79 research outputs found


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    This research explores the availability, accessibility and the extent of ICT usage by health professionals in Ilorin metropolis. Data was collected using a sample size of 174 health service providers in 34 public and private hospitals by means of a structured questionnaire. Findings from this study indicate that the ICTs that were commonly available and used by the health professionals are the older ICTs. These include TV set, DSTV, photocopiers, fax machines, and convergent technologies like mobile phones and computers. Although, Internet driven facilities like video-conferencing, teleconferencing, web discussion forums and email among others, were not readily available to the health professionals, a comparative analysis reveals that there was superior availability and use of computers, projectors, e-mails and Internet by health professionals in private hospitals than those in public hospitals. This is as a result of the financial implications of procurement and installation of these facilities. Interestingly, the level of awareness of users on the numerous benefits of ICTs on their job and productivity is quite impressive. It is therefore, concluded that hospitals’ regulatory agencies should collaborate with International agencies such as World Health Organization (WHO),United Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union, among others, to aid in the successful implementation and funding for the procurement of sophisticated ICTs to facilitate the dissemination of up to date health information to public and private hospitals

    Agricultural Extension Agents’ Awareness Of Ict Potentials And Training Needs On Usage For Improved Extension Service Deliv- Ery In Selected Southwest States Of Nigeria

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    The   study   examined   the   agricultural   extension   workers’ awareness   of   ICT   potentials   and   training needs on ICT usage for improved extension service delivery in selected southwest states of Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used to select a total of 132 extension workers’ from Lagos and Ogun States Agricultural Development   Programmes   (LADA  and OGADEP).   A  validated  and  reliable questionnaire was used to obtain primary data on socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, their awareness of ICT potentials and training needs on ICT usage for improved extension services delivery. Data collected were analysed using frequency counts, percentages and chi-square statistics. Result of the analysis showed that most of the respondents were the Village Extension Agents (78.8 %,), and about 34.1% of them were within the age range of 41 and 45years. About 72.7% the exten- sion agents had first degree (HND/BSc) as the least educational qualification and about 57.6% of them have spent between 11 and 20 years in the extension services. The result also showed that all the extension agents were familiar with the Global System Mobile communication (GSM), 58.3% with the computer and 38.6% of them with the internet. About 43.2% of the extension workers were moderately aware of the ICT potentials for improved extension service delivery based on their mean awareness score of 8.5 (53.1%). The chi-square test of the relationship between the extension workers’ socioeco- nomic characteristics (education: χ² = 45.5,  df = 12; professional rank: χ² = 38.7,  df = 9; working ex- perience χ² = 65.2, df = 12) and level of awareness of the ICT potentials showed a significant relation- ship at p < 0.05. Similarly, a significant relationship was observed between the extension agents’ level of awareness of ICT potentials and their needs for training on usage for improved extension service delivery (χ² = 71.3, df = 18) at p < 0.05. In the light of this, it was concluded that the extension workers had moderate level awareness of ICT potentials for improved extension services and were in need of training on usage in their extension activities. It was recommended that education on ICT potentials and   training on  usage for improved  extension service delivery   should   be promoted and intensified among the extension workers.      &nbsp

    Normal Aerobic Vaginal Bacterial Flora of The African Giant Rats (AGR) Captured from Their Natural Habitat in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The genital tract of female animals, especially the caudal region, is known to habour non specific bacteria that are sometimes called the normal bacterial flora. In this study, we examined 12 apparently healthy female African giant rats (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse) (AGR) to determine their vaginal bacterial flora. Swab collected from the vagina of each rat after previous chloroform anaesthesia was seeded onto blood and MacConkey agar plates and incubated aerobically at 370C for up to 48hours. Isolates were then characterized using various character parameters. The results indicated that 7 bacterial genera inhabit the vagina of the 12 African giant rats that were studied. The distribution of the bacteria species in the AGR were highlighted in the text. It is inferred from the results that under stress condition, these bacteria could cause disease in the African giant rats


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    Fish farmers in Nigeria lack adequate information and their production capacity is low. The study ana- lyzed the multimedia channels of information available to fish farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Multi- stage sampling techniques was used to select 120 fish farmers in the study area. Primary data were obtained with interview schedule. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected. Most of the farmers (97.5%) were male and married. Many (43.3%) had primary education while 30.9% had no formal education. Majority (76.1%) had radio sets while 45.3% and 28.3% had television and phone respectively. Farmers’ accessibility to information was high in radio (79.2%) and extension agents (73.3%) but low in television, flyers, trainings, phone, internet and fellow farmers. Most of the farmers (85.0%) preferred extension agents, radio (71.6%) and television (68.3%) as their source of information on fish farming. Majority (80.0%) preferred Yoruba as the language of broadcast and pub- lications, 16.7% preferred English while 3.3% preferred Igbo. Most (83.3%) of the farmers regarded lack of electricity as the foremost constraint to their access to information on media. Other constraints identified were non-relevance of information to farmers’ felt needs (73.3%), feedback problem (60.0%), inadequate fund (40.8%) and illiteracy (23.3%). Chi-square analysis showed a significant association 2 at p ≤ 0.05 between farmers’ choice of information channels and age (π=19.60), educational level 2 2 2 2 (π=39.82), years of farming (π = 20.48), income (π = 34.03), and media related constraints (π = 6.92). The study established that age, educational level, years of farming, annual income and con- straints experienced by the farmers played significant roles in their choice and use of information channels, and that, farmers have more access to extension agents as channel of information. It was recommended that more information on fish farming should be provided through the multimedia and be based on farmers’ felt needs. More extension workers should be employed and trained while phone-in radio and television programmes should be regularly aired and viewing centres and radio groups established in strategic locations

    An Assessment of ICT Literacy Among Secondary School Students in a Rural Area of Kwara State, Nigeria: A Community Advocacy Approach

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    In recent times, public schools in Nigeria have enjoyed some benefits in terms of deployment of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), but no constant attention and continuous interest is paid to fill the digital gap between schools in the rural and urban areas. The contribution of private sectors in the education system has elevated the use of ICT in both private and public schools especially in the urban areas of Nigeria. However, schools in rural areas have not benefitted much in this area. This research used community advocacy program referred to as COBES (Community Based Experience Scheme) to assess ICT literacy of secondary school students in a rural area of Kwara State, Nigeria. The study employed mixed research approach that combined both quantitative and qualitative data collection strategies. The initial findings of the study revealed low level of ICT skills among secondary school students in the rural area. Although, majority of the students who served as the respondents claimed they have computer teacher and can operate computer systems, yet, the study showed that there is dearth of ICT facilities for hands-on training. Nevertheless, through the one week long COBES program, the findings from three focus group discussion conducted at the end of the COBES program showed that students‟ interest to use ICT increased and majority of them expressed their willingness to continue interacting with computer and internet facilities. Findings further revealed that the main reason for low ICT skills is the lack of ICT facilities for teaching and learning. The study recommended that ICT project implementation should be uniform in all public schools in Nigeria, irrespective of whether it is located in the urban or rural area, adequate and skilled computer studies teachers should be made available and government should put in place mechanisms that will ensure proper maintenance of the ICT facilitie


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    The study assessed the effects of pipeline vandalisation on the socio-economic life and activities of farmers in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 80 farmers from the affected villages in the Local Govern- ment Area. Primary data were obtained with interview guide. Chi-Square was used to analyze the data collected. The mean age of the farmers was 43.37 years and 78.7% were male. Majority (76.3%) were married while 61.2% were Christians. More than half (57.5%) had no formal education and they cultivated an average of 4.94 hectares of land. Most (92.0%) of the farmers operated on full time basis. Nearly all the farmers (97.5%) were aware of the incidents of pipeline vandalisation in their area. Efforts of the farmers at reducing the menace included warning messages through town criers, reporting cases to the law enforcement agents, threat of killing the vandals and the use of “charms†to scare the vandals. Majority (52.5%) claimed that the efforts made by the farmers and the government had no effect on the incident of pipeline vandalisation. Farmers’ perceived effect of pipeline vandalisa- tion on their activities and livelihood included non-availability of labor due to the youths’ involvement in the practice (82.5%), destruction of farmlands (76.25%) and pollution of rivers and atmosphere (65.0%). Farmers were constrained by corrupt law enforcement agents in charge of surveillance, un- cooperative attitude of fellow farmers, non-challant attitude of the government and lack of fund to or- ganize campaigns against pipeline vandalisation. Chi-square analysis showed a significant association between pipeline vandalisation and farmers’ agricultural production. It was concluded that pipeline vandalisation was a regular occurrence in the study area and that it constituted a health hazard and posed a problem to the environment as well as the agricultural activities of the farmers.Â


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    High maternally-derived antibodies (MDA) against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in chickens can interfere with active immunity at early age. This study was conducted to assess the titre of MDA in chicks against NDV from two poultry breeder farms. Twenty-six blood samples were collected from day-old chicks randomly selected from two poultry breeding farms and forty blood samples were collected from the parent stocks of the same farms. The vaccination record of the parent stocks were collected while the antibody titres of the birds were estimated using Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) test. The geometric mean titre (GMT) of MDA against NDV in chicks from Farms 1 and 2 were log 27.2 and log 27.4 respectively while the parent stocks from Farms 1 and 2 had log 27.7 and log 27.9HI units. The percentage of chicks from Farms 1 and 2 with MDA titre above protective level (>log 23) were 90% and 100% respectively. It was concluded that MDA titres against ND virus was high in the chicks therefore vaccination at day one in the hatcheries and farms should be done after the immune status of the chicks are known since high MDA titre during vaccination neutralizes vaccine virus preventing active immunity.Â


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    A study was conducted to evaluate the presence and types of haemocytes inherent in haemolymph of two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina). Haemolymph samples were obtained from three liveweight groups of snails (< 100 g, 101-150 g and >150 g) after removal of the first three whorls of the shell. Smears were made from thin layer of settled portion of the haemolymph after six hours. Staining was carried out after air drying at room temperature with MayGrünwald-Giemsa stain.  Four replicates per liveweight per species were used. Representative slides were selected after viewing under microscope. Dimensions of haemocytes identified were taken followed by photomicrograph. Results showed that four haemocyte types were present in the haemolymph of both species. Those haemocytes identified in Archachatina marginata had significantly (P<0.001) higher dimensions than those found in Achatina achatina. Morphologically, the haemocytes were different in terms of shapes, nucleus position and cytoplasm types. It can therefore be concluded from this study that four circulating haemocytes types are present in both Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina. Furthermore, in terms of dimension, Archachatina marginata had higher values compared to Achatina achatina. Also, morphologically, those four haemocyte types are different from each other in both specie of giant African land snails.Â


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    Honey has been used for various purposes including treatment of diseases. This study was carried out to determine antibacterial activities of honey samples obtained from different locations in the tropical Rainforest Belt of Nigeria (Abeokuta, Aiyetoro, Ajebo, and Saki) against reference bacterial isolates: Escherichia coli (E.coli) (ATCC 25922) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), using agar well diffusion technique. Staphylococcus aureus showed sensitivity to all honey samples used with the zone of inhibition ranging between 1.9 and 2.6mm. Escherichia coli was resistant to all concentrations of honey samples used. However, the present study did not explore the possible causative agent(s) involved in the antibacterial activity of the honey used.Â


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    The emergence and wide-spread dissemination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria strains is a global phenomenon of great public health and economic implications. Antimicrobial resistance was investigated in enterobacteriaceae isolated from apparently healthy and diseased poultry birds using the broth micro-dilution method to determine antimicrobial minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). In all, 504 bacterial isolates including Escherichia coli (471), Klebsiella spp (28) and Salmonella enterica isolates (5) were studied. The isolates were resistant to ampicillin (88.5%), chloramphenicol (62.3%), ciprofloxacin (74.8%), enrofloxacin (81.0%), neomycin (83.9%), norfloxacin (78.8%), streptomycin (91.3%) and tetracycline (83.3%). The geometric mean MIC (µg/µL) of tested antimicrobials for enterobacteriaceae is as follows: ampicillin (102.5), chloramphenicol (48.4), ciprofloxacin (19.1), enrofloxacin (34.5), neomycin (47.7), norfloxacin (24.5), streptomycin (142.2) and tetracycline (62.5). Although rates of resistance to ampillin, streptomycin and tetracycline were similar among isolates from apparently healthy and diseases birds, resistance to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, neomycin and norfloxacin were significantly higher (p<0.05) in isolates from diseased chickens than in those from apparently healthy chickens. The high rates of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria may contribute to the persistence of pathogens in poultry flock and ineffectiveness of antimicrobial chemotherapy during disease outbreaks.Â