127 research outputs found

    Malaria Treatment schedules and Socio- economic implications of mutation in the pfmdr1 and pfcrt genes of Plasmodium falciparum isolates in asymptomatic carriers in Nigeria

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    Mutation in the pfcrt and pfmdr-1, genes have been implicated both to be putative CQ resistance markers. Blood samples from 130 volunteers were obtained and genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for pfmdr1 and pfcrt genes. A total of 40(30.8%) questionnaires were administered to the adults and 90(69.2%) were administered to the school children. 14(10.8%) had microscopically detectable parasites on day zero with a mean parasites counts of 40,231 parasites/µL. CQ was administered to all infected, higher parasite density was observed in the poorer population. PCR-RFLP analysis on 14 parasite positive samples for pfcrt and pfmdr genotypes showed polymorphism around pfmdr1 N86Y. The parasite count decreased progressively from day 0 to day 14 to negligible levels. Conversely, our subjects still harboured sensitive strains of the parasite. Our PCR analysis of the pfcrtK76T yielded no result. A significant relationship was observed between respondents’ treatment behaviour and mutation in the pfmdr1 genes of Plasmodium falciparum. Keywords: Polymorphism, falciparum, Genotyped, mutation, Chloroquin

    Spontaneous rupture: An uncommon complication of ventral hernia

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    BACKGROUND: Literature is scarce about spontaneous rupture of hernia because spontaneous rupture of here is uncommon (1). Reported cases are complications of incisional hernias, recurrent inguinal hernia, and umbilical hernias. It is potentially life threatening (1) because the ensuing entrapment and tension on bowel mesentery may lead to vasovagal shock or  strangulation.In addition to systemic problems and increased intra-abdominal pressure that lead to the herniation, the spontaneous rupture and evisceration is usually preceded by other factors such as inflammation that weaken the hernia covering (1, 2).We a report a case of spontaneous rupture of an incisional ventral hernia referred to the University of Ilorin teaching hospital.KEYWORDS: spontaneous, rupture, incisional, hernia, pathogenesi

    Impact of gari consumption on the water resource of Nigeria

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    The consumption of gari (or roasted cassava granule) is connected to a chain of impacts on the water resource in the country where cassava crop is grown, processed and consumed. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of gari consumption on the water resource of Nigeria. The paper elaborates on two types of impact: evaporation of infiltrated rainwater for cassava plant growth (green water use) and the abstraction of ground and/or surface water for processing, including that of consumption athousehold level (blue water use), while water pollution impacts during processing and consumption (at households) are neglected. Using the 2007 cassava production estimates for Nigeria as baseline, the water impact related to the consumption of gari either as snack or as “eba” (gari reconstituted with hot water to form a dough-like paste) is estimated at 10.52 x 109 m3, out of which 0.38% is due to the use of blue water and 91.3% is due to the use of green water (no dilution water impacts measured in this paper). Under the traditional farming practices, the major volume of water needed to grow the cassava plant is from rainwater. For the total water needed in gari consumption starting from cultivation, thewater used in the processing and consumption (at household level) is a significant fraction (about 0.4%) of the soil moisture used to grow the cassava plant. However, the impact of this fraction is often significant: One, it is the blue water (abstracted from surface and/or sub-surface sources) that is often scarcely available and two, it is this blue water sources that are also polluted by the waste flows from the processing and consumption sites

    Effects of Chemical Mutagen (Sodium Azide) on Onion Grown in Organic and Inorganic Fertilized Soil

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    The effects of chemical agent (Sodium Azide) on Onion growing in organic and inorganic fertile soil was to be examined during this study. The analysis work was carried out within the green house of the research laboratory technology of the Oke Ogun Science Laboratory Technology, Saki, Oyo State. Onion seeds were soaked inside different beakers containing the mixture of Sodium Azide and water mixed with 10 ml of Phosphate solution for 4 hours. Also, the control was soaked with normal water and 10 ml of Phosphate buffer solution. The treated seeds of onions was planted in plastic containers containing 4.2 g of weighed humus soil within the green house at the Department of research lab Technology of The Oke Ogun polytechnic school, Saki Oyo State. The samples parameter were taken daily for six consecutive months. The result obtained was additionally subjected to statistical analysis by using DMRT techniques. The results showed that the stem length was ranged from 11.39±0.62 and 9.98±0.52 with sample of onion without sodium Azide and inorganic had the highest stem length values and samples of onion with Sodium Azide and inorganic had very cheap stem length. However, the leave length ranged from 29.63±0.12 and 22.45±0.10 with the Onion samples with inorganic and Organic fertilizers which had the highest leave length and sample of onion without Sodium Azide was very low leave length. The results of this study showed that each one the parameters studied within the plant were low with Sodium Azide treatment. The decrease in plant growth, plant heights, root lengths, and Phaonerogam survival, fruit yield per plant and height at maturity with agent concentration. It is hereof suggested that Sodium Azide (NaN3) was expected to produce mutation in onion that area unit extremely liable to harmful pathogens and making them cheap to be useful for farmers

    Sources of resistance to cassava anthracnose disease

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    A total of 436 African landraces and 497 improved cassava genotypes were planted in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 growing seasons.. These were evaluated for their reactions to cassava anthracnose disease (CAD) under natural infection conditions at Ibadan (a high infection zone). The severity of the disease was determined by counting the total number of canker/plants and measuring the diameter the cankers. Data were collected at 6, 9 and 12 months after planting. The four-year data were pooled and subjected to statistical analysis. Result showed that of the 436 improved germplasm evaluated, 10 were resistant, 64 moderately resistant, 328 were moderately susceptible, and 95 were highly susceptible. The results also showed that 45 of the landraces were resistant, 87 moderately resistant, 354 were moderately susceptible, whereas 60 were highly susceptible. Of the resistant landraces and the improved, TME 19, TME 53, TME113, TME 244, TME 475, and TME 523; I85/02015 and I8700028 were completely free of cankers. The resistant genotypes have been introgressed into broad-based breeding populations to diversify resistance to CAD in newly improved genotypes.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (6), pp. 570-572, 200

    Bilateral sporadic aniridia: review of management

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    Caroline O Adeoti1, Adeyinka A Afolabi2, Adebimpe O Ashaye3, Adenike O Adeoye41Department of Ophthalmology, 2Department of Paediatrics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria; 3University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria; 4Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile Ife, Osun, Osun State, NigeriaPurpose: To report a rare case of bilateral sporadic aniridia in an African child and review the management modalities.Presentation: We report a case of bilateral sporadic aniridia with horizontal nystagmus, axial cataract optic disc, and fovea hypoplasia in a 5-year-old female patient. She was managed conservatively. Various modalities of treatment are reviewed.Keywords: aniridia, sporadic, nystagmus, cataract, glaucoma, keratopathy, tattooing, syndrome, fovea hypoplasia and optic disc hypoplasi

    A cautionary note on the association between meteorological parameters and COVID-19 pandemic

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    Will the increasing temperature and humidity stop the spread of coronavirus, like seasonal patterns seen in viruses like influenza? In the authors’ opinion, weather has little or no part to play in bringing an end to the pandemic. As soon as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a pandemic, many published articles reported temperature and humidity as potential weather parameter that could wane off the daily confirmed COVID-19 cases [1,2]. COVID-19 pandemic has set the globe on a medical emergency by constituting a threat to human existence. A holistic and non-medically related approach to the reduction in disease burden is urgently required. Most countries have gradually tightened lockdown policies and citizens are recommended to stay at home and preserve the physical distance. On the other hand, this concept demands critical review of the meteorological parameters and its relationship with the disease transmission, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 which has been a subject of research since its outbreak. Several postulations to the uneven disease burden in various regions were adduced to the climatic variations.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Application of Three Electrical Resistivity Arrays to Evaluate Resolution Capacity of Fractured Zones at Apatara Farms, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

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    The study applied three different electrical resistivity arrays (Wenner, dipole-dipole, and Pole-dipole) based on their resolution capacity to delineate fractured zones at Apatara Farm in Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria. Theoretical apparent resistivity data were computed for each model and contaminated with 5% Gaussian noise as a further concession to real field conditions. The simulated results revealed that the Wenner array gave the least error in trying to reconstruct the true model when the fractured zone is placed near the subsurface. However, when the fractured zone is placed at a depth beyond 5 m, the Dipole-Dipole array gave a better resolution than Pole-Dipole and Wenner array in decreasing order of resolution. The study further revealed that the Wenner array is less susceptible to edge effect at shallow depth while Dipole-dipole is more susceptible to edge effect at deeper depth followed by the Pole-dipole array. 2D electrical resistivity field measurements were carried out to confirm the results of the numerical simulation in the same field using the same parameters. The inverted resistivity images showed that the fractured zones are well delineated by the Dipole-dipole and Pole-dipole arrays but poorly resolved by the Wenner array. The study has demonstrated the usefulness of numerical modelling for imaging of fractured zone necessary for hydrogeological purpose and through modelling, the user has unlimited power to image or simulate a real-world scenario seamlessly before carrying out the actual field survey.Keywords: Electrical resistivity array; fractured zones; finite element method; 2-D models; resolution, mean absolute erro

    Non-Surgical Management of Congenital Eversion of the Eyelids

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    Purpose: To report the effectiveness of non-invasive management of congenital eversion of the eyelids, a rare condition associated with serious socio-psychological consequences. Case Report: Three neonates with congenital eversion of the eyelids and secondary conjunctival chemosis and prolapse were managed with 5% hypertonic normal saline, lubricants, antibiotics, and padding. Complete eye opening was achieved by the 10th day of presentation and the condition resolved. Conclusion: Non-invasive management of congenital eyelid eversion was found to be effective with no need for surgical management. All health care workers should be informed that this condition is amenable to conservative treatment if started early, so that prompt referral for expert management can be offered

    Impact of Operational Definitions on the Predictors and Prevalence of Asthma Estimates: Experience from a University Students’ Survey and Implications for Interpretation of Disease Burden

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    BACKGROUND: Inconsistent operational definitions during asthma surveillance can lead to inaccurate estimation of disease burden and formulation of health policy. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of different definitions on the prevalence estimates and predictors of asthma among university students in Ilorin, Nigeria. The secondary aim was to compare level of agreement of the different definitions.METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out from June to August 2015. The European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaire was self administered by 1485 students. Asthma diagnosis was based on five definitions used in previous studies in the country. These were ECRHS, International Study of Asthma, Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), Probable, Modified ECRHS and Modified Probable asthma definitions.RESULTS: The prevalence rates varied from 10.4 to 24.1% depending on the definition. Prevalence obtained by using ECRHS definition significantly differed from estimates by other definitions (Z score ≥ 1.96 p<0.0001) except modified probable asthma. Identified predictors of asthma varied from five to six depending on the definition, and their strength also differed by definition. Regardless of the definition, reported nasal allergy, skin allergy, family history of nasal allergy, asthma and parental smoking were the predictors of asthma. The Kappa statistics demonstrated a fair to almost perfect association between the ECRHS and other asthma definitions (Kappa = 0.334-0.841, p < 0.001).CONCLUSION: The prevalence rates and predictors of asthma are affected by operational definitions. Researchers need to adopt a uniform definition for accurate estimation of disease burden, international comparison of result and formulation of prevention policy.
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