314 research outputs found

    First reports of <i>Padina antillarum</i> and <i>P. glabra</i> (Phaeophyta-Dictyotaceae) from Florida, with a key to the Western Atlantic species of the genus

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    Padina antillarum (Kützing) Piccone and P. glabra Gaillard are newly reported for Florida. The first species, which has been widely reported from the Indo-Pacific under the name P. tetrastromatica Hauck, has seldom been reported from the Western Atlantic. The type locality of P. antillarum is Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles, and there are reports of its occurrence from Venezuela and Colombia. Observations are provided on tetrasporangiate and oogonial plants collected from Brevard County, Florida. Padina glabra, first described from Senegal, northwest Africa, has been collected on three occasions from Anastasia Island, Saint Augustine, St. Johns County, Florida. The Florida material agrees in most respects with the original description of P. glabra except for the larger size of the Florida thalli and the fact the thalli bear plantules in addition to sporangia. A key to the Western Atlantic species of Padina is provided

    Note on <i>Stoechospermum</i> Kütz. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta)

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    Stoechospermum polypodioides (J.V.Lamour.) J.Agardh is found to be conspecific with S. marginatum (C.Agardh) Kutz. after examination of the type specimen. The anteriority of Dictyota polypodioides J.V.Lamour. on Zonaria marginata C.Agardh, results in S. marginatum to be a synonym of S. polypodioides. Additionally all taxa attributed to the genus Stoechospermum are typified

    Annotated list of new records of marine macroalgae for Kenya and Tanzania, since Isaac's and Jaasund's publications

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    48 species of Rhodophyta, 10 species of Phaeophyta and 38 species of Chlorophyta, newly reported since Isaac's publications on seaweeds from Kenya and Jaasund's papers on macroalgae fiom Tanzania, are listed with bibliograpbic, taxonomic and biogeographic comments. Some of these species were previously published in more detailed taxonomic studies by this paper's authors