33 research outputs found

    The role of emergency neurology in Italy: outcome of a consensus meeting for a intersociety position

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    A possible definition of clinical, educational and organizing aspects of emergency neurology in Italy is reported in this position paper of Emergency Neurology Intersociety Group, created in 2008 among the two neurological Societies in Italy: Società Italiana di Neurologia and Società di Neuroscienze Ospedaliere. The aim of this Group has been the evaluation of the role of neurologist in the emergency setting of Italian hospitals, as well as of the description of different scenarios in which a ward dedicated to a semi-intensive care of neurological emergencies could have a role in the actual organization of academic or general hospitals in our Country. The actual great relevance of neurologist activity in the inpatients treatment, in fact, is actually misleaded as it is the considerable significance of neurological expertise, techniques and support in hospital care pathways also involving neurological manifestations throughout the course of other diseases. Finally, the possible contents of educational programs orienting neurological specialty towards a better comprehension and management of emergency neurological problems either in terms of specific formation or of techniques to be learned by emergency neurologist, are reported as a results of the Consensus Workshop hold in Castiglioncello (LI) in September 12th, 2009

    Evaluation of strain and stress states in the single point incremental forming process

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    Single point incremental forming (SPIF) is a promising manufacturing process suitable for small batch production. Furthermore, the material formability is enhanced in comparison with the conventional sheet metal forming processes, resulting from the small plastic zone and the incremental nature. Nevertheless, the further development of the SPIF process requires the full understanding of the material deformation mechanism, which is of great importance for the effective process optimization. In this study, a comprehensive finite element model has been developed to analyse the state of strain and stress in the vicinity of the contact area, where the plastic deformation increases by means of the forming tool action. The numerical model is firstly validated with experimental results from a simple truncated cone of AA7075-O aluminium alloy, namely, the forming force evolution, the final thickness and the plastic strain distributions. In order to evaluate accurately the through-thickness gradients, the blank is modelled with solid finite elements. The small contact area between the forming tool and the sheet produces a negative mean stress under the tool, postponing the ductile fracture occurrence. On the other hand, the residual stresses in both circumferential and meridional directions are positive in the inner skin of the cone and negative in the outer skin. They arise predominantly along the circumferential direction due to the geometrical restrictions in this direction.The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under project PTDC/EMS-TEC/1805/2012. The first author is also grateful to the FCT for the postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/101334/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    37th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (part 3 of 3)

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    Modelo matemático aplicado ao processo de extrusão de argilas Mathematical model applied to the process of clay extrusion

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    As argilas, quando misturadas com água, adquirem a propriedade chamada plasticidade que tem papel fundamental durante o seu processamento. As técnicas empregadas na caracterização da plasticidade muitas vezes não revelam resultados quantitativos que permitam sua aplicação em modelos matemáticos do processo de conformação das argilas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um modelo matemático para cálculo da pressão média de extrusão, avaliando a plasticidade através de ensaios de compressão. Em seguida, os resultados teóricos da pressão de extrusão foram comparados aos resultados experimentais, sendo encontrado um bom acordo entre eles. Foi possível observar uma correlação entre tensão efetiva de compressão e pressão de extrusão. Para a equação que modela o processo de extrusão, a tensão efetiva obtida pelo ensaio de compressão foi um parâmetro significativo que revela o comportamento da argila durante o seu processamento.<br>The clays when mixed with water acquire the property known as plasticity, which plays a key role during processing. The techniques used to characterize the plasticity often do not show quantitative results that allow its application in mathematical models of the forming process of clays. This study aimed to develop a mathematical model for calculating the average pressure of extrusion, evaluating the plasticity through compression tests. Then, the theoretical results of the extrusion pressure were compared to experimental results and a good agreement was found between them. It was possible to observe a correlation between effective stress of compression and extrusion pressure. For the extrusion process modeling equation, the effective stress obtained by compression test was a significant parameter that reveals the behavior of the clay during processing