15 research outputs found

    Регулируемые фильтры питания микроконтроллеров с маскированием тока потребления

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    В статті проведене моделювання генераторів шуму для використання в регульованих фільтрах з маскуванням струму споживання для живлення мікроконтролерів, запропоновані нові схеми регульованих фільтрів, показана їх ефективність.For copyright protection of software for microcontrollers, it is important for developer to know real information about the degree of their security against unauthorized reading. Known methods of unauthorized reading of information by consumption current, such as the simple power analysis and the differential power analysis, are simple to perform, have low cost, and are carried out without destruction of chips. Perspective way of protection against such reading is masking of consumption current. Authors offer to create such adjustable filter of consumption current which would bring hindrances in consumption current of the microcontroller. To define type of the noise generator, which is necessary for control of adjustable filter, and also noise frequency, coefficients of mutual correlation between consumption current without masking and with masking by means of adjustable filter, depending on type of the generator of noise and on its frequency are defined. On the basis of the generator of noise, four devices of filters of a microprocessor powering system with protection of consumption current are developed. Comparison of the offered filters against existing systems of protection is executed, and determined, that the offered consumption current filters have the best efficiency.Для защиты авторских прав разработчику систем на микроконтроллерах важно знать реальную информацию о степени их защищенности от несанкционированного считывания. Известны методы несанкционированного считывания информации по току потребления, такие как простой анализ тока потребления и дифференциальный анализ тока потребления, просты для выполнения, имеют низкую стоимость, и проводятся без разрушения микросхем. Перспективным способом защиты от считывания является маскирование тока потребления. Авторами предложено создать такой регулируемый фильтр тока потребления, который бы вносил помехи в ток потребления микроконтроллера. Для того, чтобы определить тип генератора шума, необходимый для управления регулируемым фильтром, а также частоты шума, определены коэффициенты взаимной корреляции между током потребления без маскирования и с маскированием при помощи регулируемого фильтра, в зависимости от типа генератора шума и от его частоты. На базе генератора шума разработаны четыре устройства фильтров питания микропроцессорной системы с защитой по току потребления. Выполнено сравнение предложенных фильтров с существующими системами защиты, и установлено, что наибольшую эффективность имеют предложенные фильтры тока потребления микроконтроллеров

    Особенности работы с минимизированной системой для кардиоплегии у детей. Стендовое испытание

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    It is very important to observe all the parameters of cardioplegia when protecting myocardium during cardiac surgery. To perform this task, it is necessary to have clear understanding of properties of the elements of the extracorporeal circuit of cardiopulmonary bypass.The objective: to develop a test model and using it to evaluate technical capabilities of blood cardioplegic system reducing the filling volume of the heat exchange chamber and the system supplying solution to the myocardium.Subjects and methods. A model of a neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass circuit was tested, it included an oxygenator and the cardioplegic system with a 7-ml heat exchange chamber; changes in the pressure and temperature in key nodes of the extracorporeal and cardioplegic circuits were assessed when the pump velocity, ambient temperature and fluid temperature in the main circuit were changed.Results. This modification provides a wide range of liquid volumetric velocities. Maintaining the selected variant of blood cardioplegia and safe pressure within the cardioplegic circuit is ensured at the perfusion rate of up to 350 ml/min. With normothermal circulation and air temperature in the operating room of 23°C, parameters of the cardioplegic circuit and solution delivery system allows maintaining the solution temperature within the range from 16 to 19°C. When the solution is cooled in a heat exchanger down to 4°C, the temperature of the final cardioplegic solution is maintained within 12-17°C; and with normothermal perfusion, air temperature in the operating room of 15°C and the solution temperature in the heat exchange chamber of 4°C, the temperature of the final cardioplegic solution can be within 6‒13°C. With perfusion in the mode of moderate hypothermia (32°C), air temperature in the operating room 15°C and temperature in the heat exchange chamber 4°C, the final cardioplegic solution can be delivered at the temperature from 5 to 9°C.Conclusions. The proposed test model allows investigating aimed to find out additional characteristics of the cardioplegic circuit.Ambient air temperature, cardioplegic pump velocity and main circuit fluid temperature are the main factors influencing the final cardioplegic solution temperature.When using the studied variant of the cardioplegic circuit assembly, the maintenance of the selected variant of blood cardioplegia and safe pressure inside the cardioplegic circuit are ensured at a perfusion rate of up to 350 ml/min.При обеспечении защиты миокарда во время операций на сердце принципиально важно четко соблюдать параметры проведения кардиоплегии. Эта задача реализуется посредством точного представления о свойствах компонентов экстракорпорального контура искусственного кровообращения.Цель: разработать тестовую модель и с ее помощью оценить технические возможности кровяной кардиоплегической системы с уменьшенным объемом заполнения камеры теплообмена и системы доставки раствора к миокарду.Материал и методы. Исследована тестовая модель неонатального контура искусственного кровообращения с использованием оксигенатора и кардиоплегической системы с объемом заполнения камеры теплообмена 7 мл с оценкой динамики давления и температуры в ключевых узлах экстракорпорального и кардиоплегического контура при изменении скорости работы насоса, температуры окружающей среды и жидкости в основном контуре.Результаты. Данная модификация полностью обеспечивает широкий диапазон объемных скоростей жидкости. Поддержание избранного варианта кровяной кардиоплегии и безопасного давления внутри кардиоплегического контура обеспечивается при скорости перфузии до 350 мл/мин. Возможности кардиоплегического контура и системы доставки раствора при нормотермической циркуляции и температуре воздуха в операционной 23°С позволяют обеспечивать поддержание температуры раствора в пределах от 16 до 19°С. При охлаждении раствора в теплообменном устройстве до 4°С температура конечного кардиоплегического раствора обеспечивается в пределах 12‒17°С, а при нормотермической перфузии, температуре воздуха в операционной 15°С и температуре раствора в камере теплообмена 4°С ‒ в пределах 6‒13°С. При перфузии в режиме умеренной гипотермии (32°С), температуре воздуха в операционной 15°С и температуре в камере теплообмена 4°С подача готового кардиоплегического раствора возможна с t от 5 до 9°С.Выводы. Предложенная тестовая модель позволяет проводить исследования с целью получения дополнительных характеристик кардиоплегического контура.Температура окружающего воздуха, скорость работы кардиоплегического насоса и температура жидкости в основном контуре являются основными факторами, влияющими на температуру конечного кардиоплегического раствора.При использовании исследованного варианта сборки кардиоплегического контура поддержание избранного варианта кровяной кардиоплегии и безопасного давления внутри кардиоплегического контура обеспечивается при скорости перфузии до 350 мл/мин

    Baseline characteristics of patients in the reduction of events with darbepoetin alfa in heart failure trial (RED-HF)

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    <p>Aims: This report describes the baseline characteristics of patients in the Reduction of Events with Darbepoetin alfa in Heart Failure trial (RED-HF) which is testing the hypothesis that anaemia correction with darbepoetin alfa will reduce the composite endpoint of death from any cause or hospital admission for worsening heart failure, and improve other outcomes.</p> <p>Methods and results: Key demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings, along with baseline treatment, are reported and compared with those of patients in other recent clinical trials in heart failure. Compared with other recent trials, RED-HF enrolled more elderly [mean age 70 (SD 11.4) years], female (41%), and black (9%) patients. RED-HF patients more often had diabetes (46%) and renal impairment (72% had an estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m2). Patients in RED-HF had heart failure of longer duration [5.3 (5.4) years], worse NYHA class (35% II, 63% III, and 2% IV), and more signs of congestion. Mean EF was 30% (6.8%). RED-HF patients were well treated at randomization, and pharmacological therapy at baseline was broadly similar to that of other recent trials, taking account of study-specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. Median (interquartile range) haemoglobin at baseline was 112 (106–117) g/L.</p> <p>Conclusion: The anaemic patients enrolled in RED-HF were older, moderately to markedly symptomatic, and had extensive co-morbidity.</p&gt


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    The paper presents the experience in the treatment of 128 children with the syndrome of portal hypertension (SPH) from 1997 to 2013. Hypersplenism (HS) was diagnosed in 48 children (37,5%). Applied methods of medical and surgical treatment of HS. The authors of the HS divides into three forms clinical course: 1) compensated, 2) subcompensated and 3) decompensated. Compensated form of HS diagnosed in 19-and children (14,8%) and given medical treatment. Subcompensated form detected in 19 patients (14,8%) and requires both medical and surgical treatment. Decompensated form HS exhibited 10 patients (7,8%) was cured surgical method


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    Rehabilitation of children undergoing surgery for colon and rectum is an important issue of pediatric surgery. Its relevance is due to the widespread development of these anomalies requiring surgical correction –  1:4000–5000 newborns. In all patients with this disease is marked by inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa. Use of      73  antibacterial drugs in the pre-and postoperative periods in 100% of cases, causes the development of  intestinal dysbiosis.Dysbiosis uniqueness is manifested in the fact that this disease is in the interests of doctors of different specialties. Traditional methods for correcting violations mikrobiotsinoz gut is not always sufficiently effective in surgical patients. The purpose of this study to optimize the treatment and prevention circuit dysbacteriosis in surgical patients

    Specific parameters of operation of the minimized system for cardioplegia in children. Bench test

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    It is very important to observe all the parameters of cardioplegia when protecting myocardium during cardiac surgery. To perform this task, it is necessary to have clear understanding of properties of the elements of the extracorporeal circuit of cardiopulmonary bypass.The objective: to develop a test model and using it to evaluate technical capabilities of blood cardioplegic system reducing the filling volume of the heat exchange chamber and the system supplying solution to the myocardium.Subjects and methods. A model of a neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass circuit was tested, it included an oxygenator and the cardioplegic system with a 7-ml heat exchange chamber; changes in the pressure and temperature in key nodes of the extracorporeal and cardioplegic circuits were assessed when the pump velocity, ambient temperature and fluid temperature in the main circuit were changed.Results. This modification provides a wide range of liquid volumetric velocities. Maintaining the selected variant of blood cardioplegia and safe pressure within the cardioplegic circuit is ensured at the perfusion rate of up to 350 ml/min. With normothermal circulation and air temperature in the operating room of 23°C, parameters of the cardioplegic circuit and solution delivery system allows maintaining the solution temperature within the range from 16 to 19°C. When the solution is cooled in a heat exchanger down to 4°C, the temperature of the final cardioplegic solution is maintained within 12-17°C; and with normothermal perfusion, air temperature in the operating room of 15°C and the solution temperature in the heat exchange chamber of 4°C, the temperature of the final cardioplegic solution can be within 6‒13°C. With perfusion in the mode of moderate hypothermia (32°C), air temperature in the operating room 15°C and temperature in the heat exchange chamber 4°C, the final cardioplegic solution can be delivered at the temperature from 5 to 9°C.Conclusions. The proposed test model allows investigating aimed to find out additional characteristics of the cardioplegic circuit.Ambient air temperature, cardioplegic pump velocity and main circuit fluid temperature are the main factors influencing the final cardioplegic solution temperature.When using the studied variant of the cardioplegic circuit assembly, the maintenance of the selected variant of blood cardioplegia and safe pressure inside the cardioplegic circuit are ensured at a perfusion rate of up to 350 ml/min

    Peculiarities of hemodynamic status of healthy newborns in early neonatal period

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    The study is devoted to the assessment of hemodynamic parameters in healthy newborns in the early neonatal period. The authors examined 76 healthy newborns aged up to 7 days. 12 (15.7%) of 76 children were diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation of hypotrophic type and 14 children (18.49%) were premature. The authors evaluated the diameter of the outgoing tract of the left ventricle, pulmonary artery trunk, mitral and tricuspid valve rings. The disc method was used to determine the final diastolic volume of the left ventricle. The pulse Doppler was used to determine the integrated flow rate in the outflow tract of the left ventricle, the pulmonary artery trunk, on the mitral and tricuspid valves. After US there were calculated the stroke volume index, cardiac index, total peripheral vascular resistance and oxygen delivery index.The results. It integral flow rate was found to be a key indicator of central hemodynamics, which determines the magnitude of the stroke volume. Body weight and the presence of functioning fetal communications do not have a significant impact on the indexed systemic blood flow in healthy newborns. There is a direct correlation between the integral blood flow velocity and the stroke volume index, which is characteristic of all intracardiac anatomical structures

    Clinical efficacy of native drug Adgelon in knee osteoarthritis

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    Results of treatment of 76 pts with knee osteoarthritis with native drug Adgelon (glycoprotein possessing biological activity at super low doses) are presented. WOMAC index, Lequesne functional index and SF-36 questionnaire show analgesic effect and quality of life improvement after 6 intra-articular adgelon injections during 3 weeks. Subsequent follow up for 2 months revealed aftereffect of the drug