7 research outputs found

    Cause-and-effect relationship between thyroid and liver diseases

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    Thyroid gland (TG) and the liver are in a complex relationship in both physiological and pathological conditions. Thyroid hormones accelerate metabolic processes, intensify the synthesis of proteins and vitamins, play an important role in the development and differentiation of all cells, including hepatocytes. In addition to the central role in the deiodination of thyroid hormones with the formation of their more active and inactivated forms, the liver also carries out their transport. Dysfunction of TG can lead to changes in liver function, and in liver diseases, abnormalities in the metabolism of thyroid hormones can occur. Most often, liver pathology in diseases of TG is manifested by an increase in the serum activity of enzymes of cytolysis and/or cholestasis. Changes in liver function tests are often observed in patients with thyrotoxicosis. They are based on oxidative stress or cholestasis. The increased activity of osteoblasts in hyperthyroidism leads to an increase in the bone fraction of alkaline phosphatase, which must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis. Hepatotoxicity of thyreostatic drugs is relatively common, ranging from minimal hepatocellular damage to fulminant liver failure. In the case of hypothyroidism, the pathophysiological mechanisms are mainly represented by lipid metabolism disorders leading to fatty degeneration. It should be remembered that severe hypothyroidism can be manifested by hyperammonemia and edematous-ascitic syndrome, requiring differential diagnosis with liver failure. Treatment of liver pathology in TG diseases includes normalization of thyroid status, and in cases of drug hepatitis – temporary withdrawal of a potentially hepatotoxic drug. The data on the association of hypothyroidism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the aspect of developing new therapies are very interesting

    Analysis of 16S rRNA gene variability in soil nitrifying bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas

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    The main goal of the work was to assess variability of 16S rRNA gene sequence within the nitrifying bacterial genus Nitrosomonas to find specific sequences for its detection. To achieve it, we had to find and to assess sequences that are highly conservative on the level of the genus and to find and to assess sequences variable on the level of genus but conserved on the level of species. In the SILVA database of ribosomal RNA sequences, 231 sequences of 16S rRNAs of bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas were collected, of which were sorted 132 sequences by length from 1400 to 1541 (full-sized gene) nucleotides. We conducted an analysis of the taxon-specificity of sequences conserved at the genus leve

    The Church in the Cultural Space of Modern Russia: Constructive Ideas and Their Implementation

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    The article was submitted on 07.12.2015.The materials published below are a result of a discussion that followed a conference organized by the Yekaterinburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church and Ural Federal University. The participants of the discussion were archpriest Pyotr Mangilev, PhD (History), senior academic administrator at the Yekaterinburg Orthodox Seminary; archpriest Konstantin Kostromin, PhD (History), Doctor of Theology, lecturer at the Saint Petersburg Ecclesiastical Academy; Marina Nechayeva, PhD (History), senior research fellow at the Institute of History and Archaeology (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences); Andrey Shamanayev, PhD (History), associate professor at Ural Federal University; Oksana Ivanova, master’s student of St Philaretus Orthodox Christian Institute (Yekaterinburg).They discussed issues relating to the interaction of religious educational establishments and state universities, the collaboration of eparchial structures with museums, and forms of joint cultural events, as well as the background of the establishment of church museums, archives and libraries in the Yekaterinburg Metropolis and Saint Petersburg Eparchy.Публикуемые ниже материалы представляют собой результат дискуссии, состоявшейся в феврале 2016 г. в рамках конференции, организованной совместными усилиями Екатеринбургской митрополии Русской православной церкви и Уральского государственного университета. Участниками дискуссии стали протоиерей Петр Мангилев, кандидат исторических наук, проректор по учебной работе Екатеринбургской православной духовной семинарии; протоиерей Константин Костромин, кандидат исторических наук, кандидат богословия, преподаватель Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии; Марина Нечаева, кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник Института истории и археологии УрО РАН; Андрей Шаманаев, кандидат исторических наук, доцент УрФУ; Оксана Иванова, магистрант Свято-Филаретовского православно-христианского института (Екатеринбург). Обсуждались вопросы взаимодействия духовных учебных заведений и государственных университетов, сотрудничества епархиальных структур с музеями, формы совместных культурных мероприятий, а также опыт создания в Екатеринбургской митрополии и Санкт-Петербургской епархии церковных музеев, архивов и библиотек

    Options for therapeutic treatment of proliferative diseases of the uterus

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    Increase in the incidence of hormone-dependent diseases of the female reproductive system (FRS) calls for the search of new efficient algorithms for early diagnosis of early endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and uterine fibroids, while combined pathology requires early treatment and patient-based approach