738 research outputs found

    Sikap Mengenai Keselamatan pada Residen dan Perawat di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan

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    Background: Provider attitudes about issues pertinent topatient safety may be related to errors and adverse events.Residents as the main health provider in teaching hospitalsplay an important factors for assuring patient safety.Objective: To assess the attitudes of residents towards patientsafety and compare the attituted to other health providersnurse/midwive) in the Obstetrics Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic.Methods: This was a survey conducted in a teaching hospitalat Yogyakarta. Safety Attitude Questionnare (SAQ)-A questionnairewas adapted into Indonesian setting to assess attitudesamong residents and nurses at Obstetrics Gynaecologyoutpatient clinic. All residents and health providers were invitedto participate in this survey.Results: Total of 71 respondents involved in this survey (consistedof 79% of total residents and 82% of total nurses). TheSAQ-A questionnaire which was used here had comparableinternal consistency with the previous study. In general attitudestowards patient safety were higher among nurses/midwive than residents. Significant differences revealed relatedto perception to management and stress recognition.Perception to management score was the lowest compared toother scales (19,6% residents versus 33,3% nurses withpositive attitudes). There was no differences for other scalesbut still with low attitude scores. Aspects related to informationtransfer between residents and consultant, clinic referralsystem and care in test results management were perceivedas poor by residents and nurses.Conclusion: Residents have lower attitudes towards patientsafety compare to nurses/midwive. This study shows theimportance of providing orientation among residens beforetheir training program to improve patient safety attitude.Key Words: attitude towards patient safety, safety attitudesquestionnaire, teaching hospita

    Spatial Patterns Associating Low Birth Weight with Environmental and Behavioral Factors

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    Low birth weight (LBW) is a significant public health problem in the world. It was estimated globally by the World Health Organization (WHO) that prevalence of LBW was 15% of all births. In Murung Raya district LBW cases remain high. This paper aimed to identify and discuss the relationship between environmental risk factors with LBW in Murung Raya.A spatial analysis was conducted with 150 women as the total participantswho were recruited through the incidence data in 2013-2014. The questionnaires, medical records, and geographic data were measured by Stata software, ArcGis, SatScan, and Geoda. The study results indicated there was significant correlation between health behavior and environmental variables with the strength of external neighborhood effect across LBW risk factors. More intense clustering of high values (hot spots) was found through the spatial analysis showing that most of the cases were located near the defined buffer zone. This research demonstrates that the spatial pattern analysis provided greater statistical power to detect an effect that was not apparent in the previous epidemiology studies

    27 Canis Majoris in 1958-9

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    Espectrogramas de 27 Canis Majoris tomados en Mount Wilbon con una dispersión de 10 A/mm, muestran la presencia de lineas anchas de absorción que corresponden a una estrella de tipo ~ B4 V, superpuestas a las cuales aparecen las lineas angostas de una envoltura. El efecto de dilución se manifiesta particularmente en la intensidad de He I 3888. La estructura de la emisión en Hα sugiere la existencia de dos envolturas lo que, a su vez, sugiere la posibilidad de que estemos en presencia de un sistema binario, una de cuyas componentes, la B4 V, estaría rodeada de una atmósfera extendida.La otra envoltura sería exterior al sistema de las dos estrellas.Spectrograms of 27 Canis Majoris taken at Mount Wilson with a dispersion of about 10 A/mm show the presence of broad absorption lines which correspond to a star of spectral type about B4 7. Narrow absorption lines from an envelope appear superimposed upon the broad features, the dilution effect showing particularly in the intensity of He I 3888. The structure of the Hα emission suggests the existence of two envelopes, which, in turn, suggests that we are dealing with a binary system, one of the components of which, the B4 V star,would be surrounded by an extended atmosphere. The second envelope would be external to the system of the two stars. The paper will be published in full elsewhere.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Determination of the polymerisation rate of a low-toxicity diacetone acrylamide-based holographic photopolymer using Raman spectroscopy

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    The polymerisation rate of a low-toxicity Diacetone Acrylamide (DA)-based photopolymer has been measured for the first time using Raman spectroscopy. A value for the polymerisation rate of 0.020 s−1 has been obtained for the DA photopolymer by modelling the polymerisation reaction dynamics as a stretched exponential or Kohlrausch decay function. This is significantly lower than the polymerisation rate of 0.100 s−1 measured for the well known Acrylamide (AA)-based photopolymer composition. The effect of the additive glycerol on the polymerisation rate of the DA-based photopolymer has also been investigated. The inclusion of glycerol is observed to increase the rate of polymerisation of the DA photopolymer by up to 60%. It is also observed that the polymerisation rate of the DA photopolymer is less dependent on the recording intensity when glycerol is present

    Desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo em cidades médias do interior paulista sob o estatuto da cidade: uma análise comparada de Piracicaba, Bauru e Rio Claro

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    O artigo traça um quadro do desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo em cidades médias do interior do estado de São Paulo (Brasil), sob três dimensões complementares: econômica, urbanística e políticoinstitucional. Para tanto, indica os processos interdependentes que estruturam o desenvolvimento urbano com base na análise comparativa desses municípios (Piracicaba, Bauru e Rio Claro). Nesses termos, identifica como essas cidades se inseriram nos processos de transformação da economia nacional nas décadas de 1970-90, e como essa trajetória impactou suas dinâmicas urbano-regionais. Observa-se de que maneira as determinantes econômicas – tanto as vinculadas às mudanças no padrão locacional das indústrias quanto outras associadas à dinâmica imobiliária – impactaram o ordenamento urbanístico e como ocorreram tais processos decisórios. A análise se faz no contexto institucional da promulgação e vigência do Estatuto da Cidade, no qual os municípios refizeram seus Planos Diretores e passaram a contar com novos meios de regular a produção do espaço urbano.The article focuses on contemporary urban development in medium-sized cities in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), under three complementary dimensions: economic, urban and political-institutional. Thus, it indicates the interdependent processes that shape urban development based on comparative analysis of these municipalities (Piracicaba, Bauru and Rio Claro). In these terms it identifies how these cities were inserted in the processes of transformation of the national economy in the decades of 1970-90, and how that path impacted their urban-regional dynamics. We observe how the economic determinants – changes in the industry standard locational and dynamic real estate – impacted the urban planning and decision-making processes. The analysis is done in the context of institutional effectiveness and promulgation enactment of the Statute of the City, when municipalities remade their Master Plans and have acquired new ways to regulate the production of urban space.Peer Reviewe

    Determinan Abortus di Indonesia

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    Abortion has become a main problem in public health because of its impact on maternal morbidity and mortality. There is no comprehensive data on abortion in Indonesia. So far, data were based on survey with limited coverage. Unsafe abortion is responsible to 11 percent of maternal mortality in Indonesia. This research objective is to determine factors related to abortion in Indonesia. The study was an observational method with cross sectional design. Thesedata are gathered from Indonesian Demography and Health Survey 2002–2003. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis with logistic regression. The risk of an abortion increased in line with the increasing of maternal age. Women with 0-2 parity have higher risk than multiparity (OR=5.2, IK95%=3.49-7.89). Employed women have higher risk than unemployed (OR=2.7, IK95%=2.10-3.58). The risk of abortion increased among women married at 30 years old or over (OR=1.8, IK95%=1.30-2.48). There is no significant association between history of abortion, education, socioeconomic and risk of abortion

    Penggunaan Intra Uterin Device (IUD) dan Pola Aktivitas Seksual pada Perempuan di Kupang

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    The use of intra uterine device (IUD) and sexual activity patterns in women in KupangPurposeThe purpose of this study was to know the influence of intra uterine device type contraceptive use to the pattern of sexual activity.MethodsThis research was an observational study with a cross-sectional design using questionnaires to collect data. The samples were 190 women of fertile age in the city of Kupang. The correlation of intra uterine device USAge and sexual activities pattern was analyzed by using chi square tests, and continued with multivariate analysis using logistic regression tests, using confidence interval (CI) of 95% and a level of significance of p<0.05.ResultsThere was no significant difference in patterns of sexual activities of women using intra uterine device with those who were not using contraception. The variables that were statistically significant were age, parity, duration of marriage and effects of intra uterine device use. Meanwhile variables that were not statistically significant were working status and duration of intra uterine device use.ConclusionThe USAge of intra uterine device contraception did not affect patterns of sexual activities of women in Kupang. However, the effect of intra uterine device USAge did have influence toward sexual activity, but such effect would be reduced over time up to 1 year of using. The recommendations given in this research is that it is necessary to further analyze intra uterine device USAge effects toward sexual activities patterns