2,739 research outputs found

    Evidence of in-play insider trading on a UK betting exchange

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    International audienceAn open question in market microstructure is whether 'informed' traders have an advantage due to access to private, inside, information; or due to a superior ability to process public information. In this paper we attempt to answer this question with data from a sports betting exchange taken during play. Uniquely, this allows us to time-stamp information events to the nearest second, and to ensure we are observing all relevant information regarding the value of an asset. We find evidence of inside information but not of a superior ability to process public information. The first finding suggests that a subset of the betting population are observing the action before the wider public (possibly due to delays in the television signal), and betting using this informational advantage

    Energies of knot diagrams

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    We introduce and begin the study of new knot energies defined on knot diagrams. Physically, they model the internal energy of thin metallic solid tori squeezed between two parallel planes. Thus the knots considered can perform the second and third Reidemeister moves, but not the first one. The energy functionals considered are the sum of two terms, the uniformization term (which tends to make the curvature of the knot uniform) and the resistance term (which, in particular, forbids crossing changes). We define an infinite family of uniformization functionals, depending on an arbitrary smooth function ff and study the simplest nontrivial case f(x)=x2f(x)=x^2, obtaining neat normal forms (corresponding to minima of the functional) by making use of the Gauss representation of immersed curves, of the phase space of the pendulum, and of elliptic functions

    Collective modes of Fermi superfluid containing vortices along the BEC-BCS crossover

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    Using the coarse-grain averaged hydrodynamic approach, we calculate all low energy transverse excitation spectrum of a rotating Fermi superfluid containing vortex lattices for all regimes along the BEC-BCS crossover. In the fast rotating regime, the molecular BEC enters into the lowest Landau level, but the superfluid in the unitarity and the BCS regimes occupies many low-lying Landau levels. The difference between the breathing mode frequencies at the BEC and unitarity limit shrinks to zero as the rotation speed approaches the radial trap frequency, in contrast to the finite difference in the non-rotating systems.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Effective Lagrangian of unitary Fermi gas from ε\varepsilon expansion

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    Using ε\varepsilon expansion technique proposed in \cite{Nishida:2006br} we derive an effective Lagrangian (Ginzburg-Landau-like functional) of the degenerate unitary Fermi gas to the next-to-leading (NLO) order in ε.\varepsilon. It is demonstrated that for many realistic situations it is sufficient to retain leading order (LO) terms in the derivative expansion. The functional is used to study vortex structure in the symmetric gas, and interface between normal and superfluid phases in the polarized gas. The resulting surface free energy is about four times larger than the value previously quoted in the literature.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Cooling dynamics of ultracold two-species Fermi-Bose mixtures

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    We compare strategies for evaporative and sympathetic cooling of two-species Fermi-Bose mixtures in single-color and two-color optical dipole traps. We show that in the latter case a large heat capacity of the bosonic species can be maintained during the entire cooling process. This could allow to efficiently achieve a deep Fermi degeneracy regime having at the same time a significant thermal fraction for the Bose gas, crucial for a precise thermometry of the mixture. Two possible signatures of a superfluid phase transition for the Fermi species are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of the Zero Crossing in a Feshbach Resonance of Fermionic 6-Li

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    We measure a zero crossing in the scattering length of a mixture of the two lowest hyperfine states of 6-Li. To locate the zero crossing, we monitor the decrease in temperature and atom number arising from evaporation in a CO2 laser trap as a function of magnetic field B. The temperature decrease and atom loss are minimized for B=528(4) G, consistent with no evaporation. We also present preliminary calculations using potentials that have been constrained by the measured zero crossing and locate a broad Feshbach resonance at approximately 860 G, in agreement with previous theoretical predictions. In addition, our theoretical model predicts a second and much narrower Feshbach resonance near 550 G.Comment: Five pages, four figure

    Auger decay, Spin-exchange, and their connection to Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in Cu_2O

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    In view of the recent experiments of O'Hara, et al. on excitons in Cu_2O, we examine the interconversion between the angular-momentum triplet-state excitons and the angular-momentum singlet-state excitons by a spin-exchange process which has been overlooked in the past. We estimate the rate of this particle-conserving mechanism and find a substantially higher value than the Auger process considered so far. Based on this idea, we give a possible explanation of the recent experimental observations, and make certain predictions, with the most important being that the singlet-state excitons in Cu_2O is a very serious candidate for exhibiting the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 1 ps figur

    Three-body recombination in a three-state Fermi gas with widely tunable interactions

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    We investigate the stability of a three spin state mixture of ultracold fermionic 6^6Li atoms over a range of magnetic fields encompassing three Feshbach resonances. For most field values, we attribute decay of the atomic population to three-body processes involving one atom from each spin state and find that the three-body loss coefficient varies by over four orders of magnitude. We observe high stability when at least two of the three scattering lengths are small, rapid loss near the Feshbach resonances, and two unexpected resonant loss features. At our highest fields, where all pairwise scattering lengths are approaching at=−2140a0a_t = -2140 a_0, we measure a three-body loss coefficient L3≃5×10−22cm6/sL_3 \simeq 5\times 10^{-22} \mathrm{cm}^6/\mathrm{s} and a trend toward lower decay rates for higher fields indicating that future studies of color superfluidity and trion formation in a SU(3) symmetric Fermi gas may be feasible

    Efficient and robust initialization of a qubit register with fermionic atoms

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    We show that fermionic atoms have crucial advantages over bosonic atoms in terms of loading in optical lattices for use as a possible quantum computation device. After analyzing the change in the level structure of a non-uniform confining potential as a periodic potential is superimposed to it, we show how this structure combined with the Pauli principle and fermion degeneracy can be exploited to create unit occupancy of the lattice sites with very high efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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