3 research outputs found

    Hand Motion Tracking System using Inertial Measurement Units and Infrared Cameras

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    This dissertation presents a novel approach to develop a system for real-time tracking of the position and orientation of the human hand in three-dimensional space, using MEMS inertial measurement units (IMUs) and infrared cameras. This research focuses on the study and implementation of an algorithm to correct the gyroscope drift, which is a major problem in orientation tracking using commercial-grade IMUs. An algorithm to improve the orientation estimation is proposed. It consists of: 1.) Prediction of the bias offset error while the sensor is static, 2.) Estimation of a quaternion orientation from the unbiased angular velocity, 3.) Correction of the orientation quaternion utilizing the gravity vector and the magnetic North vector, and 4.) Adaptive quaternion interpolation, which determines the final quaternion estimate based upon the current conditions of the sensor. The results verified that the implementation of the orientation correction algorithm using the gravity vector and the magnetic North vector is able to reduce the amount of drift in orientation tracking and is compatible with position tracking using infrared cameras for real-time human hand motion tracking. Thirty human subjects participated in an experiment to validate the performance of the hand motion tracking system. The statistical analysis shows that the error of position tracking is, on average, 1.7 cm in the x-axis, 1.0 cm in the y-axis, and 3.5 cm in the z-axis. The Kruskal-Wallis tests show that the orientation correction algorithm using gravity vector and magnetic North vector can significantly reduce the errors in orientation tracking in comparison to fixed offset compensation. Statistical analyses show that the orientation correction algorithm using gravity vector and magnetic North vector and the on-board Kalman-based orientation filtering produced orientation errors that were not significantly different in the Euler angles, Phi, Theta and Psi, with the p-values of 0.632, 0.262 and 0.728, respectively. The proposed orientation correction algorithm represents a contribution to the emerging approaches to obtain reliable orientation estimates from MEMS IMUs. The development of a hand motion tracking system using IMUs and infrared cameras in this dissertation enables future improvements in natural human-computer interactions within a 3D virtual environment

    Benchmarking Dataset of Signals from a Commercial MEMS Magnetic–Angular Rate–Gravity (MARG) Sensor Manipulated in Regions with and without Geomagnetic Distortion

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    In this paper, we present the FIU MARG Dataset (FIUMARGDB) of signals from the tri-axial accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer contained in a low-cost miniature magnetic–angular rate–gravity (MARG) sensor module (also known as magnetic inertial measurement unit, MIMU) for the evaluation of MARG orientation estimation algorithms. The dataset contains 30 files resulting from different volunteer subjects executing manipulations of the MARG in areas with and without magnetic distortion. Each file also contains reference (“ground truth”) MARG orientations (as quaternions) determined by an optical motion capture system during the recording of the MARG signals. The creation of FIUMARGDB responds to the increasing need for the objective comparison of the performance of MARG orientation estimation algorithms, using the same inputs (accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer signals) recorded under varied circumstances, as MARG modules hold great promise for human motion tracking applications. This dataset specifically addresses the need to study and manage the degradation of orientation estimates that occur when MARGs operate in regions with known magnetic field distortions. To our knowledge, no other dataset with these characteristics is currently available. FIUMARGDB can be accessed through the URL indicated in the conclusions section. It is our hope that the availability of this dataset will lead to the development of orientation estimation algorithms that are more resilient to magnetic distortions, for the benefit of fields as diverse as human–computer interaction, kinesiology, motor rehabilitation, etc

    Robust Orientation Estimation from MEMS Magnetic, Angular Rate, and Gravity (MARG) Modules for Human–Computer Interaction

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    While the availability of low-cost micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers initially seemed to promise the possibility of using them to easily track the position and orientation of virtually any object that they could be attached to, this promise has not yet been fulfilled. Navigation-grade accelerometers and gyroscopes have long been the basis for tracking ships and aircraft, but the signals from low-cost MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes are still orders of magnitude poorer in quality (e.g., bias stability). Therefore, the applications of MEMS inertial measurement units (IMUs), containing tri-axial accelerometers and gyroscopes, are currently not as extensive as they were expected to be. Even the addition of MEMS tri-axial magnetometers, to conform magnetic, angular rate, and gravity (MARG) sensor modules, has not fully overcome the challenges involved in using these modules for long-term orientation estimation, which would be of great benefit for the tracking of human–computer hand-held controllers or tracking of Internet-Of-Things (IoT) devices. Here, we present an algorithm, GMVDμK (or simply GMVDK), that aims at taking full advantage of all the signals available from a MARG module to robustly estimate its orientation, while preventing damaging overcorrections, within the context of a human–computer interaction application. Through experimental comparison, we show that GMVDK is more robust to magnetic disturbances than three other MARG orientation estimation algorithms in representative trials