607 research outputs found

    Exponential corrections to low-temperature expansion of 2D non-abelian models

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    The thermodynamic limit of certain exponential corrections to the weak coupling expansion of two-dimensional models is investigated. The expectation values of operators contributing to the first order coefficient of the low-temperature expansion of the free energy are calculated for the order O(e^{-\beta}). They are proven to diverge logarithmically with the volume for non-abelian models.Comment: 9 page

    Light-scattering properties of microorganisms Desulfuromonas acetoxidans by influence of silver

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    The article deals with the concentration changes and relative content of bacterial cells of Desulfuromonas acetoxidans in the intervals of sizes 0.2–2.0 µm under the influence of nano silver particles. Correlation between these changes of light-scattering properties of bacterial cells and growth abilities of bacteria Desulfuromonas acetoxidans under inflence of silver nanoparticles and ions has been shown. The purpose of the work was to research the intensity of processes the change of indexes of the antioxidant system the cells of Desulfuromonas acetoxidans at influence of silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate. The influence of various concentrations of silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate on enzymatic activity of catalase and reduced glutathione synthesis by Desulfuromonas аcetoxidans cells under their cultivation with fumarate addition and with absence of sulphur has been determined. Specific catalase activity increased with enhancing of concentration and duration of bacterial cultivation under the addition of this salt. The highest specific catalase activity was determined on the second day of bacterial growth under the influence of all concentration range of investigated metal salt. The reduced glutathione content under silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles exposure varied depending on the cultivation time and metal concentration. The maximum reduced glutathione content has been observed. The result of catalase activity changes  and glutathione content changes of sulfur-reducing D. acetoxidans bacteria cell-free extracts and has been investigated under the influence of different concentrations of Ag nanoparticles during four days of cultivation has been investigated


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    У статті наведено результати досліджень щодо визначеня вмісту водорозчинних вітамінів групи В у біологічно активному засобі на основі пептидоглікану кисломолочних бактерій та пробіотику «Пробіл» методом капілярного електрофорезу на приладі Капель-105/105М. За результатами досліджень складових компонентів біологічно активного засобу встановлено, що до його складу входить ряд водорозчинних вітамінів групи В, зокрема В1, В2, В6, В5, В3 та Вс. При вивченні в порівняльному аспекті вмісту вітамінів групи В встановили, що у біологічно активному засобі концентрація вітамінів В1, В2, В6, В5 була відповідно у 6,6, 5,7, 1,7 та 1,6 раза вищою, ніж у пробіотику «Пробіол», що вказувало на високу біологічну активність досліджуваного препарату.The article presents the result of the study of water-soluble B vitamins in biologically active product containing peptidoglycans  dairy bacteria and probiotic «Probiol» by capillary electrophoresis using equipment Capel-105/105M. According to the research components of biologically active product found that it consist of water-soluble vitamins, including В1, В2, В6, В5, В3 and Вс. It was found that concentration В1, В2, В6, В5, В3 and Вс in biologically active product were respectively  in 6,6, 5,7, 1,7 and 1,6 times higher than in probiotic «Probiol», thats indicated on a high biological activity of drug

    Comparative assessment of various methods of studying the skin toxicity of a wound-healing drug

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    The article presents the results of studying the subacute skin toxicity of a wound-healing cream based on betamethasone dipropionate, gentamicin sulfate, and clotrimazole. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD No. 410), the research was conducted using the classic method. When studying the effect of a wound-healing agent on the body of animals during long-term 28-day dermal application by the classical method in animals of the I, II, and III experimental groups, which received the drug in a dose of 0.5, 2.5, and 5 ml/kg body weight; respectively no significant changes were found in the body weight of the animals and the weight coefficients of the liver, heart, spleen, kidneys, and lungs. At the same time, in the animals of the II and III research groups, a slight increase in the concentration of hemoglobin was noted, respectively, by 1.3 and 3.9 %, the level of urea – 5.3 and 11.2 %, the activity of AST – 9.8 and 14.9 % compared to the indicators of animals of the control group. In these groups, there was a decrease in total protein concentration by 5.5 and 6.8 %, creatinine level by 3.1 and 5.3 %, and ALT activity by 6.5 and 9.7 %. The studies conducted according to the OECD No. 410 make it possible to obtain more informative data on the toxic effect of the investigated agent. In particular, it was established that the use of the researched drug in animals of the I, II, and III experimental groups caused a decrease in the weight coefficients of the spleen mass, respectively, by 19.1 (Р < 0.05), 22.4 (Р < 0.05) and 28.3 % (P < 0.05), hearts – 3.6, 4.6 and 7.7 %, kidneys – 4.9, 6.5 and 10.4 % and animal body weight – 4.5, 5.4 and 6.4 %, hemoglobin concentrations – 2.6, 2.9 and 4.4 %, leukocyte counts – 21.4, 16.1 and 15.1 %, hematocrit values – 1.9, 3, 6 and 4.0 %. The average hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte (MSN) also decreased by 8.3, 6.9, and 5.1 %, and the average erythrocyte (MCV) volume was 5.0, 4.7, and 1.7 %. In addition, an increase in weight coefficients of liver mass was established by 10.8 (P < 0.05), 11.8 (P < 0.05), and 15.6 % (P < 0.05). When studying the effect of the researched agent during 28-day dermal application on biochemical indicators of blood serum in animals of the first experimental group, a decrease in the concentration of total protein by 5.8 % was established. Under these conditions, an increase in creatinine level, urea level, ALT, and AST was established, respectively, by 6.2, 18.8 (P < 0.05), 3.8, and 14.7 % (P < 0.05). It should be noted that the use of the researched product in animals of the II and III experimental groups caused an increase in the level of urea, respectively, by 28.6 and 35.7 % (Р < 0.05), creatinine by 8.4 and 3.5 %, AST – 16.4 (P < 0.05) and 11.3 % and the activity of ALT – 8.5 and 11.0 %

    Crossfit as modern means of physical education

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    Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at physical development, functional improvement of organism, studies of basic efferent skills of vital importance and knowledge related to them for the future successful professional activities