4 research outputs found

    V1460 Her: a fast spinning white dwarf accreting from an evolved donor star

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    We present time-resolved optical and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and photometry of V1460 Her, an eclipsing cataclysmic variable with a 4.99-h orbital period and an overluminous K5-type donor star. The optical spectra show emission lines from an accretion disc along with absorption lines from the donor. We use these to measure radial velocities, which, together with constraints upon the orbital inclination from photometry, imply masses of M1 = 0.869 ± 0.006 M☉ and M2 = 0.295 ± 0.004 M☉ for the white dwarf and the donor. The radius of the donor, R2 = 0.43 ± 0.002 R☉, is ≈50 per cent larger than expected given its mass, while its spectral type is much earlier than the M3.5 type that would be expected from a main-sequence star with a similar mass. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectra show strong N V 1240-Å emission but no C IV 1550-Å emission, evidence for CNO-processed material. The donor is therefore a bloated, overluminous remnant of a thermal time-scale stage of high mass transfer and has yet to reestablish thermal equilibrium. Remarkably, the HST UV data also show a strong 30 per cent peak-to-peak, 38.9 s pulsation that we explain as being due to the spin of the white dwarf, potentially putting V1460 Her in a similar category to the propeller system AE Aqr in terms of its spin frequency and evolutionary path. AE Aqr also features a post-thermal time-scale mass donor, and V1460 Her may therefore be its weak magnetic field analogue since the accretion disc is still present, with the white dwarf spin-up a result of a recent high accretion rate

    V1460 Her: a fast spinning white dwarf accreting from an evolved donor star

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    We present time-resolved optical and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and photometry of V1460 Her, an eclipsing cataclysmic variable with a 4.99-h orbital period and an overluminous K5-type donor star. The optical spectra show emission lines from an accretion disc along with absorption lines from the donor. We use these to measure radial velocities, which, together with constraints upon the orbital inclination from photometry, imply masses of M1 = 0.869 ± 0.006 M☉ and M2 = 0.295 ± 0.004 M☉ for the white dwarf and the donor. The radius of the donor, R2 = 0.43 ± 0.002 R☉, is ≈50 per cent larger than expected given its mass, while its spectral type is much earlier than the M3.5 type that would be expected from a main-sequence star with a similar mass. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectra show strong N V 1240-Å emission but no C IV 1550-Å emission, evidence for CNO-processed material. The donor is therefore a bloated, overluminous remnant of a thermal time-scale stage of high mass transfer and has yet to reestablish thermal equilibrium. Remarkably, the HST UV data also show a strong 30 per cent peak-to-peak, 38.9 s pulsation that we explain as being due to the spin of the white dwarf, potentially putting V1460 Her in a similar category to the propeller system AE Aqr in terms of its spin frequency and evolutionary path. AE Aqr also features a post-thermal time-scale mass donor, and V1460 Her may therefore be its weak magnetic field analogue since the accretion disc is still present, with the white dwarf spin-up a result of a recent high accretion rate

    Multi-wavelength observations of the EUV variable metal-rich white dwarf GD 394

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ultraviolet and ground-based optical observations of the hot, metal-rich white dwarf GD 394. Extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) observations in 1992-1996 revealed a 1.15d periodicity with a 25 percent amplitude, hypothesised to be due to metals in a surface accretion spot. We obtained phase-resolved HST/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) high-resolution far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra of GD 394 that sample the entire period, along with a large body of supplementary data. We find no evidence for an accretion spot, with the flux, accretion rate and radial velocity of GD 394 constant over the observed timescales at ultraviolet and optical wavelengths. We speculate that the spot may have no longer been present when our observations were obtained, or that the EUV variability is being caused by an otherwise undetected evaporating planet. The atmospheric parameters obtained from separate fits to optical and ultraviolet spectra are inconsistent, as is found for multiple hot white dwarfs. We also detect non-photospheric, high-excitation absorption lines of multiple volatile elements, which could be evidence for a hot plasma cocoon surrounding the white dwarf

    NGTS and HST insights into the long period modulation in GW Librae

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    Light curves of the accreting white dwarf pulsator GW Librae spanning a 7.5 month period in 2017 were obtained as part of the Next Generation Transit Survey. This data set comprises 787 hours of photometry from 148 clear nights, allowing the behaviour of the long (hours) and short period (20min) modulation signals to be tracked from night to night over a much longer observing baseline than has been previously achieved. The long period modulations intermittently detected in previous observations of GW Lib are found to be a persistent feature, evolving between states with periods ~83min and 2-4h on time-scales of several days. The 20min signal is found to have a broadly stable amplitude and frequency for the duration of the campaign, but the previously noted phase instability is confirmed. Ultraviolet observations obtained with the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope constrain the ultraviolet-to-optical flux ratio to ~5 for the 4h modulation, and <=1 for the 20min period, with caveats introduced by non-simultaneous observations. These results add further observational evidence that these enigmatic signals must originate from the white dwarf, highlighting our continued gap in theoretical understanding of the mechanisms that drive them