1,531 research outputs found

    Semiclassical models for uniform-density Cosmic Strings and Relativistic Stars

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    In this paper we show how quantum corrections, although perturbatively small, may play an important role in the analysis of the existence of some classical models. This, in fact, appears to be the case of static, uniform--density models of the interior metric of cosmic strings and neutron stars. We consider the fourth order semiclassical equations and first look for perturbative solutions in the coupling constants α\alpha and β\beta of the quadratic curvature terms in the effective gravitational Lagrangian. We find that there is not a consistent solution; neither for strings nor for spherical stars. We then look for non--perturbative solutions and find an explicit approximate metric for the case of straight cosmic strings. We finally analyse the contribution of the non--local terms to the renormalized energy--momentum tensor and the possibility of this terms to allow for a perturbative solution. We explicitly build up a particular renormalized energy--momentum tensor to fulfill that end. These state--dependent corrections are found by simple considerations of symmetry, conservation law and trace anomaly, and are chosen to compensate for the local terms. However, they are not only ad hoc, but have to depend on α\alpha and β\beta, what is not expected to first perturbative order. We then conclude that non--perturbative solutions are valuable for describing certain physical situations.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX, no figure

    Algebraic Classification of Numerical Spacetimes and Black-Hole-Binary Remnants

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    In this paper we develop a technique for determining the algebraic classification of a numerical spacetime, possibly resulting from a generic black-hole-binary merger, using the Newman-Penrose Weyl scalars. We demonstrate these techniques for a test case involving a close binary with arbitrarily oriented spins and unequal masses. We find that, post merger, the spacetime quickly approaches Petrov type II, and only approaches type D on much longer timescales. These techniques allow us to begin to explore the validity of the "no-hair theorem" for generic merging-black-hole spacetimes.Comment: published versio

    Intermediate Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: Numerical Relativity meets Perturbation Theory

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    We study black-hole binaries in the intermediate-mass-ratio regime 0.01 < q < 0.1 with a new technique that makes use of nonlinear numerical trajectories and efficient perturbative evolutions to compute waveforms at large radii for the leading and nonleading modes. As a proof-of-concept, we compute waveforms for q=1/10. We discuss applications of these techniques for LIGO/VIRGO data analysis and the possibility that our technique can be extended to produce accurate waveform templates from a modest number of fully-nonlinear numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Comparison of Post-Newtonian and Numerical Evolutions of Black-Hole Binaries

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    In this paper, we compare the waveforms from the post-Newtonian (PN) approach with the numerical simulations of generic black-hole binaries which have mass ratio q∼0.8q\sim0.8, arbitrarily oriented spins with magnitudes S1/m12∼0.6S_1/m_1^2\sim0.6 and S2/m22∼0.4S_2/m_2^2\sim0.4, and orbit 9 times from an initial orbital separation of r≈11Mr\approx11M prior to merger. We observe a reasonably good agreement between the PN and numerical waveforms, with an overlap of over 98% for the first six cycles of the (ℓ=2,m=±2)(\ell=2,m=\pm2) mode and over 90% for the (ℓ=2,m=1)(\ell=2,m=1) and (ℓ=3,m=3)(\ell=3,m=3) modes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, prepared for the proceedings of the 18th workshop on general relativity and gravitation, Hiroshima, Japan, Nov.17 - Nov.21, 200

    The imposition of Cauchy data to the Teukolsky equation III: The rotating case

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    We solve the problem of expressing the Weyl scalars ψ\psi that describe gravitational perturbations of a Kerr black hole in terms of Cauchy data. To do so we use geometrical identities (like the Gauss-Codazzi relations) as well as Einstein equations. We are able to explicitly express ψ\psi and ∂tψ\partial _t\psi as functions only of the extrinsic curvature and the three-metric (and geometrical objects built out of it) of a generic spacelike slice of the spacetime. These results provide the link between initial data and ψ\psi to be evolved by the Teukolsky equation, and can be used to compute the gravitational radiation generated by two orbiting black holes in the close limit approximation. They can also be used to extract waveforms from spacetimes completely generated by numerical methods.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, no figure

    Perturbative effects of spinning black holes with applications to recoil velocities

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    Recently, we proposed an enhancement of the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli formalism for first-order perturbations about a Schwarzschild background that includes first-order corrections due to the background black-hole spin. Using this formalism, we investigate gravitational wave recoil effects from a spinning black-hole binary system analytically. This allows us to better understand the origin of the large recoils observed in full numerical simulation of spinning black hole binaries.Comment: Proceedings of Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios (NRDA/Capra 2010), Perimeter Institute, June 2010 - 12 page
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