452 research outputs found

    Конституционно-правовые основы единой системы публичной власти в Российской Федерации (региональный аспект)

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    Within the framework of this study, theoretical approaches to understanding public power in the context of various areas of scientific knowledge are analyzed. In the course of this work, attention is drawn to the constitutional approach, according to which the unified system of public power in the Russian Federation includes two independent, but interacting levels: state and municipal. In this regard, it is noted that the federal legislation adopted in the development of constitutional provisions significantly expands this approach and actually establishes a three-level system of public power. As a consequence, the problem of substantiating the existence of a unified system of public power in the subjects of the Russian Federation is being actualized. Using the system-logical method of research, the provisions of Federal Law No. 414-FZ of December 21, 2021 "On the general principles of the organization of public power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation", which normatively establish the category of a unified system of public power in the subject of the Russian Federation, are analyzed in the work. Certain provisions of the said federal law are not fully consistent with each other and with other federal legislation, including with regard to the constitutional and legal understanding of the unified system of public power. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the territorial principle cannot underlie the allocation of an independent regional level of public power, since the derivation of public power from the understanding of "state" and "statehood", on the basis of equality of the subjects of the Russian Federation as a constitutional principle, makes it impossible to have a different ratio of intra-system connections in the systems of public power in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The formal legal approach made it possible to trace the dynamics of changes in the constitutional (statutory) legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation, depending on the understanding of the place of state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the unified system of public power. Various normative variations of the constitutional (statutory) legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation, aimed at bringing it into line with the same constitutional text, indicates the absence of an unambiguous and uniform understanding of the place of the system of state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the unified system of public power in the country. Thus, it is noted that the development of a uniform approach based on the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which are mandatory for all subjects of legislative activity, to the content of the category "unified system of public power in the Russian Federation" is fully capable of ensuring the goal of its formation stated in Part 3 of Article 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in compliance with all constitutional principles and norms. In this regard, within the framework of the unified system of public power in Russia, we should not talk about independent unified systems of public power in the subjects of the Russian Federation, but should focus on the formation of a unified system of public power throughout the territory of our state.Характеристика современных подходов к пониманию единой системы публичной власти в нашей стране с точки зрения ее содержательной и уровневой составляющей не позволяет вести речь об однообразии взглядов, позиций и понимания данной правовой конструкции как на уровне доктринальных исследований, так и на уровне правотворчества. Проблема усугубляется и тем фактом, что федеральный законодатель, развивая нормативные основы единой системы публичной власти на уровне отдельных федеральных законов, существенным образом расширяет конституционно установленные границы этой системы, во многом не учитывая уже ранее высказанные правовые позиции Конституционного Суда РФ о конституционно-правовой сущности публичной власти. В рамках настоящего исследования предпринята попытка аргументировать необходимость установить соотношения конституционных принципов «единой системы государственной власти» и «единой системы публичной власти» с позиции философских категорий целого и части, что способствует пониманию системы органов публичной власти в субъекте Российской Федерации как составляющей единственно существующей системы государственной власти в Российской Федерации, которая, в свою очередь, является частью создаваемой в России наряду с органами местного самоуправления единой системы публичной власти

    Hard-wall Potential Function for Transport Properties of Alkali Metals Vapor

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    This study demonstrates that the transport properties of alkali metals are determined principally by the repulsive wall of the pair interaction potential function. The (hard-wall) Lennard-Jones(15-6) effective pair potential function is used to calculate transport collision integrals. Accordingly, reduced collision integrals of K, Rb, and Cs metal vapors are obtained from Chapman-Enskog solution of the Boltzman equation. The law of corresponding states based on the experimental-transport reduced collision integral is used to verify the validity of a LJ(15-6) hybrid potential in describing the transport properties. LJ(8.5-4) potential function and a simple thermodynamic argument with the input PVT data of liquid metals provide the required molecular potential parameters. Values of the predicted viscosity of monatomic alkali metals vapor are in agreement with typical experimental data with the average absolute deviation 2.97% for K in the range 700-1500 K, 1.69% for Rb, and 1.75% for Cs in the range 700-2000 K. In the same way, the values of predicted thermal conductivity are in agreement with experiment within 2.78%, 3.25%, and 3.63% for K, Rb, and Cs, respectively. The LJ(15-6) hybrid potential with a hard-wall repulsion character conclusively predicts best transport properties of the three alkali metals vapor.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 41 reference

    Наукоград как мунициальное образование: проблемы правового регулирования

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    The subject of this study is the current municipal reform in the Russian Federation and an assessment of its impact on the legal status of science cities.The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical approaches and practice of legislative regulation of the legal status of science towns, prospects for modern and future legal regulation of the peculiarities of local self-government in such a territory as a science city. The main hypothesis is that the blank method of regulating the peculiarities of local selfgovernment in science cities, perceived by the federal legislator, does not achieve its goal, which obviously requires a revision of approaches to legislative regulation of the status of such a special territory as a science city.The authors used both general research methods, including methods of analysis and synthesis, and industry methods, including the formal legal method.The main results. The authors note the inconsistency and inconsistency of the legislative regulation of the legal, organizational, economic and social foundations of science cities and the peculiarities of the implementation of local self-government in them. Foreign experience in the formation of analogues of Russian science cities demonstrates that, firstly, the creation and development of technopolises contributes to the formation of the most optimal forms of interaction between science and production. Secondly, foreign technopolises are usually formed at research centers and universities, without having a strict link to the territorial foundations of the functioning of municipalities.The authors claim that the science cities of the Russian Federation do not have a constitutional and legal status and are neither the subject of study of such a branch of Russian law as constitutional law, nor the subject of regulation of constitutional legislation. At the moment, the legal status of a science city in the Russian Federation has a dual nature: on the one hand, a science city is a municipal entity with the status of an urban district; on the other hand, it is a territory within which there is a scientific and production complex. At the same time, these two sides of the legal status of a science city in the Russian Federation are poorly interconnected at the level of regulatory regulation. It seems that a science city as a territory with a scientific and industrial complex obviously has a different legal nature than a science city – an urban district, as a territory within which the population and (or) local self-government bodies resolve issues of local importance.Conclusions. It is important to determine at the level of federal authorities the need for further consolidation of the status of municipalities or other legal status of the territory of a science city, which includes high-tech enterprises with a significant concentration of human and material scientific and technical resources, the use of which is aimed at the implementation of science and state scientific and technical policy. If the link "science city – municipal entity" is recognized as necessary and fundamental in the future, taking into account the provisions of Articles 12 and 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to establish, firstly, the legal features of the implementation of local self-government in science cities, and secondly, the basic principles of interaction of local self-government of science cities with public authorities as the solution of issues of local importance in the interests of the population living in the territory of the science city, and the forms and order of participation of the organization.Дается анализ отдельных аспектов современного и будущего правового регулирования особенностей осуществления местного самоуправления на такой территории, как наукоград. Исследуется содержание федеральных законов и иных нормативных правовых актов, определяющих формирование правовой основы организации и функционирования особой категории муниципальных образований – наукоградов. Через определение проблем законодательства о наукоградах России в ходе реализации реформы местного самоуправления делается вывод о необходимости отказа от бланкетного способа регулирования особенностей осуществления местного самоуправления в наукоградах и предлагаются возможные пути оперативного совершенствования существующего механизма правового регулирования статуса наукограда

    Condensation of Silica Nanoparticles on a Phospholipid Membrane

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    The structure of the transient layer at the interface between air and the aqueous solution of silica nanoparticles with the size distribution of particles that has been determined from small-angle scattering has been studied by the X-ray reflectometry method. The reconstructed depth profile of the polarizability of the substance indicates the presence of a structure consisting of several layers of nanoparticles with the thickness that is more than twice as large as the thickness of the previously described structure. The adsorption of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine molecules at the hydrosol/air interface is accompanied by the condensation of anion silica nanoparticles at the interface. This phenomenon can be qualitatively explained by the formation of the positive surface potential due to the penetration and accumulation of Na+ cations in the phospholipid membrane.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Единая система публичной власти: дискуссионные аспекты нормативной регламентации

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    The subject of this study is the legal regulation of the unified system of public authority in the Russian Federation. Its purpose is to determine the theoretical approaches and practice of legislative regulation of a unified system of public authority, which is unfolding after the adoption of amendments to the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. The main hypothesis, which authors propose is that there is a contradiction between the norms of the acts, governing organization and activities of public authorities, and those norms in their relationship with the constitutional norms governing the relevant relations. In the course of the work, the authors used both general research methods, including methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as field-specific ones, including the formal legal method. The authors believe that the difficulties in reflecting public authority in normative regulation lie primarily in the fact that neither in Soviet legal research, nor in the current Russian legal thought, issues of public authority have been considered meaningfully and in detail. Its content and structure do not have a clear, complete doctrinal understanding. Foreign experience, however, shows that such a clear understanding at the theoretical level is absent in foreign jurisdictions either.Дается характеристика теоретических подходов и практики законодательного регулирования единой системы публичной власти, разворачивающейся после принятия поправок в текст Конституции РФ в 2020 г. По мнению авторов, в текущем законодательстве присутствуют как проблемы отражения целевого характера формирования единой системы публичной власти, вызванные, в том числе, спецификой конституционноправового статуса местного самоуправления, так и сложности, связанные с законодательным отражением конструкции публичной власти и ее элементов. Авторы полагают необходимым для законодателя более внимательно осуществлять связанное правовое регулирование, обеспечивая непротиворечивость положений новых нормативных актов, принимаемых в развитие положений Основного закона государства

    Comparative study of correlation effects in CaVO3 and SrVO3

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    We present parameter-free LDA+DMFT (local density approximation + dynamical mean field theory) results for the many-body spectra of cubic SrVO3 and orthorhombic CaVO3. Both systems are found to be strongly correlated metals, but not on the verge of a metal-insulator transition. In spite of the considerably smaller V-O-V bond angle in CaVO3 the LDA+DMFT spectra of the two systems for energies E<E_F are very similar, their quasiparticle parts being almost identical. The calculated spectrum for E>E_F shows more pronounced, albeit still small, differences. This is in contrast to earlier theoretical and experimental conclusions, but in good agreement with recent bulk-sensitive photoemission and x-ray absorption experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Конституционно-правовой статус Государственного Совета Российской Федерации в зеркале современных конституционных преобразований

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    The subject of research is social relations concerning the constitutional transformation of the State Council of the Russian Federation into the format of a constitutional state body, it’s tasks and functions in the unified system of public power. The aim of the research is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the Russian State Council is a constitutional state body that ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of authorities in the unified system of public power.The methodological basis of the research includes historical, comparative legal, formal legal methods, legal modeling and forecasting. The research is based on existing and historical legal acts, materials of judicial practice, as well as on the works of leading national lawyers.The main results, scope of application. The authors substantiate concept of the constitutional status of the Russian State Council as a completely new constitutional state body, formed on the basis of modern national principles of state building, taking into account the existing constitutional practice. Main task of the State Council is exercising the constitutional powers of the Russian President to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of public authorities, the definition of the main directions of national and foreign policy of the state. The article provides a critical analysis of the goals, tasks, functions of the Russian State Council, the decisions it makes, as a result of which a number of conflicts in the regulation of its constitutional-legal status are revealed. Some proposals to improve legislation and law enforcement practice aimed at solving of the discovered contradictions are made. Current constitutional of the State Council is a result of the constitutional amendments of 2020 in the Russian Constitution and innovations in the Federal Law on the State Council of the Russian Federation. The authors substantiate the idea that the consolidation of a new constitutional position of the State Council can be considered as a process of forming a completely new state body, designed to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of bodies included in the unified public system. A comparative legal analysis of the constitutional legislation on State Councils in foreign countries showed that despite the same name the status and functions of these state institutions differ greatly in different countries, therefore any comparative study of them will be unreliable.Conclusions. The Russian State Council has competence, functions of a state power character, take decisions signed by the President of the Russian Federation and therefore have a generally binding character. So it has the characteristics of a public authority. The Russian State Council is a new constitutional and legal structure - a constitutional state body created in order to implement the constitutional powers of the Russian President to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of other bodies (that are part of the unified system of public authority) and to determine the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state.Cформулирована авторская концепция конституционно-правового статуса Государственного Совета РФ как совершенно нового конституционного государственного органа, образованного на основе современных отечественных принципов государственного строительства с учетом сложившейся конституционной практики и в целях реализации конституционных полномочий Президента РФ по обеспечению согласованного функционирования и взаимодействия органов, входящих в единую систему публичной власти, определению основных направлений внутренней и внешней политики государства. Проведен критический анализ целей, задач, функций Государственного Совета РФ, принимаемых им решений, в результате которого выявлен ряд коллизий в регулировании его конституционно-правового статуса, высказаны предложения по совершенствованию законодательства и правоприменительной практики, направленные на устранение выявленных противоречий

    Coulomb Parameter U and Correlation Strength in LaFeAsO

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    First principles constrained density functional theory scheme in Wannier functions formalism has been used to calculate Coulomb repulsion U and Hund's exchange J parameters for iron 3d electrons in LaFeAsO. Results strongly depend on the basis set used in calculations: when O-2p, As-4p, and Fe-3d orbitals and corresponding bands are included, computation results in U=3-4 eV, however, with the basis set restricted to Fe-3d orbitals and bands only, computation gives parameters corresponding to F^0=0.8 eV, J=0.5 eV. LDA+DMFT (the Local Density Approximation combined with the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory) calculation with this parameters results in weakly correlated electronic structure that is in agreement with X-ray experimental spectra