1,752 research outputs found

    Renormalization group improved gravitational actions: a Brans-Dicke approach

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    A new framework for exploiting information about the renormalization group (RG) behavior of gravity in a dynamical context is discussed. The Einstein-Hilbert action is RG-improved by replacing Newton's constant and the cosmological constant by scalar functions in the corresponding Lagrangian density. The position dependence of GG and Λ\Lambda is governed by a RG equation together with an appropriate identification of RG scales with points in spacetime. The dynamics of the fields GG and Λ\Lambda does not admit a Lagrangian description in general. Within the Lagrangian formalism for the gravitational field they have the status of externally prescribed ``background'' fields. The metric satisfies an effective Einstein equation similar to that of Brans-Dicke theory. Its consistency imposes severe constraints on allowed backgrounds. In the new RG-framework, GG and Λ\Lambda carry energy and momentum. It is tested in the setting of homogeneous-isotropic cosmology and is compared to alternative approaches where the fields GG and Λ\Lambda do not carry gravitating 4-momentum. The fixed point regime of the underlying RG flow is studied in detail.Comment: LaTeX, 72 pages, no figure

    Fractal space-times under the microscope: A Renormalization Group view on Monte Carlo data

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    The emergence of fractal features in the microscopic structure of space-time is a common theme in many approaches to quantum gravity. In this work we carry out a detailed renormalization group study of the spectral dimension dsd_s and walk dimension dwd_w associated with the effective space-times of asymptotically safe Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG). We discover three scaling regimes where these generalized dimensions are approximately constant for an extended range of length scales: a classical regime where ds=d,dw=2d_s = d, d_w = 2, a semi-classical regime where ds=2d/(2+d),dw=2+dd_s = 2d/(2+d), d_w = 2+d, and the UV-fixed point regime where ds=d/2,dw=4d_s = d/2, d_w = 4. On the length scales covered by three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations, the resulting spectral dimension is shown to be in very good agreement with the data. This comparison also provides a natural explanation for the apparent puzzle between the short distance behavior of the spectral dimension reported from Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), Euclidean Dynamical Triangulations (EDT), and Asymptotic Safety.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of the Asymptotic Safety program in Quantum Einstein Gravity. Using the continuum approach based upon the effective average action, we summarize the state of the art of the field with a particular focus on the evidence supporting the existence of the non-trivial renormalization group fixed point at the heart of the construction. As an application, the multifractal structure of the emerging space-times is discussed in detail. In particular, we compare the continuum prediction for their spectral dimension with Monte Carlo data from the Causal Dynamical Triangulation approach.Comment: 87 pages, 13 figures, review article prepared for the New Journal of Physics focus issue on Quantum Einstein Gravit

    Renormalization Group Flow in Scalar-Tensor Theories. II

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    We study the UV behaviour of actions including integer powers of scalar curvature and even powers of scalar fields with Functional Renormalization Group techniques. We find UV fixed points where the gravitational couplings have non-trivial values while the matter ones are Gaussian. We prove several properties of the linearized flow at such a fixed point in arbitrary dimensions in the one-loop approximation and find recursive relations among the critical exponents. We illustrate these results in explicit calculations in d=4d=4 for actions including up to four powers of scalar curvature and two powers of the scalar field. In this setting we notice that the same recursive properties among the critical exponents, which were proven at one-loop order, still hold, in such a way that the UV critical surface is found to be five dimensional. We then search for the same type of fixed point in a scalar theory with minimal coupling to gravity in d=4d=4 including up to eight powers of scalar curvature. Assuming that the recursive properties of the critical exponents still hold, one would conclude that the UV critical surface of these theories is five dimensional.Comment: 14 pages. v.2: Minor changes, some references adde

    Nonperturbative Evolution Equation for Quantum Gravity

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    A scale--dependent effective action for gravity is introduced and an exact nonperturbative evolution equation is derived which governs its renormalization group flow. It is invariant under general coordinate transformations and satisfies modified BRS Ward--Identities. The evolution equation is solved for a simple truncation of the space of actions. In 2+epsilon dimensions, nonperturbative corrections to the beta--function of Newton's constant are derived and its dependence on the cosmological constant is investigated. In 4 dimensions, Einstein gravity is found to be ``antiscreening'', i.e., Newton's constant increases at large distances.Comment: 35 pages, late

    Discovery of Radio Outbursts in the Active Nucleus of M81

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    The low-luminosity active galactic nucleus of M81 has been monitored at centimeter wavelengths since early 1993 as a by-product of radio programs to study the radio emission from Supernova 1993J. The extensive data sets reveal that the nucleus experienced several radio outbursts during the monitoring period. At 2 and 3.6 cm, the main outburst occurred roughly in the beginning of 1993 September and lasted for approximately three months; at longer wavelengths, the maximum flux density decreases, and the onset of the burst is delayed. These characteristics qualitatively resemble the standard model for adiabatically expanding radio sources, although certain discrepancies between the observations and the theoretical predictions suggest that the model is too simplistic. In addition to the large-amplitude, prolonged variations, we also detected milder changes in the flux density at 3.6 cm and possibly at 6 cm on short (less than 1 day) timescales. We discuss a possible association between the radio activity and an optical flare observed during the period that the nucleus was monitored at radio wavelengths.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal. Latex, 18 pages including embedded figures and table

    Ionization by bulk heating of electrons in capacitive radio frequency atmospheric pressure microplasmas

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    Electron heating and ionization dynamics in capacitively coupled radio frequency (RF) atmospheric pressure microplasmas operated in helium are investigated by Particle in Cell simulations and semi-analytical modeling. A strong heating of electrons and ionization in the plasma bulk due to high bulk electric fields are observed at distinct times within the RF period. Based on the model the electric field is identified to be a drift field caused by a low electrical conductivity due to the high electron-neutral collision frequency at atmospheric pressure. Thus, the ionization is mainly caused by ohmic heating in this "Omega-mode". The phase of strongest bulk electric field and ionization is affected by the driving voltage amplitude. At high amplitudes, the plasma density is high, so that the sheath impedance is comparable to the bulk resistance. Thus, voltage and current are about 45{\deg} out of phase and maximum ionization is observed during sheath expansion with local maxima at the sheath edges. At low driving voltages, the plasma density is low and the discharge becomes more resistive resulting in a smaller phase shift of about 4{\deg}. Thus, maximum ionization occurs later within the RF period with a maximum in the discharge center. Significant analogies to electronegative low pressure macroscopic discharges operated in the Drift-Ambipolar mode are found, where similar mechanisms induced by a high electronegativity instead of a high collision frequency have been identified

    Sphaleron Effects Near the Critical Temperature

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    We discuss one-loop radiative corrections to the sphaleron-induced baryon number-violating transition rate near the electroweak phase transition in the standard model. We emphasize that in the case of a first-order transition a rearrangement of the loop expansion is required close to the transition temperature. The corresponding expansion parameter, the effective 3-dimensional gauge coupling approaches a finite λ\lambda dependent value at the critical temperature. The λ\lambda (Higgs mass) dependence of the 1-loop radiative corrections is discussed in the framework of the heat kernel method. Radiative corrections are small compared to the leading sphaleron contribution as long as the Higgs mass is small compared to the W mass. To 1-loop accuracy, there is no Higgs mass range compatible with experimental limits where washing-out of a B+L asymmetry could be avoided for the minimal standard model with one Higgs doublet.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX, (4 figures in a separate uuencoded file), HD-THEP-93-23re

    Cosmology of the Lifshitz universe

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    We study the ultraviolet complete non-relativistic theory recently proposed by Horava. After introducing a Lifshitz scalar for a general background, we analyze the cosmology of the model in Lorentzian and Euclidean signature. Vacuum solutions are found and it is argued the existence of non-singular bouncing profiles. We find a general qualitative agreement with both the picture of Causal Dynamical Triangulations and Quantum Einstein Gravity. However, inflation driven by a Lifshitz scalar field on a classical background might not produce a scale-invariant spectrum when the principle of detailed balance is assumed.Comment: 23 pages. v2: one reference and one equation added, main conclusions unchanged; v3: matches published version, discussion improved, typos correcte

    First-principles study of the polar O-terminated ZnO surface in thermodynamic equilibrium with oxygen and hydrogen

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    Using density-functional theory in combination with a thermodynamic formalism we calculate the relative stability of various structural models of the polar O-terminated (000-1)-O surface of ZnO. Model surfaces with different concentrations of oxygen vacancies and hydrogen adatoms are considered. Assuming that the surfaces are in thermodynamic equilibrium with an O2 and H2 gas phase we determine a phase diagram of the lowest-energy surface structures. For a wide range of temperatures and pressures we find that hydrogen will be adsorbed at the surface, preferentially with a coverage of 1/2 monolayer. At high temperatures and low pressures the hydrogen can be removed and a structure with 1/4 of the surface oxygen atoms missing becomes the most stable one. The clean, defect-free surface can only exist in an oxygen-rich environment with a very low hydrogen partial pressure. However, since we find that the dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen and water (if also the Zn-terminated surface is present) is energetically very preferable, it is very unlikely that a clean, defect-free (000-1)-O surface can be observed in experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figures. Uses REVTEX and epsf macro