7 research outputs found

    Assessment of the quality and the efficiency of orthodontic treatment of children in different age periods

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    Purpose of the study: an analysis of the treatment outcomes of orthodontic patients in the «Dental clinic №2» in Cheljabinsk in 2005 - 2009 years. Object of study: children 6-18 years old. For the assessment of the quality and the efficiency of orthodontic treatment in «The dental clinic №2» in Cheljabinsk 155 complete treatment of cases of children in different age periods were taken. The full history included diagnosis list, treatment plan, models and cefalogramms before and after the treatment, dental and face photos before and after the treatment. Results: for the best assessment of the quality and the efficiency of orthodontic treatment in the «Dental clinic №2» in Cheljabinsk the special index (IIA) was developed and implemented. This index evaluates the degree of the complexity of the anomalies of malocclusion for each child, the result and the quality of the orthodontists work, predict the timing and effectiveness of planned treatment. Analysis of the orthodontics treatment by means of special index IIA in the «Dental clinic №2» in Cheljabinsk indicates a high level of the orthodontic care. Findings: proposed index IIA is easy to work, IIA evaluate the efficiency of correction of pathology at the dental and skeletal level for different ages. You can use this IIA index to establish standards of orthodontics treatment. Achiement of the quality of orthodontic care is the result of quality management systems, tecnologic processes and resources.Цель работы: провести анализ результатов лечения пациентов с аномалиями челюстно-лицевой системы в медицинском учреждении «Стоматологическая поликлиника №2» города Челябинска за 2005-2009 годы. Объект исследования: дети, обратившиеся за ортодонтической помощью в возрасте от 6 до 18 лет. Для оценки эффективности качества ортодонтической помощи в «Стоматологической поликлинике №2» были отобраны 155 амбулаторных карт пациентов, разного возраста, окончивших ортодонтическое лечение, подняты из архива контрольно-диагностические модели до и после лечения, рассмотрены лицевые и дентальные фотографии выбранных пациентов до и после лечения. Основные результаты: для оценки эффективности проведенного лечения введен специально разработанный индекс - иллюстрирующий индекс аномалии зубочелюстной системы (ИИА). Индекс позволяет оценить степень сложности патологии у каждого ребенка до лечения, прогнозировать сроки и эффективность планируемого лечения, оценить полученный результат и качество работы врача-ортодонта. Оценка качества и эффективности ортодонтического лечения, проведенная на базе медицинского учреждения «Стоматологическая поликлиника №2» Челябинского городского округа при помощи иллюстрирующего индекса аномалии зубочелюстной системы, свидетельствует о высоком уровне и качестве предоставляемой стоматологической услуги в детском отделении. Основные выводы: предложенный индекс ИИА удобен в работе и позволяет наглядно оценить эффективность коррекции патологии и на дентальном, и на скелетном уровне, в разные возрастные периоды и может использоваться при разработке стандартов оказания ортодонтической помощи. Достижение качества медицинской помощи является следствием качественных систем организации помощи, технологических процессов и ресурсов

    Independent diagnostic computer systems with the ability to restore operational characteristics of construction facilities

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    Progress in modern engineering devices favours the development of independent computer systems of intelligent change management of operational characteristics of construction facilities. The article deals with the continuous control system (monitoring) of the soil moisture. The capillary sensor applied provides a far higher accuracy in determining the moisture than it is achieved by discrete determination of soil electrical characteristics which depend on the concentration and proportion of salts dissolved in the soil as well as the particle-size distribution. A flowchart of the diagnostic system was developed; it does not only transfer the data from the sensors, processes them and informs the operator, but also gives the possibility of autonomous inclusion of mechanisms to eliminate the emerged damages. Thus, while monitoring the soil moisture of hillsides, embankments and cuts slopes it prevents their shifts and other damages

    Independent diagnostic computer systems with the ability to restore operational characteristics of construction facilities

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    Progress in modern engineering devices favours the development of independent computer systems of intelligent change management of operational characteristics of construction facilities. The article deals with the continuous control system (monitoring) of the soil moisture. The capillary sensor applied provides a far higher accuracy in determining the moisture than it is achieved by discrete determination of soil electrical characteristics which depend on the concentration and proportion of salts dissolved in the soil as well as the particle-size distribution. A flowchart of the diagnostic system was developed; it does not only transfer the data from the sensors, processes them and informs the operator, but also gives the possibility of autonomous inclusion of mechanisms to eliminate the emerged damages. Thus, while monitoring the soil moisture of hillsides, embankments and cuts slopes it prevents their shifts and other damages

    Establishing Patterns in the Influence of Micro- and Nano-dispersed Mineral Additives on the Water Resistance of Construction Gypsum

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    This paper reports a study into the effect of mineral fillers such as ground granulated blast furnace slag, microsilica, and nano dispersed alumina on the structure formation and water resistance of gypsum. The theoretical models of gypsum stone structure with mineral fillers have been built and described, taking into consideration the sign of the surface charge of gypsum crystals and filler particles. In accordance with the developed models, the fillers enable the formation of a dense structure of gypsum stone as a compositional material with a large number of electro-heterogeneous contacts. With this structure, the gypsum dihydrate crystals are maximally protected from contact with water and dissolution. The electron microscopic study of the gypsum stone with mineral fillers has been carried out, which has confirmed that the rational ratio of gypsum to slag ensures the densest structure of the stone. The dependences of the strength of gypsum stone in the dry and water-saturated condition and a water resistance factor (softening) on the content of slag, micro-and nano dispersed filler, a water-hardened ratio, have been experimentally established. The introduction of a rational amount of microfiller with a negative surface charge (microsilica) has increased the water resistance ratio by 0.2‒0.4 amounting to a value of 1. The introduction of a rational amount of micro-filler with a positive surface charge (nano dispersed alumina) has improved the water resistance ratio by 0.8 amounting to a value of 0.9. The established mechanism that forms the gypsum stone structure with fillers would make it possible to develop the compositions for a mineral binder based on gypsum, which could be used under wet operational condition