptococcaceae, Veillonellaceae, Tissierelaceae and Mogibacteriaceae. Analysis of our data suggests that transition from HC to IP may be accompanied by a decrease in microbial diversity and a reduction in the abundance of family Rs-045 (Candidatus Saccharibacteria phylum), Desulfovibrionaceae Corynebacterium, Campylobacter and Selenomonas in young adults Kazan Tatars

    Receptor-Mediated Mitophagy Rescues Cancer Cells under Hypoxic Conditions

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    Targeting mitochondria with thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), an inhibitor of Complex II in the respiratory chain, stimulated cisplatin-induced apoptosis in various cell lines in normoxia but not in hypoxia. This can be explained by the elimination of mitochondria involved in triggering apoptotic cell death by mitophagy, either Parkin-dependent or receptor-mediated. Treatment with TTFA alone or in combination with cisplatin did not cause accumulation of PINK1, meaning that under hypoxic conditions cells survive through activation of a receptor-mediated pathway. Hypoxia triggers the accumulation of BNIP3 and BNIP3L (also known as NIX), key participants in receptor-mediated mitophagy. Under hypoxic conditions, stimulation of autophagy, as assessed by the accumulation of lipidated form of LC3 (LC3II), was observed. To exclude the contribution of canonical macroautophagy in LC3II accumulation, experiments were performed using U1810 cells lacking ATG13, a key enzyme of macroautophagy. Despite the absence of ATG13, hypoxia-mediated accumulation of LC3II was not affected, underlying the importance of the receptor-mediated pathway. In order to prove the protective role of BNIP3 against cisplatin-induced apoptosis, BNIP3-deficient A549 cells were used. Surprisingly, a BNIP3 knockout did not abolish hypoxia-induced protection; however, in cells lacking BNIP3, a compensatory upregulation of BNIP3L was detected. Thus, in the absence of BNIP3, mitophagy could be maintained by BNIP3L and lead to cell death suppression due to the elimination of proapoptotic mitochondria. When both BNIP3 and BNIP3L were knocked out, the inhibitory effect of hypoxia on apoptosis was diminished, although not abolished completely. Undoubtedly, receptor-mediated mitophagy is likely to be one of the mechanisms responsible for cell death suppression under hypoxic conditions

    Crucial priorities of obstetricians and gynecologists in the formation of work behavior and needs they are being satisfied in the course of professional activity

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    The article is devoted to the study of the results of a sociological study of the priorities of obstetricians and gynecologists in the formation of labor behavior and the basic needs they meet in the course of professional activity. Medical workers and doctors themselves are the most significant and most valuable part of the internal resources of medical institutions, they ensure the effectiveness of the activities of a medical organization. However, this is possible only in the conditions of a scientifically based system of motivation for their work, which in our country has a rather insufficient level of development. The main essence of labor motivation for most medical workers is reduced to their awareness of the social significance of their work. At the same time, the desire to have a guaranteed salary that provides a decent standard of living is not supported by the desire for high efficiency and quality of work performed. In this regard, the problem of motivation of professional activity of medical workers is an extremely relevant area in healthcare. &nbsp


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    This article presents an overview and results  of treatment of malignant neoplasms of the  liver hepatic artery  chemoembolization methods in 141 patients. The analysis  of  the results of this method of treatment