90 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Model of Ion-Exchange Process as Exemplified by Cerium Sorption from Multisalt Solutions

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    A complex heterogeneous process of ion exchange can be defined with an isotherm-isobar equation of the chemical reaction, which describes differential affinity between the process and its effect – the law of mass action. Ion exchange includes processes accompanied by changes in the charge of ions and functional groups caused by the passing of ionic bond into covalent one. Hence isotherm equations of ion exchange for such processes must differ from conventional stoichiometric equations, but they can be obtained by classical study approaches to ion exchange equilibrium. The paper describes a new thermodynamic model, based on linearization of mass action law, modified for the ion exchange equation. The application of this model allows to define stoichiometry of ion exchange and the shape of ions adsorbed by the solid phase of ion-exchange resins, as well as to estimate equilibrium constant and Gibbs free energy of the process. Comparative analysis has been carried out for the thermodynamic model of cerium sorption in the form of anionic complex with Trilon B from a multisalt solution with ionic strength of 1 mol/kg (NaNO3) under рН = 3 and temperature 298 K on a test sample of weak-base anion-exchange resin Cybber EV009. Experimental isotherm of the sorption has been obtained. Calculations of thermodynamic parameters have been performed using Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin – Radushkevich, Temkin and Flory – Huggins models, as well as thermodynamic model of linearized mass action law, proposed by the authors. Calculated values of the equilibrium constant and Gibbs energy – K = 9.0±0.5 and ΔrG0298 = –5.54±0.27 kJ/mol – characterize the sorption of EDTA cerate ions by ion-exchange resin. The shape of adsorbed ions has been defined in Stern-Helmholtz layer of CeTr, and total capacity of anion resin EV009 for EDTA cerate ions has been estimated as q∞ = 2.0±0.1 mol/kg

    Sociocultural Component in the Content of Teaching Foreign Languages to Pre-school Children

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    The paper is aimed at studying efficiency of learning languages by pre-school children. Different types of memory that are at high level of its development at this age promote children's abilities to acquire languages. Also psychologically, pre-school children are fit to develop speech and communication skills by using adequate materials and tasks. A set of criteria are evaluated to introduce socio-cultural content for promoting effective language learning

    Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei in peripheral blood of patients with localized and advanced cancer of the larynx and laryngopharynx

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    Neutrophilic granulocytes have a wide spectrum of functional activity. In recent years, the functional significance of neutrophils in the development and course of malignant neoplasms has been discussed. It has been shown that neutrophilic granulocytes can play pro- or antitumor activity. The aim of the study was to assess the structural and functional features of neutrophils in patients with varying degrees of prevalence of cancer of the larynx and laryngopharynx. Forty-one patients (aged 35-67) with newly diagnosed cancer of the larynx and laryngopharynx were examined and divided into subgroups according to the TNM classification: the first subgroup (14 patients) with a localized tumor process consisted; and the second subgroup (27 patients) with a widespread tumor process. The relative and absolute number of neutrophils was assessed, and the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was determined. The content of neutrophils with varying degrees of nuclear segmentation in the blood was calculated, the activity of myeloperoxidase, cationic proteins, alkaline phosphatase, and the degree of neutrophil activation in the NBT test was determined cytochemically. Concentration of interleukin-8 was determined using ELISA. In patients with cancer of the larynx and laryngopharynx the number of neutrophils (p = 0.045) and NLR (p = 0.033), as well as serum concentration of interleukin 8 (p = 0.011), increased compared to healthy individuals. The proportion of cells with hypersegmented nuclei in the neutrophil population (p < 0.001) and cytotoxic potential increased with the spread of tumor process. A direct correlation (r = 0.42, p = 0.03) was found between the T index, which reflects the volume of the tumor, and the content of hypersegmented neutrophils. It can be argued that such a simple and accessible laboratory parameter as the degree of segmentation of the nuclei of neutrophilic granulocytes can be used as one of the criteria to assess and predict the course of the tumor process


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    Gallium sorption from alkaline solutions over various weak- and strong-basic anion-exchange resins under the dynamic conditions has been studied. The values of dynamic exchange capacity before breakthrough and full dynamic exchange capacity have been calculated. D-403 selective anion exchange resin has been selected. The gallate-ion sorption isotherm over D-403 weak-basic anion-exchange resin is described by Langmuir equation modified for ion-exchange equilibrium and the thermo-dynamic sorption parameters are determined. A method for determining gallium forms in alkaline solution is proposed. A series of anion sorption ability on the solid phase surface of D-403 anion exchange resin is presented. Изучена сорбция галлия из щелочных растворов на различных слабо- и сильноосновных анионитах в динамических условиях, рассчитаны значения динамической обменной емкости до проскока и полной обменной динамической емкости. Подобран селективный анионит D-403. Изотерма сорбции галлат-ионов на слабоосновном анионите D-403 описана уравнением Лэнгмюра, модифицированным для ионообменного равновесия, определены термодинамические параметры сорбции. Предложен метод оценки формы нахождения галлия в щелочном натриевом растворе. Представлен ряд сорбируемости анионов на поверхности твердой фазы анионита D-40


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    The object of the investigation was an autoclave cake of the refractory gold-containing flotation concentrate, which was prepared using a pilot plant. The influence of heat treatment (HT) on the chemical composition and recovery of gold was investigated for this material in a temperature range of 100–500 °C. Due to the HT, high indices of recovery of gold up to 98 % can be attained. This is attained due to deep removal during the HT of organic carbon, which passed gold during the autoclave oxidation. Arsenic is situated in a stable nontoxic form of iron arsenate, which does not undergo the variations in the content and remains in the cake, at the HT stage overall the temperature range under study. The possibility in principle to process the double-refractoriness concentrate with the help of a complex technology of autoclave oxidation and subsequent HT is shown. Объектом исследования являлся автоклавный кек упорного золотосодержащего флотоконцентрата, который был получен на полупромышленной пилотной установке. На данном материале было изучено влияние на химический состав и извлечение золота термической обработки (ТО) в диапазоне температур 100–500 °С. Благодаря ТО возможно получение высоких показателей извлечения золота – до 98 %. Это достигается за счет глубокого удаления при ТО органического углерода, который в ходе автоклавного окисления пассировал золото. На стадии ТО во всем исследуемом интервале температур мышьяк находится в устойчивой нетоксичной форме арсената железа, который не претерпевает изменений в содержании и остается в кеке. Показана принципиальная возможность переработки флотоконцентрата двойной упорности с помощью комплексной технологии автоклавного окисления и последующей ТО.


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    The paper studies sorption of aluminum and gallium in the form of hydroxocomplexes on the AN-31 weak-basic anion-exchange resin at a temperature of 298 K from standardized test solutions. On the basis of experimental data the paper determines forms of ions sorbed by the solid phase of the anion-exchange resin. Sorption of pentahydroxoaluminate and pentahydroxogallate ions occurs in the Stern-Helmholtz layer. The paper calculates values of apparent constants and Gibbs energies of ion-exchange equilibrium. The obtained values for the full exchange capacity of gallate ions equal to 55–58 g/kg under static conditions cause the use of the AN-31 anion-exchange resin in the concentration of gallium ions from alkaline aluminate solutions.Изучена сорбция алюминия и галлия в виде гидроксокомплексов на слабоосновном анионите АН-31 при температуре 298 К из модельных растворов. На основе экспериментальных данных определены формы сорбирующихся ионов твердой фазой анионита. В слое Штерна–Гельмгольца проходит сорбция пентагидроксоалюминат- и пентагидроксогаллат-ионов. Рассчитаны значения кажущихся констант и энергий Гиббса ионообменных равновесий. Полученные значения полной обменной емкости галлат-ионов 55–58 г/кг в статических условиях обуславливают использование анионообменной смолы АН-31 в процессе концентрирования ионов галлия из щелочных алюминатных растворов


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    The present study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of pharyngeal cancer in the Tomsk region for the period between 2007 and 2015. Approximately 27 new cases of pharyngeal cancer are annually diagnosed in the region. Between 2007 and 2015, the pharyngeal cancer incidence in males was reported to be higher (80.9 %) than in females. The incidence rate of oropharyngeal cancer was 73.4 %. This incidence rate was not stable over time, and it was 2.2 per 100,000 population in 2015. In 2015, the pharyngeal cancer incidence in the Tomsk region was the highest in the Siberian Federal District (2.3 compared to 0.4) The pharyngeal cancer incidence was higher in rural than urban areas. High percentage of patients with advanced-stage disease and one-year mortality was registered in the region.Цель работы – оценить эпидемиологическую ситуацию в Томской области по раку глотки, достаточно редкому злокачественному новообразованию, но имеющему большое социальное значение.Материал и методы. В основе исследования отчетные формы территориального онкологического диспансера и территориального органа государственной статистики за 2007–2015 гг. Результаты. В среднем за год в области выявляется около 27 случаев рака глотки. Заболевание чаще диагностируется у мужчин (80,9 %). На долю опухолей ротоглотки приходится 73,4 %. В течение времени показатель заболеваемости нестабилен, в 2015 г. он составил 2,2 (ДИ 1,4–2,9) на 100 тыс. населения. Заболеваемость раком ротоглотки в 2015 г. в области – одна из самых высоких в Сибирском федеральном округе (2,3 и 0,4 соответственно). Распространенность заболевания в сельских административных районах выше, чем в городских поселениях. В области имеются проблемы в оказании онкологической помощи данной категории больных (высокая запущенность и одногодичная летальность)

    Efficiency of radiotherapy during local hyperthermia in the treatment of laryngeal and laryngopharyngeal cancer

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    Cancer of the larynx and laryngopharynx, which is accessible to visual and instrumental examination, remains the most relevant and complicated problem among head and neck malignances as before. Investigations show that the incidence of cancer at these sites in Russia in the last decade has risen from 4.5 to 9.67 %. This is a severe and poor prognostic form of cancer, which is characterized by its nonspecific early clinical manifestations, complex anatomic and topographic structure, and a high rate of regional metastases. The mainstay of treatment for head and neck cancer involves 3 components: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy (RT), which are performed alone or in combination. The most commonly used technique is combined, frequently crippling due to organ-removing operations. The clinical introduction of current radio modifiers, local and deep hyperthermia systems, is a promising approach to improving the results of treatment, to enhancing the radiation damage of RT, and to achieving the tumor regression sufficient for surgical intervention without augmenting the early and late toxicity inherent in chemoradiation treatment. The results of the performed study of 35 patients with T2–3N0–2M0 laryngeal and laryngopharyngeal cancer proved the high efficiency of local hyperthermia in treating malignancies in this region during both preoperative (grades III– IV therapeutic pathomorphism) and radical beam RT


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    The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of postoperative management of the bronchial stump in lung cancer patients. material and methods. Forty-four patients with stage III lung cancer underwent endoscopic examination of the bronchial tree 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after surgery. The EVIS EXERAII and LUCERA videoendoscopic complexes with consistent use of white light mode, autofluorescence and narrow- spectrum mode were used. Endoscopic results were compared with morphological findings. Results. X-ray of the chest was negative for tumor recurrence in 3 (6.8 %) cases and early metachronous tumor of the trachea was revealed in 1 (2.3 %) case. The main endoscopic symptoms of early local recurrence in the bronchial stump were the marked lilac glow identified in the AFI mode and the mucosal vascular pattern deformation Timely diagnosis of recurrence allows a special treatment to be performed.Цель исследования - оценка эффективности комплексного послеоперационного мониторинга состояния культи оперированного бронха у больных раком легкого. Материал и методы. У 44 больных, оперированных по поводу рака легкого III стадии, в сроки через 3, 6, 9 и 12 мес после лечения проводилось комплексное эндоскопическое исследование бронхиального дерева на видеоэндоскопических комплексах EVIS EXERAII и LUCERA с последовательным использованием режима белого света, аутофлуоресценции и режима узкого спектра. Результаты эндоскопии сопоставляли с данными морфологического исследования. результаты. В 3 (6,8 %) случаях на различных этапах послеоперационного мониторинга были обнаружены рентгенонегативные рецидивы опухоли, в 1 (2,3 %) - ранняя метахронная опухоль трахеи. Основными эндоскопическими симптомами ранних местных рецидивов в культе оперированного бронха являются выраженное сиреневое свечение, выявляемое в режиме AFI, и различная деформация сосудистого рисунка слизистой оболочки. Своевременная диагностика рецидивного процесса позволяет провести специальное лечени