26 research outputs found

    p-branes on the waves

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    We present a large family of simple, explicit ten-dimensional supergravity solutions describing extended extremal supersymmetric Ramond-Ramond p-branes embedded into time-dependent dilaton-gravity plane waves of an arbitrary (isotropic) profile, with the brane world-volume aligned parallel to the propagation direction of the wave. Generalizations to the non-extremal case are not analyzed explicitly, but can be pursued as indicated.Comment: 11 pages; v.2 minor notation changes, minor typos corrected (published version

    Light-like Big Bang singularities in string and matrix theories

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    Important open questions in cosmology require a better understanding of the Big Bang singularity. In string and matrix theories, light-like analogues of cosmological singularities (singular plane wave backgrounds) turn out to be particularly tractable. We give a status report on the current understanding of such light-like Big Bang models, presenting both solved and open problems.Comment: 20 pages, invited review for Class. Quant. Grav; v3: section 2.3 shortened, discussion on DLCQ added in section 3.1, published versio

    Nonlinear instability and solitons in a self-gravitating fluid

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    We study a spherical, self-gravitating fluid model, which finds applications in cosmic structure formation. We argue that since the system features nonlinearity and gravity-induced dispersion, the emergence of solitons becomes possible. We thus employ a multiscale expansion method to study, in the weakly nonlinear regime, the evolution of small-amplitude perturbations around the equilibrium state. This way, we derive a spherical nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger (NLS) equation that governs the envelope of the perturbations. The effective NLS description allows us to predict a "nonlinear instability" (occurring in the nonlinear regime of the system), namely, the modulational instability which, in turn, may give rise to spherical soliton states. The latter feature a very slow (polynomial) curvature-induced decay in time. The soliton profiles may be used to describe the shape of dark matter halos at the rims of the galaxies

    Can free strings propagate across plane wave singularities?

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    We study free string propagation in families of plane wave geometries developing strong scale-invariant singularities in certain limits. We relate the singular limit of the evolution for all excited string modes to that of the center-of-mass motion (the latter existing for discrete values of the overall plane wave profile normalization). Requiring that the entire excitation energy of the string should be finite turns out to be quite restrictive and essentially excludes consistent propagation across the singularity, unless dimensionful scales are introduced at the singular locus (in an otherwise scale-invariant space-time).Comment: 24 pages; v.2: published version, minor clarifications adde

    A smooth bouncing cosmology with scale invariant spectrum

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    We present a bouncing cosmology which evolves from the contracting to the expanding phase in a smooth way, without developing instabilities or pathologies and remaining in the regime of validity of 4d effective field theory. A nearly scale invariant spectrum of perturbations is generated during the contracting phase by an isocurvature scalar with a negative exponential potential and then converted to adiabatic. The model predicts a slightly blue spectrum, n_S >~ 1, no observable gravitational waves and a high (but model dependent) level of non-Gaussianities with local shape. The model represents an explicit and predictive alternative to inflation, although, at present, it is clearly less compelling.Comment: 20 pages, 1 fig. v2: references added, JCAP published versio

    Aspects of Plane Wave (Matrix) String Dynamics

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    We analyse two issues that arise in the context of (matrix) string theories in plane wave backgrounds, namely (1) the use of Brinkmann- versus Rosen-variables in the quantum theory for general plane waves (which we settle conclusively in favour of Brinkmann variables), and (2) the regularisation of the quantum dynamics for a certain class of singular plane waves (discussing the benefits and limitations of regularisations of the plane-wave metric itself).Comment: 29 page