41 research outputs found

    Squeezed state purification with linear optics and feed forward

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    A scheme for optimal and deterministic linear optical purification of mixed squeezed Gaussian states is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The scheme requires only linear optical elements and homodyne detectors, and allows the balance between purification efficacy and squeezing degradation to be controlled. One particular choice of parameters gave a ten-fold reduction of the thermal noise with a corresponding squeezing degradation of only 11%. We prove optimality of the protocol, and show that it can be used to enhance the performance of quantum informational protocols such as dense coding and entanglement generation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Sub shot noise phase quadrature measurement of intense light beams

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    We present a setup to perform sub shot noise measurements of the phase quadrature for intense pulsed light without the use of a separate local oscillator. A Mach--Zehnder interferometer with an unbalanced arm length is used to detect the fluctuations of the phase quadrature at a single side band frequency. Using this setup, the non--separability of a pair of quadrature entangled beams is demonstrated experimentally.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Optics Letter

    Quantum study of information delay in electromagetically induced transparency

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    Using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), it is possible to delay and store light in atomic ensembles. Theoretical modelling and recent experiments have suggested that the EIT storage mechanism can be used as a memory for quantum information. We present experiments that quantify the noise performance of an EIT system for conjugate amplitude and phase quadratures. It is shown that our EIT system adds excess noise to the delayed light that has not hitherto been predicted by published theoretical modelling. In analogy with other continuous-variable quantum information systems, the performance of our EIT system is characterised in terms of conditional variance and signal transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Erratum : Squeezing and entanglement delay using slow light

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    An inconsistency was found in the equations used to calculate the variance of the quadrature fluctuations of a field propagating through a medium demonstrating electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The decoherence term used in our original paper introduces inconsistency under weak probe approximation. In this erratum we give the Bloch equations with the correct dephasing terms. The conclusions of the original paper remain the same. Both entanglement and squeezing can be delayed and preserved using EIT without adding noise when the decoherence rate is small.Comment: 1 page, no figur

    Polarization-squeezed light formation in a medium with electronic Kerr nonlinearity

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    We analyze the formation of polarization-squeezed light in a medium with electronic Kerr nonlinearity. Quantum Stokes parameters are considered and the spectra of their quantum fluctuations are investigated. It is established that the frequency at which the suppression of quantum fluctuations is the greatest can be controlled by adjusting the linear phase difference between pulses. We shown that by varying the intensity or the nonlinear phase shift per photon for one pulse, one can effectively control the suppression of quantum fluctuations of the quantum Stokes parameters.Comment: final version, RevTeX, 10 pages, 5 eps figure

    Systematic analysis of SNR in bipartite Ghost Imaging with classical and quantum light

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    We present a complete and exhaustive theory of signal-to-noise-ratio in bipartite ghost imaging with classical (thermal) and quantum (twin beams) light. The theory is compared with experiment for both twin beams and thermal light in a certain regime of interest

    Demonstration of the spatial separation of the entangled quantum side-bands of an optical field

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    Quantum optics experiments on "bright" beams typically probe correlations between side-band modes. However the extra degree of freedom represented by this dual mode picture is generally ignored. We demonstrate the experimental operation of a device which can be used to separate the quantum side-bands of an optical field. We use this device to explicitly demonstrate the quantum entanglement between the side-bands of a squeezed beam

    Entanglement and squeezing in a two-mode system: theory and experiment

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    We report on the generation of non separable beams produced via the interaction of a linearly polarized beam with a cloud of cold cesium atoms placed in an optical cavity. We convert the squeezing of the two linear polarization modes into quadrature entanglement and show how to find out the best entanglement generated in a two-mode system using the inseparability criterion for continuous variable [Duan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2722 (2000)]. We verify this method experimentally with a direct measurement of the inseparability using two homodyne detections. We then map this entanglement into a polarization basis and achieve polarization entanglement.Comment: submitted to J. Opt. B for a Special Issue on Foundations of Quantum Optic

    Preparation of distilled and purified continuous variable entangled states

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    The distribution of entangled states of light over long distances is a major challenge in the field of quantum information. Optical losses, phase diffusion and mixing with thermal states lead to decoherence and destroy the non-classical states after some finite transmission-line length. Quantum repeater protocols, which combine quantum memory, entanglement distillation and entanglement swapping, were proposed to overcome this problem. Here we report on the experimental demonstration of entanglement distillation in the continuous-variable regime. Entangled states were first disturbed by random phase fluctuations and then distilled and purified using interference on beam splitters and homodyne detection. Measurements of covariance matrices clearly indicate a regained strength of entanglement and purity of the distilled states. In contrast to previous demonstrations of entanglement distillation in the complementary discrete-variable regime, our scheme achieved the actual preparation of the distilled states, which might therefore be used to improve the quality of downstream applications such as quantum teleportation