32 research outputs found

    Forward production of beauty baryons in pp collisions at LHC

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    The production of charmed and beauty baryons in proton-proton collisions at high energies is analyzed within the modified quark-gluon string model. We present some predictions for the experiments on the forward beauty baryon production in pp collisions at LHC energies. This analysis allows us to find useful information on the Regge trajectories of the heavy (b barb) mesons and the sea beauty quark distributions in the proton.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    J/psi c\bar{c} production in e+e- and hadronic interactions

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    Predictions of the nonperturbative Quark Gluon Strings model based on the 1/N-expansion in QCD and string picture of interactions for production of states containing heavy quarks are considered. Relations between fragmentation functions for different states are used to predict the fragmentation function of c-quark to J/psi-mesons. The resulting cross section for J/psi-production in e+e- annihilation is in a good agreement with recent Belle result. It is argued that associated production of c\bar{c} states with open charm should give a substantial contribution to production of these states in hadronic interactions at very high energies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Protective Nanocomposite Vacuum Coatings Deposited by Separated Plasma Flows

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    The way of generation of protective nanostructure vacuum coatings by separated plasma flows was investigated. In order to limit the crystallite growth in the coatings the compound of the growing condensate was doped by Al. Nanocrystalline (Ti,Al)N coatings with grain size 10-20 nm and microhardness 35-40 GPa by means of vacuum-arc deposition technique from the separated plasma flows were obtained. It was determined that purposeful alloying improved operational coatings properties, and allowed using them as protective layers, deposited on the working surfaces of the cutting tools during timber-based material processing

    Atmospheric muon flux at PeV energies

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    In the near future the energy region above few hundreds of TeV may really be accessible for measurements of the atmospheric muon spectrum by the IceCube array. Therefore one expects that muon flux uncertainties above 50 TeV, related to a poor knowledge of charm production cross sections and insufficiently examined primary spectra and composition, will be diminished. We give predictions for the very high-energy muon spectrum at sea level, obtained with the three hadronic interaction models, taking into account also the muon contribution due to decays of the charmed hadrons.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. The version published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Prompt muon contribution to the flux underwater

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    We present high energy spectra and zenith-angle distributions of the atmospheric muons computed for the depths of the locations of the underwater neutrino telescopes. We compare the calculations with the data obtained in the Baikal and the AMANDA muon experiments. The prompt muon contribution to the muon flux underwater due to recent perturbative QCD-based models of the charm production is expected to be observable at depths of the large underwater neutrino telescopes. This appears to be probable even at rather shallow depths (1-2 km), provided that the energy threshold for muon detection is raised above 100\sim 100 TeV.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX, 7 eps figures, final version to be published in Phys.Rev.D; a few changes made in the text and the figures, an approximation formula for muon spectra at the sea level, the muon zenith-angle distribution table data and references adde


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    The paper has investigated two methods pertaining to formation of  protective nano-structural vacuum coatings while using separated plasma flows. A comparatively technologically simple control method for crystallite size in the direction of coating growth has been developed in the paper. The method is based on the deposition of individual thin layers of high-melting  compounds of transition metals from separated plasma flows and periodical  bombardment of condensates formed by an ion flow. The executed X-ray diffraction analysis has shown that an application of the given method  makes it possible to reduce size of a coherent-scattering area up to 10–15 nm and ensure an increase of micro-hardness and corrosion resistance of the deposited coatings. Nano-crystalline Ti–Cr–N coatings with crystallite size of 10–20 nm have been obtained while applying a vacuum-arc deposition technique from  separated plasma flows. The paper demonstrates that purposeful alloying improves operational coating properties that allows to use the coatings  as protective layers which are deposited on the working surfaces of cutting tools.Исследованы два способа формирования защитных наноструктурных вакуумных покрытий с использованием сепарированных плазменных потоков. Разработан сравнительно простой в технологическом исполнении способ управления размерами кристаллитов в направлении роста покрытия, основанный на осаждении индивидуальных тонких слоев тугоплавких соединений переходных металлов из сепарированных плазменных потоков и периодической бомбардировкой сформированных конденсатов потоком ионов. Проведенные рентгеноструктурные исследования показали, что применение данного способа позволило как снизить размер областей когерентного рассеяния до 10–15 нм, так и обеспечить повышение микротвердости и коррозионной стойкости сформированных покрытий. Методом вакуумно-дугового осаждения из сепарированных плазменных потоков получены нанокристаллические покрытия Ti–Cr–N c размером кристаллитов 10–20 нм. Установлено, что целенаправленное легирование улучшает эксплуатационные свойства покрытий, что позволяет использовать их в качестве защитных слоев, осажденных на рабочие поверхности режущих инструментов

    Structure and significance of cytogenetic abnormalities in adult patients with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Objective. To evaluate occurrence, variety, structural peculiarities and prognostic meaning of cytogenetic abnormalities in adult patients with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) receiving therapy according to ALL-2009 protocol. Materials and methods. The study included 115 adult patients with firstly diagnosed Ph-negative ALL: 58 male and 57 female aged from 15 to 61 years (mean age 26.5 years), who underwent treatment from September 2009 to September 2015 in National Medical Research Center for Hematology MH RF (n=101) and in hematology departments of regional hospitals (n=14). All patients received therapy of ALL-2009 protocol (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01193933). The median follow-up was 24.5 months (0.2-94.4 months). As a part of the study results of a standard cytogenetic assay (SCA) were analyzed and fluorescence hybridization in situ (FISH) with the use of DNA-probes was performed on archived biological material for structural changes in gene locuses MLL/t(11q23), с-MYC/t(8q24), TP53/ deletion 17p13, CDKN2A/ deletion 9p21, translocation t(1;19)/E2A-PBX1 и t(12;21)/ETV6-RUNX1; iAMP21 identification. Results. Karyotype was defined using SCA in 86% of patients. Normal karyotype was found in 48.5% of them, chromosome aberrations in 51.5% (structural changes were found in 19.2%, hyperploidy in 27.2%, and hypoploidy in 5.1%). In 17.2% of patients complex karyotype abnormalities were found. With the use of FISH technique aberrations were found in 67% of patients: 9p21/CDKN2A deletion in 24.3%, MLL/t(11q23) gene abnormalities in 7.8%, 17p13/TP53 deletion in 5.2%, abnormalities of c-MYC/t(8q24) in 1.7%, t(1;19)/E2A-PBX1 in 0.8%, and iAMP21 in 0.8%, other abnormalities (additional signals/absence of signals from gene locuses) in 26.4%, t(12;21)/ETV6-RUNX1 was not found. FISH technique use in addition to SCA allows to increase aberrant karyotype location from 51.5 to 67%. A statistically significant correlation of 9p21/CDKN2A deletion with high serum lactate dehydrogenase activity (p=0.02); MLL/t(11q23) gene abnormalities - with leucocytosis and high blast cells level in blood (p=0.0016), hyperploidy - with normal leukocyte count (p=0.02) was shown. In groups with different cytogenetic abnormalities no statistically significant differences of treatment with ALL-2009 protocol were found (in terms of complete remission, early mortality and treatment resistance). When connection of cytogenetic abnormalities and their combinations with long-term results were analyzed according to ALL-2009 protocol, only two characteristics - MLL/t(11q23) and c MYC/t(8q24) gene abnormalities had a statistically significant influence on disease-free survival (HR - 176.9;

    Мониторинг кардиотоксического действия бедаквилина у детей старшего возраста и подростков с множественной и широкой лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя

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    The objective: to evaluate expanded monitoring of cardiovascular disorders in older children and adolescents with multiple drug resistant tuberculosis receiving bedaquiline (Bq) as a part of anti-tuberculosis therapy.Subjects and Methods: A cohort retrospective-prospective study (2015-2021) was conducted, which included 36 patients aged 13-17 years old who received Bq. The prospective part included 19 patients (Main Group), they underwent extended monitoring (EM) of cardiotoxic reactions; this extended monitoring program was developed in Central Tuberculosis Research Institute. The retrospective part included 17 patients (Control Group), in whom cardiotoxic reactions were assessed using standard monitoring recommended by the Russian Society of Phthisiologists at that time. The relationship between the studied risk factor (monitoring by standard ECG) and the outcome (Bq discontinuation) was assessed using the Pearson χ2 test.Results. Prolongation of the QTc interval > 0.440 ms was noted in 17.6% of cases in Control Group and it was regarded as a cardiotoxic effect of Bq, the drug was discontinued. In Main Group, prolongation was noted in 47.3% of cases which was considered a functional disorder of the cardiovascular system according to EM, the drug was not discontinued, χ2 = 3.896; p = 0.049. EM can be used in older children and adolescents with multiple drug resistant respiratory tuberculosis, which will make it possible to safely include Bq to chemotherapy regimens.Цель исследования: оценить расширенный мониторинг сердечно-сосудистых нарушений у детей старшего возраста и подростков, больных туберкулезом с МЛУ МБТ, получающих бедаквилин (Bq) в составе противотуберкулезной терапии.Материалы и методы: проведено когортное ретроспективно-проспективное исследование (2015-2021 гг.), в которое включены 36 пациентов 13-17 лет, получавшие Bq. В проспективную часть вошли 19 пациентов (основная группа), им проводился расширенный мониторинг (РМ) кардиотоксических реакций, разработанный на базе ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ»; в  ретроспективную часть включены 17 пациентов (контрольная группа), у которых кардиотоксические реакции оценивались с помощью стандартного мониторинга, рекомендованного РОФ в тот период времени. Взаимосвязь между изучаемым фактором риска (проведение мониторинга по стандартной ЭКГ) и исходом (отмена Bq) оценивали с помощью критерия χ2 Пирсона.Результаты исследования. Удлинение интервала QTс > 0,440 мс отмечено в 17,6% случаев в контрольной группе и расценено, как кардиотоксическое действие Bq, препарат был отменен. В основной группе удлинение отмечено в 47,3% случаев, расценено с помощью РМ как функциональное нарушение со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы, препарат был не отменен χ2 = 3,896; р = 0,049. РМ может быть использован у детей старшего возраста и подростков, больных туберкулёзом органов дыхания с МЛУ МБТ, что позволит безопасно включать Bq в режимы химиотерапии

    Results of the Test-Run of the Computer Software Model Support System for Managerial Decision Making

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    Considered is the experience of development of the decision support system (DSS) in the sphere of biological safety provision. Described are the objectives, functions, and architecture of DSS. Represented are the results of operational program-testing in the model territory (the Astrakhan region). Indicated is the effectiveness of DSS for information support of the control activity over internal and external biosafety hazards. Determined are the directions for further development of DSS