35 research outputs found

    Clinical practice guidelines for the management of hypothyroidism

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    Topographical relationship of the amygdaloid body to the hippocampal formation and lateral ventricle – MRI study

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    The relationship of the amygdaloid body to the hippocampal formation and lateral ventricle was studied on MRI slabs of brains of 25 volunteers. Considering the presence of the hippocampal formation and/or uncal sulcus on a cross-section three segments of the amygdaloid body were distinguished in rostro-caudal order: prehippocampal, suprahippocampal anterior (preuncal) and suprahippocampal posterior (uncal), each one presenting characteristic features. The lengths of the amygdaloid body and of its segments were calculated. In each segment the great variability of the topographical relations was found. Especially in the suprahippocampal anterior segment the relation of the lateral ventricle to both, the amygdaloid body and hippocampus shows great differences, even between the right and left side

    The phonological skills of bilingual preschool children speaking Polish and Ukrainian in Poland

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    Zagadnienie jako艣ciowych i ilo艣ciowych r贸偶nic w rozwoju fonologicznym dwuj臋zycznych oraz ich jednoj臋zycznych r贸wnie艣nik贸w jest problemem nierozstrzygni臋tym, zw艂aszcza w kontek艣cie j臋zyk贸w zbli偶onych ze sob膮 typologicznie. Niniejsza publikacja prezentuje badanie, s艂u偶膮ce analizie rozwoju fonologicznego dwuj臋zycznych dzieci przedszkolnych, m贸wi膮cych po polsku i ukrai艅sku, czyli niezbadanych pod tym k膮tem j臋zyk贸w s艂owia艅skich. W badaniu wzi臋艂o udzia艂 57 dzieci w wieku od 4;0-6;0 - 18 z nich to dzieci dwuj臋zyczne z Polski, 19 to dzieci jednoj臋zyczne z Polski i 20 to dzieci jednoj臋zyczne z Ukrainy. W badaniu u偶yto kwestionariuszy obrazkowych za pomoc膮 kt贸rych zebrano realizacje dzieci. Wyniki badania pokaza艂y dwuj臋zyczny rozw贸j fonologiczny w wi臋kszo艣ci z u偶yciem typowych wzorc贸w, silnymi wp艂ywami mi臋dzyj臋zykowymi i rzadkimi procesami, kt贸re by艂y trudne do interpretacji. Autorzy wysun臋li hipotez臋, i偶 og贸lny rozw贸j fonologiczny dzieci dwuj臋zycznych mo偶e opiera膰 si臋 na typowych wzorcach, zw艂aszcza mi臋dzy j臋zykami podobnymi do siebie. Badanie potwierdzi艂o r贸wnie偶 konieczno艣膰 dwuj臋zycznego badania dzieci. B艂臋dy, kt贸re nie s膮 zinterpretowane jako typowe dla rozwoju albo wynikaj膮ce z kontaktu j臋zykowych mog膮 by膰 objawem zaburzenia.The extent of quantitative and qualitative differences in phonological development between bilingual children and their monolingual counterparts remains unresolved, especially with regard to typologically related languages. The current study used a comparative research design to examine the phonological skills of preschool children speaking Polish and Ukrainian, a pair of Slavic languages hitherto unexplored in this context. It involved 57 typically-developing children aged 4;0-6;0, i.e. 18 bilingual children speaking Polish and Ukrainian in Poland, 19 monolingual Polish children in Poland and 20 monolingual Ukrainian children in Ukraine. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of data collected through single word elicitation tests involved between-group comparisons of bilingual and monolingual children鈥檚 speech and within-group comparisons of the bilingual children鈥檚 phonological systems. Results paint a complex picture of bilingual phonological development with mostly typical patterns, a strong crosslinguistic influence, and rare processes which are difficult to interpret. Authors hypothesise that such general patterns of phonological process use might be typical of bilingual development involving typologically-related and geographically close languages. Findings underscore the need to assess bilingual children in all their languages and dialects. Errors which cannot be interpreted through either rules of normal development or crosslinguistic interaction could be a sign of disorder

    Height and relative leg length as indicators of the quality of the environment among Mozambican juveniles and adolescents

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    The growth status of Mozambique adolescents was assessed to test the hypothesis that relative leg length is a more sensitive indicator of the quality of the environment than the total height. The sample comprised 690 boys and 727 girls, aged between 9 and 17 years, from Maputo. It is divided between those living in the Centre of Maputo and those living in the slums on the periphery of the city. Height, weight, and sitting height were measured and the sitting height ratio was calculated. The hypothesis that relative leg length is more sensitive than total stature as an indicator of environmental quality is not uniformly confirmed. Overall, mean stature is greater for the centre group than the slum group, but relative leg length as measured by the sitting height ratio does not differ. Compared with African-American references (NHANES II), all centre girls, 9- to 14-year-old slum girls, all slum boys, and the oldest centre boys show relatively shorter legs. These findings show that within the Mozambique sample, relative leg length is not sensitive enough to distinguish the quality of the living environment. Mozambique was a colony of Portugal until 1975. Civil unrest and warfare characterized the late Colonial period and the postindependence period until a peace settlement was concluded in 1992. It is possible that all socioeconomic status groups within the country suffered sufficiently to reduce relative leg length compared with the better-off African-American reference sample. Possible genetic influences on relative leg length are also discussed. 漏 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc