8 research outputs found

    The impact of politics on transport system of the Russian Federation

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    The article presents a detailed analysis of the impact of policy on the transport system of the Russian Federation. The main directions of state policy related to transport are studied, considering both global trends and regional characteristics. The article pays special attention to safety issues, environmental aspects and meeting the needs of passengers and cargo carriers. The impact of political decisions on creating a safe transport environment, preventing accidents and reducing the number of victims is analyzed. Meeting the needs of passengers and freight carriers is considered an important aspect of transportation policy development and implementation. The article also discusses the main regulatory documents governing transportation infrastructure in Russia, including federal laws and government resolutions. These documents establish rules and requirements for the development and operation of transportation infrastructure, as well as regulate the activities of transportation companies and organizations. The paper also examines the impact of policy on the transportation infrastructure of two major cities in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg. These cities have complex transportation systems with high passenger and freight volumes. Based on the analysis, conclusions are formulated to assess the results of policy influence on the development of the transportation system in Russia. These include evaluating the effectiveness of policy interventions, meeting their objectives, identifying problems and making recommendations for improving transport policies. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of developing and implementing sound transportation policies to create a modern, efficient, and sustainable transportation system in Russia that can meet contemporary challenges and societal needs

    Structure and subjects of information policy

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    The article substantiates the importance of information policy for the sustainable development of the state and society. The analysis of the information policy structure and its formation within the framework of the international agenda is carried out, considering the interests of all countries. The requirements for the analysis of information policy and its concept on the basis of objects existing in the information space are determined. The main approaches to the definition of objects of information policy are revealed. The problem of the relationship between the state and society in the context of information policy is considered. The importance of the interaction of social and information systems and its influence on public opinion is substantiated. The concept of information policy subject is interpreted from the political science and philosophy point of view. The main difficulties in understanding this definition are highlighted due to the differences between social and information spaces. The main types of subjects in the political sphere that are actively involved in the political process, representing individual, group and institutional actors, are given. The influence of modern trends on the composition of political subjects is described. Types of information policy subjects analysis and classification are carried out. The use of the information space by terrorist and extremist organizations deprived of their official status for their own purposes is analyzed

    Information policy as a resource for state management

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    This article examines the multifaceted nature of information policy and the key role played by various social institutions in its formation and implementation. It also explores the participation of political parties, movements and associations of citizens as key actors responsible for the formation and implementation of information policy. In addition, the authors analyze the significant influence of political parties on state power in matters of information policy, citing examples from such modern countries as Russia and the United States. The enduring importance of political parties as vital social institutions is recognized, their role in the information space and their impact on society when coming to power are discussed. The mechanisms of relations between the institutions of state power and the mass media are studied, and their characteristics are given, taking into account the interests of both sides in the field of modern communications. The main directions of using public relations for political reasons by governing bodies are highlighted, taking into account the increased expectations of social responsibility, activity and consciousness on the part of other participants in the political process and civil society. The effective management of the process of institutionalization of information policy is considered

    Russian population’s political activities in the first third of the XX century on the example of the Peasant Union creation movement

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    The article studies peasantry’s political activities development in Russia in the first third of the XX century. The reasons and the essence of the Peasant Union in the revolutionary events of 1905–1907 and 1917, the Civil War and in the period of the new economic policy have been revealed. The periods of peasantry’s political activities, conditioned by the state policy transformation in village, have been distinguished. Starting from 1905, the authorities tried to involve peasantry in the political agenda. However, politicization could not be controlled in the conditions of the revolution. Peasantry’s political activities were used by the opposition forces, the SRs and Bolsheviks, who proposed a program understandable to the peasant social psychology. The Third Monarchy suspended the Peasant Union activities. In February 1917, the Union work continued under the control of the SRs. In August 1917, Peasant Congress adopted the SR program documents. Calls to create a union during the Civil War took place against the background of peasants’ disillusionment with the “war communism” policy. In 1921, the idea of creating the Peasant Union was revived. Contradictory nature of Bolshevik policy, the concept of “interlocking” between city and countryside, growing “emergency” and crises of the new economic policy against the background of granting peasants relative economic freedom led to peasant demands growth for protecting their economic rights and creating organizations that resembled trade unions in city. These demands were not institutionalized. The movement reached all strata of village. The surge of demands of the United State Political Department dates from 1927–1928. It is conditioned by the transition to collectivization. It has been concluded that, despite the lack of the Peasant Union concept, diversity of demands, different understanding of association in rural society, movement for its creation testified to increased socio-political activity of the population. When the state policy outlined the rollback of the new economic policy principles, the number of votes in favor of the Union increased. The growth of socio-political tension in villages was evident. The Party began to pursue a policy of social division in villages to prevent radicalization of sentiments

    Problems of Russian economic sustainability in conditions of debt economy

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    The purpose of this study is to focus on the key issues hindering the sustainable development of the world economy as a whole as well as the economies of the European Union and Russia in particula

    Problems of Russian economic sustainability in conditions of debt economy

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    The purpose of this study is to focus on the key issues hindering the sustainable development of the world economy as a whole as well as the economies of the European Union and Russia in particula