764 research outputs found

    Sampling Plans for Control-Inspection Schemes Under Independent and Dependent Sampling Designs With Applications to Photovoltaics

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    The evaluation of produced items at the time of delivery is, in practice, usually amended by at least one inspection at later time points. We extend the methodology of acceptance sampling for variables for arbitrary unknown distributions when additional sampling infor- mation is available to such settings. Based on appropriate approximations of the operating characteristic, we derive new acceptance sampling plans that control the overall operating characteristic. The results cover the case of independent sampling as well as the case of dependent sampling. In particular, we study a modified panel sampling design and the case of spatial batch sampling. The latter is advisable in photovoltaic field monitoring studies, since it allows to detect and analyze local clusters of degraded or damaged modules. Some finite sample properties are examined by a simulation study, focusing on the accuracy of estimation

    Molecular Mechanisms Leading from Periodontal Disease to Cancer

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    Periodontitis is prevalent in half of the adult population and raises critical health concerns as it has been recently associated with an increased risk of cancer. While information about the topic remains somewhat scarce, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanistic pathways promoting neoplasia in periodontitis patients is of fundamental importance. This manuscript presents the literature as well as a panel of tables and figures on the molecular mechanisms of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum, two main oral pathogens in periodontitis pathology, involved in instigating tumorigenesis. We also present evidence for potential links between the RANKL–RANK signaling axis as well as circulating cytokines/leukocytes and carcinogenesis. Due to the nonconclusive data associating periodontitis and cancer reported in the case and cohort studies, we examine clinical trials relevant to the topic and summarize their outcome

    Parent and Household Influences on Calcium Intake Among Early Adolescents

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    Background: Calcium intake during early adolescence falls short of requirements for maximum bone accretion. Parents and the home food environment potentially influence children’s calcium intakes. This study aimed to quantify parental psychosocial factors (PSF) predicting calcium intakes of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white (NHW) early adolescent children from a parental perspective. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving the administration of a validated calcium-specific food frequency questionnaire to a convenience sample of children aged 10–13 years and the primary individual responsible for food acquisition in the child’s household. Based on Social Cognitive Theory, parental factors potentially associated with children’s calcium intake were also assessed via parent questionnaires. The total study sample consisted of 633 parent-child pairs (Asian = 110, Hispanic = 239, NHW = 284). Questionnaires were completed at community-based centers/sites. Outcome measures were the association between parent-child calcium (mg), milk (cups/day), and soda (cans/day) intakes and the predictive value of significant parental PSF towards calcium intakes of their children. Sex-adjusted linear regression and multivariate analyses were performed. Results: Calcium intakes of parent-child pairs were positively associated among all ethnic groups (r = 0.296; P \u3c 0.001). Soda intakes were positively associated among Hispanic parent-child pairs only (r = 0.343; P \u3c 0.001). Home availability of calcium-rich foods (CRF), parental rules and expectations for their child’s intake of beverages, and parents’ calcium intake/role modeling were positively associated with children’s calcium intake and overwhelmed all other PSF in multivariate analyses. Significant cultural differences were observed. Parental role modeling was a significant factor among Hispanic dyads only. Multivariate models explained 19–21% of the variance in children’s calcium intakes. Conclusions: Nutrition interventions to improve children’s calcium intakes should focus on parents and provide guidance on improving home availability of CRF and increasing rules and expectations for the consumption of CRF. Among Hispanic families, interventions promoting parental modeling of desired dietary behaviors may be most successful

    Complexity of multi-dimensional spontaneous EEG decreases during propofol induced general anaesthesia

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    Emerging neural theories of consciousness suggest a correlation between a specific type of neural dynamical complexity and the level of consciousness: When awake and aware, causal interactions between brain regions are both integrated (all regions are to a certain extent connected) and differentiated (there is inhomogeneity and variety in the interactions). In support of this, recent work by Casali et al (2013) has shown that Lempel-Ziv complexity correlates strongly with conscious level, when computed on the EEG response to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Here we investigated complexity of spontaneous high-density EEG data during propofol-induced general anaesthesia. We consider three distinct measures: (i) Lempel-Ziv complexity, which is derived from how compressible the data are; (ii) amplitude coalition entropy, which measures the variability in the constitution of the set of active channels; and (iii) the novel synchrony coalition entropy (SCE), which measures the variability in the constitution of the set of synchronous channels. After some simulations on Kuramoto oscillator models which demonstrate that these measures capture distinct ‘flavours’ of complexity, we show that there is a robustly measurable decrease in the complexity of spontaneous EEG during general anaesthesia

    Prediction of disorientation by accelerometric and gait features in young and older adults navigating in a virtually enriched environment

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether gait and accelerometric features can predict disorientation events in young and older adults. METHODS: Cognitively healthy younger (18–40 years, n = 25) and older (60–85 years, n = 28) participants navigated on a treadmill through a virtual representation of the city of Rostock featured within the Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab (GRAIL) system. We conducted Bayesian Poisson regression to determine the association of navigation performance with domain-specific cognitive functions. We determined associations of gait and accelerometric features with disorientation events in real-time data using Bayesian generalized mixed effect models. The accuracy of gait and accelerometric features to predict disorientation events was determined using cross-validated support vector machines (SVM) and Hidden Markov models (HMM). RESULTS: Bayesian analysis revealed strong evidence for the effect of gait and accelerometric features on disorientation. The evidence supported a relationship between executive functions but not visuospatial abilities and perspective taking with navigation performance. Despite these effects, the cross-validated percentage of correctly assigned instances of disorientation was only 72% in the SVM and 63% in the HMM analysis using gait and accelerometric features as predictors. CONCLUSION: Disorientation is reflected in spatiotemporal gait features and the accelerometric signal as a potentially more easily accessible surrogate for gait features. At the same time, such measurements probably need to be enriched with other parameters to be sufficiently accurate for individual prediction of disorientation events

    Type I Interferon Production Enhances Susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes Infection

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    Numerous bacterial products such as lipopolysaccharide potently induce type I interferons (IFNs); however, the contribution of this innate response to host defense against bacterial infection remains unclear. Although mice deficient in either IFN regulatory factor (IRF)3 or the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR)1 are highly susceptible to viral infection, we show that these mice exhibit a profound resistance to infection caused by the Gram-positive intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes compared with wild-type controls. Furthermore, this enhanced bacterial clearance is accompanied by a block in L. monocytogenes–induced splenic apoptosis in IRF3- and IFNAR1-deficient mice. Thus, our results highlight the disparate roles of type I IFNs during bacterial versus viral infections and stress the importance of proper IFN modulation in host defense
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