41 research outputs found

    Evaluating automatic LFG f-structure annotation for the Penn-II treebank

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    Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG: Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan, 2001; Dalrymple, 2001) f-structures represent abstract syntactic information approximating to basic predicate-argument-modifier (dependency) structure or simple logical form (van Genabith and Crouch, 1996; Cahill et al., 2003a) . A number of methods have been developed (van Genabith et al., 1999a,b, 2001; Frank, 2000; Sadler et al., 2000; Frank et al., 2003) for automatically annotating treebank resources with LFG f-structure information. Until recently, however, most of this work on automatic f-structure annotation has been applied only to limited data sets, so while it may have shown lsquoproof of conceptrsquo, it has not yet demonstrated that the techniques developed scale up to much larger data sets. More recent work (Cahill et al., 2002a,b) has presented efforts in evolving and scaling techniques established in these previous papers to the full Penn-II Treebank (Marcus et al., 1994). In this paper, we present a number of quantitative and qualitative evaluation experiments which provide insights into the effectiveness of the techniques developed to automatically derive a set of f-structures for the more than 1,000,000 words and 49,000 sentences of Penn-II. Currently we obtain 94.85% Precision, 95.4% Recall and 95.09% F-Score for preds-only f-structures against a manually encoded gold standard

    Interventions to develop collectivistic leadership in healthcare settings: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Collective or shared leadership approaches have been associated with team performance outcomes in several sectors. Based on this evidence, there have been calls for more inclusive approaches to leadership in healthcare settings, but guidance on how to achieve collective leadership is lacking. This study synthesised knowledge of interventions to introduce collectivistic leadership in healthcare settings. Methods The databases of PubMed, PsychInfo, ABI Inform, Cochrane and CINAHL and three grey literature databases were searched. Studies from any country were included if they reported on the development and evaluation and/or implementation of training/interventions to develop collectivistic leadership and reported individual and/or team-level outcomes. Results were synthesised using a narrative approach. Results The searches yielded 4448 records of which 21 met the eligibility criteria and were reviewed. Studies used a variety of interventions; eleven employed a team training approach, four described co-leadership, three explored service improvement, two detailed co-design approaches and one described an individual team development intervention. Most demonstrated moderate to good success in enabling collectivistic leadership, with benefits reported in staff engagement, satisfaction, and team performance. Conclusions Whilst collectivistic leadership interventions have demonstrated positive outcomes, there is a need for more rigor and consistency in the evaluation of interventions aimed at developing collectivistic leadership approaches in health settings

    Higher hair cortisol concentrations associated with shorter leukocyte telomere length in high-risk young adults

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    Abstract Chronic stress is associated with accelerated biological aging as indexed by short age-adjusted leukocyte telomere length (LTL). Exploring links of biological stress responses with LTL has proved challenging due to the lack of biological measures of chronic psychological stress. Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) has emerged as a measure of chronic hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis activation, allowing the examination of relationships between aggregate cortisol concentrations over time and LTL. Our sample includes 92 participants (38% women, Mage = 26 ± 3.7 years) from a high-risk sample of young adults with previous residential care placements. Two cm hair was collected for HCC, reflecting approximately eight weeks of cortisol secretion. LTL was measured with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in whole blood samples. All samples for LTL were run in triplicate and assayed twice. Linear and polynomial regression models were used to describe the association between HCC and LTL, adjusting for age and sex. HCC and LTL showed negative associations (std. ß = − 0.67, 95% CI [− 0.83, − 0.52], p < .001) in age- and sex-adjusted analyses, indicating that higher HCCs are associated with shorter LTL. Using polynomial regression, we found a curvilinear relationship indicating a stronger negative association at lower cortisol concentrations. Higher HCCs were associated with shorter LTL, supporting the hypothesized involvement of prolonged cortisol secretion in telomere attrition. Thus, HCC may prove useful as a biological indicator of chronic stress associated with aging-related processes in samples exposed to high levels of stress

    Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Mobile-Based Attention-Bias Modification for Posttraumatic Stress Using Personalized Word Stimuli

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    Although behavioral therapies are effective for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), access for patients is limited. Attention-bias modification (ABM), a cognitive-training intervention designed to reduce attention bias for threat, can be broadly disseminated using technology. We remotely tested an ABM mobile app for PTSD. Participants (N = 689) were randomly assigned to personalized ABM, nonpersonalized ABM, or placebo training. ABM was a modified dot-probe paradigm delivered daily for 12 sessions. Personalized ABM included words selected using a recommender algorithm. Placebo included only neutral words. Primary outcomes (PTSD and anxiety) and secondary outcomes (depression and PTSD clusters) were collected at baseline, after training, and at 5-week-follow-up. Mechanisms assessed during treatment were attention bias and self-reported threat sensitivity. No group differences emerged on outcomes or attention bias. Nonpersonalized ABM showed greater declines in self-reported threat sensitivity than placebo (p = .044). This study constitutes the largest mobile-based trial of ABM to date. Findings do not support the effectiveness of mobile ABM for PTSD