168 research outputs found

    Theoretical mean field and experimental occupation probabilities in the double beta decay system 76Ge to 76Se

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    Usual Woods-Saxon single particle levels with BCS pairing are not able to reproduce the experimental occupation probabilities of the proton and neutron levels 1p_{3/2}, 1p_{1/2}, 0f_{5/2}, 0g_{9/2} in the double-beta decay system 76Ge to 76Se. Shifting down the 0g_{9/2} level by hand can explain the data but it is not satisfactory. Here it is shown that a selfconsistent Hartree-Fock+BCS approach with experimental deformations for 76Ge and 76Se may decisively improve the agreement with the recent data on occupation probabilities by Schiffer et al. and Kay et al. Best agreement with available data on 76Ge and 76Se, as well as on neighbor isotopes, is obtained when the spin-orbit strength for neutrons is allowed to be larger than that for protons. The two-neutrino double-beta decay matrix element is also shown to agree with data.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Three-body breakup within the fully discretized Faddeev equations

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    A novel approach is developed to find the three-body breakup amplitudes and cross sections within the modified Faddeev equation framework. The method is based on the lattice-like discretization of the three-body continuum with a three-body stationary wave-packet basis in momentum space. The approach makes it possible to simplify drastically all the three- and few-body breakup calculations due to discrete wave-packet representations for the few-body continuum and simultaneous lattice representation for all the scattering operators entering the integral equation kernels. As a result, the few-body breakup can be treated as a particular case of multi-channel scattering in which part of the channels represents the true few-body continuum states. As an illustration for the novel approach, an accurate calculations for the three-body breakup process n+d→n+n+pn+d\to n+n+p with non-local and local NNNN interactions are calculated. The results obtained reproduce nicely the benchmark calculation results using the traditional Faddeev scheme which requires much more tedious and time-consuming calculations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Efficient dynamical nuclear polarization in quantum dots: Temperature dependence

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    We investigate in micro-photoluminescence experiments the dynamical nuclear polarization in individual InGaAs quantum dots. Experiments carried out in an applied magnetic field of 2T show that the nuclear polarization achieved through the optical pumping of electron spins is increasing with the sample temperature between 2K and 55K, reaching a maximum of about 50%. Analysing the dependence of the Overhauser shift on the spin polarization of the optically injected electron as a function of temperature enables us to identify the main reasons for this increase.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Bistability of the Nuclear Polarisation created through optical pumping in InGaAs Quantum Dots

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    We show that optical pumping of electron spins in individual InGaAs quantum dots leads to strong nuclear polarisation that we measure via the Overhauser shift (OHS) in magneto-photoluminescence experiments between 0 and 4T. We find a strongly non-monotonous dependence of the OHS on the applied magnetic field, with a maximum nuclear polarisation of 40% for intermediate magnetic fields. We observe that the OHS is larger for nuclear fields anti-parallel to the external field than in the parallel configuration. A bistability in the dependence of the OHS on the spin polarization of the optically injected electrons is found. All our findings are qualitatively understood with a model based on a simple perturbative approach.Comment: Phys Rev B (in press

    Electron spin quantum beats in positively charged quantum dots: nuclear field effects

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    We have studied the electron spin coherence in an ensemble of positively charged InAs/GaAs quantum dots. In a transverse magnetic field, we show that two main contributions must be taken into account to explain the damping of the circular polarization oscillations. The first one is due to the nuclear field fluctuations from dot to dot experienced by the electron spin. The second one is due to the dispersion of the transverse electron Lande g-factor, due to the inherent inhomogeneity of the system, and leads to a field dependent contribution to the damping. We have developed a model taking into account both contributions, which is in good agreement with the experimental data. This enables us to extract the pure contribution to dephasing due to the nuclei.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    On the Flavor Structure of the Constituent Quark

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    We discuss the dressing of constituent quarks with a pseudoscalar meson cloud within the effective chiral quark model. SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking effects are included explicitly. Our results are compared with those of the traditional meson cloud approach in which pions are coupled to the nucleon. The pionic dressing of the constituent quarks explains the experimentally observed violation of the Gottfried Sum Rule and leads to an enhanced nonperturbative sea of quark-antiquark pairs in the constituent quark and consequently in the nucleon. We find 2.5 times more pions and 10-15 times more kaons in the nucleon than in the traditional picture.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 4 Postscript figures, to appear in J. Phys.

    Neutrino Oscillations and R-parity Violating Supersymmetry

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    Using the neutrino oscillations and neutrinoless double beta decay experimental data we reconstructed an upper limit for the three generation neutrino mass matrix. We compared this matrix with the predictions of the minimal supersymmetric(SUSY) model with R-parity violation(\rp) and extracted stringent limits on trilinear \rp coupling constants λi33,λi33′\lambda_{i33}, \lambda'_{i33}. Introducing an additional U(1)XU(1)_X flavor symmetry which had been successful in explaining to relate various \rp parameters. In this model we found a unique scenario for the neutrino masses and the \rp couplings compatible with the neutrino oscillation data. Then we derived predictions for certain experimentally interesting observables.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; additional references included, minor corrections and typos fixed. Version to appear in Nucl.Phys.
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