2,932 research outputs found

    Linear-scaling DFT+U with full local orbital optimization

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    We present an approach to the DFT+U method (Density Functional Theory + Hubbard model) within which the computational effort for calculation of ground state energies and forces scales linearly with system size. We employ a formulation of the Hubbard model using nonorthogonal projector functions to define the localized subspaces, and apply it to a local-orbital DFT method including in situ orbital optimization. The resulting approach thus combines linear-scaling and systematic variational convergence. We demonstrate the scaling of the method by applying it to nickel oxide nano-clusters with sizes exceeding 7,000 atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. This version (v3) matches that accepted for Physical Review B on 30th January 201

    Vanadium dioxide : A Peierls-Mott insulator stable against disorder

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    Vanadium dioxide undergoes a first order metal-insulator transition at 340 K. In this work, we develop and carry out state of the art linear scaling DFT calculations refined with non-local dynamical mean-field theory. We identify a complex mechanism, a Peierls-assisted orbital selection Mott instability, which is responsible for the insulating M1_1 phase, and furthermore survives a moderate degree of disorder.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary material 8 pages, 4 figures. This version (v2) matches that accepted for Physical Review Letters on 16th May 201

    Modulation of the BRCA1 Protein and Induction of Apoptosis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines by the Polyphenolic Compound Curcumin

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    In the current study, we sought to examine the effects of curcumin in a specific type of breast cancer called triple negative breast cancer. These cancers lack expression of the estrogen and progesterone receptors and do not over-express HER2. Current treatment for triple negative breast cancers is limited to cytotoxic chemotherapy, and upon relapse, there are not any therapies currently available. We demonstrate here that the bioactive food compound curcumin induces DNA damage in triple negative breast cancer cells in association with phosphorylation, increased expression, and cytoplasmic retention of the BRCA1 protein. In addition, curcumin promotes apoptosis and prevents anchorage-independent growth and migration of triple negative breast cancer cells. Apoptosis and BRCA1 modulation were not observed in non-transformed mammary epithelial cells, suggesting curcumin may have limited non-specific toxicity. This study suggests that curcumin and potentially curcumin analogues should be tested further in the context of triple negative breast cancer. These results are novel, having never been previously reported, and suggest that curcumin could provide a novel, non-toxic therapy, which could lead to improved survival for patients with triple negative breast cancer. Curcumin should be studied further in this subset of breast cancer patients, for whom treatment options are severely limited

    Dynamic simulations of potential methane release from East Siberian continental slope sediments

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    Sediments deposited along continental margins of the Arctic Ocean presumably host large amounts of methane (CH4) in gas hydrates. Here we apply numerical simulations to assess the potential of gas hydrate dissociation and methane release from the East Siberian slope over the next 100 years. Simulations are based on a hypothesized bottom water warming of 3°C, and an assumed starting distribution of gas hydrate. The simulation results show that gas hydrate dissociation in these sediments is relatively slow, and that CH4 fluxes toward the seafloor are limited by low sediment permeability. The latter is true even when sediment fractures are permitted to form in response to overpressure in pore space. With an initial gas hydrate distribution dictated by present-day pressure and temperature conditions, nominally 0.35 Gt of CH4 are released from the East Siberian slope during the first 100 years of the simulation. However, this CH4 discharge becomes significantly smaller (~0.05 Gt) if glacial sea level changes in the Arctic Ocean are considered. This is because a lower sea level during the last glacial maximum (LGM) must result in depleted gas hydrate abundance within the most sensitive region of the modern gas hydrate stability zone. Even if all released CH4 reached the atmosphere, the amount coming from East Siberian slopes would be trivial compared to present-day atmospheric CH4 inputs from other sources

    ‘Remote’ behavioural ecology: do megaherbivores consume vegetation in proportion to its presence in the landscape?

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    Examination of the feeding habits of mammalian species such as the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) that range over large seasonally dynamic areas is exceptionally challenging using field-based methods alone. Although much is known of their feeding preferences from field studies, conclusions, especially in relation to differing habits in wet and dry seasons, are often contradictory. Here, two remote approaches, stable carbon isotope analysis and remote sensing, were combined to investigate dietary changes in relation to tree and grass abundances to better understand elephant dietary choice in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. A composited pair of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper satellite images characterising flushed and senescent vegetation states, typical of wet and dry seasons respectively, were used to generate land-cover maps focusing on the forest to grassland gradient. Stable carbon isotope analysis of elephant faecal samples identified the proportion of C3 (typically browse)/C4 (typically grass) in elephant diets in the 1–2 days prior to faecal deposition. The proportion of surrounding C4 land-cover was extracted using concentric buffers centred on faecal sample locations, and related to the faecal %C4 content. Results indicate that elephants consume C4 vegetation in proportion to its availability in the surrounding area during the dry season, but during the rainy season there was less of a relationship between C4 intake and availability, as elephants targeted grasses in these periods. This study illustrates the utility of coupling isotope and cost-free remote sensing data to conduct complementary landscape analysis at highly-detailed, biologically meaningful resolutions, offering an improved ability to monitor animal behavioural patterns at broad geographical scales. This is increasingly important due to potential impacts of climate change and woody encroachment on broad-scale landscape habitat composition, allowing the tracking of shifts in species utilisation of these changing landscapes in a way impractical using field based methods alone

    Pore water geochemistry along continental slopes north of the East Siberian Sea: inference of low methane concentrations

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    Continental slopes north of the East Siberian Sea potentially hold large amounts of methane (CH4) in sediments as gas hydrate and free gas. Although release of this CH4 to the ocean and atmosphere has become a topic of discussion, the region remains sparingly explored. Here we present pore water chemistry results from 32 sediment cores taken during Leg 2 of the 2014 joint Swedish–Russian–US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate–Cryosphere–Carbon Interactions (SWERUS-C3) expedition. The cores come from depth transects across the slope and rise extending between the Mendeleev and the Lomonosov ridges, north of Wrangel Island and the New Siberian Islands, respectively. Upward CH4 flux towards the seafloor, as inferred from profiles of dissolved sulfate (SO42−), alkalinity, and the δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), is negligible at all stations east of 143° E longitude. In the upper 8 m of these cores, downward SO42− flux never exceeds 6.2 mol m−2 kyr−1, the upward alkalinity flux never exceeds 6.8 mol m−2 kyr−1, and δ13C composition of DIC (δ13C-DIC) only moderately decreases with depth (−3.6 ‰ m−1 on average). Moreover, upon addition of Zn acetate to pore water samples, ZnS did not precipitate, indicating a lack of dissolved H2S. Phosphate, ammonium, and metal profiles reveal that metal oxide reduction by organic carbon dominates the geochemical environment and supports very low organic carbon turnover rates. A single core on the Lomonosov Ridge differs, as diffusive fluxes for SO42− and alkalinity were 13.9 and 11.3 mol m−2 kyr−1, respectively, the δ13C-DIC gradient was 5.6 ‰ m−1, and Mn2+ reduction terminated within 1.3 m of the seafloor. These are among the first pore water results generated from this vast climatically sensitive region, and they imply that abundant CH4, including gas hydrates, do not characterize the East Siberian Sea slope or rise along the investigated depth transects. This contradicts previous modeling and discussions, which due to the lack of data are almost entirely based on assumption

    Vibrational and vibrational-torsional interactions in the 0–600 cm-1 region of the S1 ← S0 spectrum of p-xylene investigated with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy

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    We assign the 0–600 cm-1 region of the S1 ← S0 transition in p-xylene using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy. In the 0–300 cm-1 range, as well as the intense origin band there are a number of torsional and vibration-torsion (vibtor) features. The latter are discussed in more detail in an accompanying paper [Gardner et al. J. Chem. Phys. XXX, xxxxxx (2016)]. Here we focus on the origin and the 300–650 cm-1 region, where vibrational bands and some vibtor activity is observed. From the origin ZEKE spectrum we derive the ionization energy of p-xylene as 68200 ± 5 cm-1. The assignment of the REMPI spectrum is based on the activity observed in the ZEKE spectra coupled with knowledge of the vibrational wavenumbers obtained from quantum chemical calculations. We assign several isolated vibrations, and a complex Fermi resonance that is found to comprise contributions from both vibrations and vibtor levels, and we examine this via a two-dimensional ZEKE (2D-ZEKE) spectrum. A number of the vibrational features in the REMPI and ZEKE spectra of p-xylene that have been reported previously are reassigned and now largely consist of totally-symmetric contributions. We briefly discuss the appearance of non-Franck-Condon allowed transitions. Finally, we find remarkably similar spectral activity to that in the related disubstituted benzenes, para-difluorobenzene and para-fluorotoluene