1,178 research outputs found

    Global Financial and Macroeconomic Fluctuations: Implications for African Economic Development

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    In the light of dampening effects of the global financial melt-down, the paper examines the trends in financial flows, particularly foreign direct investment (FDI) and the possible effects of the global financial crisis and macroeconomic fluctuations on economic development in Africa. The paper employs simple panel data approach which links panel data methodology that allows for individual heterogeneity, while the method of estimation is the Fixed and Random Effects regression. The method of panel VAR is also used in the paper with a view to capturing the dynamic effects of FDI inflows for policy analysis using the impulse response functions. The number of countries (27) included in the paper and the period of estimation, 1987-2007, are informed by data availability. With some suggestions on the direction of policy to stimulate increased financial flows, the paper opines that there is the need for comparative dynamics of African economies in order to return to the path of sustainable growth and development

    Transformation of teaching quality in secondary school education: Teachers’ conception

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    Teaching is a versatile and valued exercise that is geared towards bringing about achievement in students’ learning. In view of the importance of teaching, there is need for it to be effective and of good quality. Education in secondary school within South Africa is seen as an imperative sub-sector in the educational system that aids the growth of the economic system through transformation. Although, there are various transformational systems to improve teaching quality in education, it is generally believed that there is no common agreement on what transformation systems entail in secondary school education in developing nations. This study investigates the perceptions of teachers in the transformation of teaching quality education in secondary schools. Eight teachers were selected from four secondary schools in the East London Education District in South Africa. The respondents varied in gender, age, years of teaching experience, academic qualifications and professional qualifications. The study used semi-structured interviews to gather data. A thematic approach was used for data analysis while trustworthiness was adopted for the validity of the instrument. The findings revealed that some of the teachers were aware of the need for transformation to improve the secondary school education system in South Africa. However, it was noticed that there was no adequate training and monitoring on the use of infrastructure. In addition, the findings further indicated that some teachers have a negative perception toward any additional role in transforming and improving the quality of teaching. Furthermore, the findings also indicated that transformation in teaching should be the responsibility of the government and head of schools. In light of this, the study recommended that policy makers should increase the budget on secondary school education as well as monitor the process of implementation to achieve the desired goal. Moreover, there should be regular effective training and workshops for teachers in secondary schools to remind them of their roles and responsibilities in teaching

    C-Reactive Protein In Hospital Patients In A Southwestern Nigerian Community

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    This study was conducted to evaluate c-reactive proteins on some inflammatory diseases among individuals aged 1 year and above attending out-patient clinic and emergency units of three hospitals in Abeokuta in southwestern Nigeria.  Of the 266 blood samples examined overall, the CRP value was highest (16.7%) among age group 31-40 years and there was significant difference between CRP value and age groups (p=0.0060).  More males (18%) had high CRP than female (16%), however there was no significant difference between the CRP values and sex.  C-reactive protein was significantly high among the patients with anaemia (p<0.0001. r = -0.376).  Of the patients with high CRP, all had significantly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (p<0.0001).  There was significant difference between CRP and both urea and creatinine (P<0.0001).  There was association between CRP and cholesterol with X2 value of 59.484 and significant at less than 1%. &nbsp


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    Monitoring of noise levels and their impact are common in large scale and corporate industrial establishments while the small scale industries have not received sufficient attention. Consequently, the present study examined the levels and pattern of noise emission from small-scale enterprises that are generally ignored from compliance monitoring of the relevant agencies. The study utilises the results of noise emission quantification, determination of safe distance to the selected small-scale enterprises and impact on human as input for noise policy formulation. Three types of small-scale enterprises sampled from seventy-five (75) sites in Abeokuta were selected for noise measurement using a portable noise meter. Questionnaire and field observation were employed to assess the impact of noise on machine operators and their apprentices. Mean noise emission from the aluminum slitting machines ranged from 103.9 – 118.4 d(BA), iron welding machines; 97.0 – 108.8 d(BA) and food grinding machines; 91.6 to 108.2 d(BA). Daily Noise Dose (DND) from these three types of machine workshops were 800 – 19230% (aluminum slitter), 200 – 2400% (iron welder), and 100 – 3305% (food grinder). Time Weighted Average (TWA) for 8 hours noise exposure values were 94.0 – 107.8, 88.0 – 98.8 and 85.0 – 100.2 respectively. The spatial dimension of noise emission from the studied machines showed that acceptable levels were obtained at 20 meters from the machines sites. As predictors of variations in noise emission, the age of the machines explained 8.3 – 13.6%, 17.2 – 17.8% and 29.1 – 55.4% of noise emitted by food grinders, aluminum slitters and iron welders. The capacities of the studied machines predicted 7.9 – 13.5%, 18.4 – 30.5 and 43.9 – 56.3% of the noise emitted by iron welders, aluminum slitter and food grinders respectively. While the noise levels at the sites of the machines were significantly higher than the permissible limit, 25% of the workers were exposed for upwards of 10 hours daily and 30% for more than five years. The array of health problems; stress, dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disturbance and speech interference, experienced by the machines operators may not be unconnected to their non-use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to minimize noise hazard. Policy formulation for public protection from noise pollution should prescribe limit for small scale enterprises, enforce noise level compliance, monitor wearing of appropriate PPE by machine operators and maintained a minimum of 20 meters between the sites of these machines and other human activities.        &nbsp

    Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effi cacy of aqueous stem bark extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) Del. against acetaminophen induced liver injury in rats

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    Traditional use of various extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca in the management of many diseases has been previouslyreported. Though oxidative stress is known to contribute to the development of many of the disease conditionson which extracts of B. aegytiaca have been found efficacious, effects of these extracts on free radical-inducedlipid peroxidation is not well understood. This study investigated the protective effects of stem bark extracts ofB. aegyptiaca on acetaminophen-induced lipid peroxidation in rats. Phytochemical analysis of the plant extract usedwas conducted. Following a 10 day pre-treatment with extracts of B. aegyptiaca, serum levels of thiobarbituricreactive substances (TBARS), vitamin C, cholesterol/phospholipids, catalase (CAT) activity as well as markersenzymes of hepatotoxicity were measured in rats administered with acetaminophen (2 mg/kg body weight).Results obtained indicated preponderance of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, saponins, and tannins.Pre-treatment with extracts of B. aegyptiaca protected against acetaminophen-induced elevation of TBARS andmarker enzymes of hepatotoxicity as well as inhibited the depletion of serum levels of vitamin C, CAT activity andphospholipids in a dose-dependent manner. Serum levels of cholesterol were not affected by acetaminophenintoxication or treatment with the plant extract. These results indicated that therapeutic actions previouslylinked with extracts of B. aegyptiaca might be a consequence of its antioxidative and hepatoprotective effects

    A Comparative Study of the Use of Statistical Process Control in Monitoring Health Care Delivery

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    To control and improve on the quality of products and services is an important business strategy. Hence, the yearnings for quality services in all sector is not just a call from the consumers, clients or patients but an act to maintain the integrity of the manufacturer or service providers. In this research, the importance of statistical process control to health care delivery is being re-iterated with application to a real data set. The p-chart is being used and results compared with other results/findings in the literature. KEYWORDS: Health, Patients,

    An overview of sustainable practices in food processing supply chain environments

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    Climate change has been a great challenge that the world is facing, it is a menace to the society and it is causing more damage than expected. The researchers are working tirelessly to reduce its impact on the planet in order to save the future. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emission and other sustainable practices is encouraged every day to make the world a better place to live Sustainable practice has been identified as one of the major tools to control this greenhouse gas emission especially in the emergent nations where industrialization is now growing rapidly. This paper discusses and analyzes the food security and food processing industry in the emergent nations. It also reviews literature on food processing, supply chain environments, sustainability and sustainable practices in relation to how these could help in promoting the sustainable development and environmental protection goals in the emergent nations

    Analysis of the socioeconomic factors affecting women’s contribution to household welfare in Mubi North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study set out to analyse socioeconomic factors which affect women’s contribution to household welfare in Mubi North, Nigeria. Primary data was used. The instrument of data collection was a structured questionnaire. Fifty women were randomly selected for the study from 50 households in the study area. Analysis of data was done by the use of descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that most respondents (92%) were married. Mean age was 42years, while mean household size was eight persons. Most respondents were formally educated (70%) and all the respondents were engaged in at least one economic activity. Women’s income contribution to household welfare was below 30% for 90% of the respondents. Most respondents always contributed to household food, as well as children’s clothing and educational needs in that order while contributing much less frequently to health care and house rent. The significant factors influencing women’s contribution to house hold welfare in the study were age and income. It was recommended that rural extension workers should equip rural women with enhanced understanding of household nutrition requirement and the importance of children’s education to enable them contribute more effectively to household food security and children’s education. Key Words: Women, rural, Contribution, Household, welfar

    Evaluation of Simultaneous Equation Techniques in the Presence of Misspecification Error: A Monte Carlo Approach

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    One  of  the  assumptions  of  Classical  Linear  Regression  Model (CLRMA),  is  that  the  regression  model be  ‘correctly’   specified.  If  the  model  is  not  ‘correctly’  specified,  the  problem  of  model  misspecification  error arises. The objective of the study is to know the performances of the estimator and also the estimator that is greatly affected by misspecification error due to omission of relevant explanatory variable.  Four simultaneous equation techniques (OLS, 2SLS, 3SLS, LIML) were applied to a two-equation model and investigated on their performances when plagued with the problem of misspecification error. A Monte Carlo method simulation method was employed to investigate the effect of these estimators due to misspecification of the model. The findings revealed that the estimates obtained by 2SLS and 3SLS are similar and variances by all the estimates reduced consistently as the sample size increases. The study had revealed that 2 3 SLS performed best using average of parameter criterion while OLS generated the least variances. LIML is mostly affected by misspecification. Keywords: Monte Carlo, Misspecification error, Simultaneous equation
