20 research outputs found

    MHC class I-independent recognition of NK-activating receptor KIR2DS4.

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    Natural killer cells are capable of killing tumor and virus-infected cells. This killing is mediated primarily via the natural cytotoxicity receptors, including NKp46, NKp44, NKp30, and by the NKG2D receptor. Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) are mainly involved in inhibiting NK killing (inhibitory KIRs) via interaction with MHC class I molecules. Some KIRs, however, have been found to enhance NK killing when interacting with MHC class I molecules (activating KIRs). We have previously demonstrated that KIR2DS4, an activating KIR, recognizes the HLA-Cw4 protein. The interaction observed was weak and highly restricted to HLA-Cw4 only. These findings prompted us to check whether KIR2DS4 might have additional ligand(s). In this study, we show that KIR2DS4 is able to also interact with a non-class I MHC protein expressed on melanoma cell lines and on a primary melanoma. This interaction is shown to be both specific and functional. Importantly, site-directed mutagenesis analysis reveals that the amino acid residues involved in the recognition of this novel ligand are different from those interacting with HLA-Cw4. These results may shed new light on the function of activating KIRs and their relevance in NK biology

    MHC class I-independent recognition of NK-activating receptor KIR2DS4.

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    Natural killer cells are capable of killing tumor and virus-infected cells. This killing is mediated primarily via the natural cytotoxicity receptors, including NKp46, NKp44, NKp30, and by the NKG2D receptor. Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) are mainly involved in inhibiting NK killing (inhibitory KIRs) via interaction with MHC class I molecules. Some KIRs, however, have been found to enhance NK killing when interacting with MHC class I molecules (activating KIRs). We have previously demonstrated that KIR2DS4, an activating KIR, recognizes the HLA-Cw4 protein. The interaction observed was weak and highly restricted to HLA-Cw4 only. These findings prompted us to check whether KIR2DS4 might have additional ligand(s). In this study, we show that KIR2DS4 is able to also interact with a non-class I MHC protein expressed on melanoma cell lines and on a primary melanoma. This interaction is shown to be both specific and functional. Importantly, site-directed mutagenesis analysis reveals that the amino acid residues involved in the recognition of this novel ligand are different from those interacting with HLA-Cw4. These results may shed new light on the function of activating KIRs and their relevance in NK biology

    Mutant p53 Prolongs NF-κB Activation and Promotes Chronic Inflammation and Inflammation-Associated Colorectal Cancer

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    The tumor suppressor p53 is frequently mutated in human cancer. Common mutant p53 (mutp53) isoforms can actively promote cancer through gain-of-function (GOF) mechanisms. We report that mutp53 prolongs TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation in cultured cells and intestinal organoid cultures. Remarkably, when exposed to dextran sulfate sodium, mice harboring a germline p53 mutation develop severe chronic inflammation and persistent tissue damage, and are highly prone to inflammation-associated colon cancer. This mutp53 GOF is manifested by rapid onset of flat dysplastic lesions that progress to invasive carcinoma with mutp53 accumulation and augmented NF-κB activation, faithfully recapitulating features frequently observed in human colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC). These findings might explain the early appearance of p53 mutations in human CAC. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Mutant p53 gain of function underlies high expression levels of colorectal cancer stem cells markers

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    Emerging notion in carcinogenesis ascribes tumor initiation and aggressiveness to cancer stem cells (CSCs). Specifically, colorectal cancer (CRC) development was shown to be compatible with CSCs hypothesis. Mutations in p53 are highly frequent in CRC, and are known to facilitate tumor development and aggressiveness. Yet, the link between mutant p53 and colorectal CSCs is not well-established. In the present study, we set to examine whether oncogenic mutant p53 proteins may augment colorectal CSCs phenotype. By genetic manipulation of mutant p53 in several cellular systems, we demonstrated that mutant p53 enhances colorectal tumorigenesis. Moreover, mutant p53-expressing cell lines harbor larger sub-populations of cells highly expressing the known colorectal CSCs markers: CD44, Lgr5, and ALDH. This elevated expression is mediated by mutant p53 binding to CD44, Lgr5, and ALDH1A1 promoter sequences. Furthermore, ALDH1 was found to be involved in mutant p53-dependent chemotherapy resistance. Finally, analysis of ALDH1 and CD44 in human CRC biopsies indicated a positive correlation between their expression and the presence of oncogenic p53 missense mutations. These findings suggest novel insights pertaining the mechanism by which mutant p53 enhances CRC development, which involves the expansion of CSCs sub-populations within CRC tumors, and underscore the importance of targeting these sub-populations for CRC therapy. © 2018 The Author(s)

    SILAC identifies LAD1 as a filamin-binding regulator of actin dynamics in response to EGF and a marker of aggressive breast tumors

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    Mutations mimicking growth factor-induced proliferation and motility characterize aggressive subtypes of mammary tumors. To unravel currently unknown players in these processes, we performed phosphoproteomic analysis on untransformed mammary epithelial cells (MCF10A) that were stimulated in culture with epidermal growth factor (EGF). We identified ladinin-1 (LAD1), a largely uncharacterized protein to date, as a phosphorylation-regulated mediator of the EGF-to-ERK pathway. Further experiments revealed that LAD1 mediated the proliferation and migration of mammary cells. LAD1 was transcriptionally induced, phosphorylated, and partly colocalized with actin stress fibers in response to EGF. Yeast two-hybrid, proximity ligation, and coimmunoprecipitation assays revealed that LAD1 bound to actin-cross-linking proteins called filamins. Cosedimentation analyses indicated that LAD1 played a role in actin dynamics, probably in collaboration with the scaffold protein 14-3-3. (also called SFN). Depletion of LAD1 decreased the expression of transcripts associated with cell survival and inhibited the growth of mammary xenografts in an animal model. Furthermore, LAD1 predicts poor patient prognosis and is highly expressed in aggressive subtypes of breast cancer characterized as integrative clusters 5 and 10, which partly correspond to triple-negative and HER2-positive tumors. Thus, these findings reveal a cytoskeletal component that is critically involved in cell migration and the acquisition of oncogenic attributes in human mammary tumors

    Cytotoxicity of allitinib, an irreversible anti-EGFR agent, in a large panel of human cancer-derived cell lines: KRAS mutation status as a predictive biomarker

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the HER family of growth factors that activates several intracellular signaling pathways promoting proliferation and survival. EGFR over-expression is frequently associated with gene mutation or amplification, thereby constituting a major target for molecular therapies. Recently, a new generation of EGFR inhibitors has been developed with pan-HER properties and irreversible actions. AllitinibA (R) (AST1306) is an orally active, highly selective irreversible inhibitor of the HER family of receptor tyrosine kinases with promising efficacies. In the present study we aimed to investigate the cytotoxicity of allitinib in a large panel of human cancer-derived cell lines and to correlate its efficacy to the mutational status of the EGFR, KRAS, BRAF, PI3KCA and PTEN genes. In addition, we aimed to evaluate the functional role of KRAS mutations in the response to this new inhibitor. In total 76 different cancer-derived cell lines, representing 11 distinct histological types, were analyzed and classified into three groups: highly sensitive (HS), moderately sensitive (MS) and resistant (R). We found that 28 (36.8 %) cancer-derived cell lines exhibited a HS phenotype, 19 (25.0 %) a MS phenotype and 29 (38.1 %) a R phenotype. Allitinib showed a stronger cytotoxicity in head and neck, esophageal, melanoma and lung cancer-derived cell lines. We found that KRAS mutations were significantly associated with the R phenotype. To substantiate these results, an allitinib-sensitive lung cancer-derived cell line (H292) was transfected with plasmids carrying the two most common activating KRAS mutations (p.G12D and p.G12S). We found that both mutations reverted the allitinib-sensitive phenotype in these cells. The current study represents the largest in vitro assessment of allitinib cytotoxicity performed to date. Through this study, we identified cancer types that could potentially benefit from this drug. Additionally, our findings suggest that prevalent KRAS mutations constitute potential predictive biomarkers for allitinib response.This study was partially supported by FINEP (MCTI/FINEP/MS/SCTIE/DECIT-01/2013 - FPXII-BIOPLAT) and the Assistance Program and Incentive Research (PAIP), Barretos Cancer Hospital Sao Paulo, Brazil. A.L.C and R.M.R are recipients of a National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) scholarship. M.N.R is recipient of a CNPq scholarship (380434/2015-6) and O.C.M is recipient of a Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) scholarship (SFRH/BPD/108351/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio