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    Problem. The modern education system requires high-quality education of each person to ensure the possibility of its further development and education. Changing the goals of education causes changes in the teaching methods. Foreign students experience a number of difficulties, the main of which are in the language barrier and low motivation to study the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle. That is due to the complexity of the curriculum. These difficulties are easily eliminated in integrated learning. Object differentiation facilitates the process of cognition, but affects its quality. Goal. Exchange of experience in the improvement of modern chemistry education through the introduction of a mathematical apparatus in the educational process. Methodology. The methodology of teaching the discipline "Chemistry" was oriented on the personal, competence and integration approach to learning. Methodical methods of work consisted in the selection, distribution of educational and scientific material in accordance with the needs of the trainees and in the application of methods and methods of teaching (teaching and methodological kits, textbooks, course program, manuals, audio and video materials). Results. The article deals with the most important issues of organization, conduct and methodological value of integrated teaching, as a special type of training for the preparation of foreign students of preparatory faculties. The theoretical aspects of the mathematical approach considered in the study of chemistry are important for quantitative assessment of the laws of chemical processes that allow us to logically substantiate chemical laws and theories. It is shown that the explanation of the educational material in the "Chemistry" class for foreign students is greatly facilitated by using various mathematical models, when the explanations of a specific chemical material are translated into mathematical language in the form of formulas, equations and various mathematical schemes. Originaliti. Optimization of the quality of chemical education of foreign students due to the integration of mathematical methods into the course of chemistry, which allowed to form chemical knowledge not only on a logical but also on a creative level. Practical value. The introduction of integration into the course of chemistry of mathematical methods promotes the formation of students' ability to apply mathematical elements in applied chemical problems, and also increases the motivation of students for active educational and cognitive activity. It is the reliance on mathematical methods in lectures, laboratory and practical exercises that is most effective for the systematization and assimilation of knowledge and allows foreign students in an accessible form to master a sufficiently large volume of theoretical material on chemistry.В статье рассматриваются вопросы организации, проведения и методического обеспечения интегрированного обучения для подготовки иностранных студентов подготовительных факультетов. Показано, что объяснение учебного материала на занятиях по дисциплине «Химия» для иностранных студентов значительно облегчается при использовании различных математических моделей.У статті розглядаються питання організації, проведення та методичного забезпечення інтегрованого навчання іноземних студентів. Показано, що пояснення навчального матеріалу на заняттях з дисципліни «Хімія» для іноземних студентів значно полегшується при використанні різних математичних моделе