7 research outputs found

    Cherenkov‐type sharp energy dissipation associated with kinks (solitons) moving harmonically in the atmosphere of paraelastic interstitial atoms

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    A geometric kink (soliton) moving rigidly and harmonically in the cloud of paraelastic interstitials showing hypo‐Snoek and hyper‐Snoek viscosity regimes, is described by a second order ordinary differential equation with a nonlinear Debye‐type dissipative drag term. The computer simulations on this system show not only the existence of the dissipative resonance behavior with zero Q−1 factor but also the occurrence of the unusually sharp (quasi‐quantum jumps) energy dissipations, like the Cherenkov radiation, when the kink velocity exceeds the Snoek jump velocity of interstitials at high external driving force amplitudes, in certain circumstances

    Exact analytical solution of the internal friction associated with a geometric kink chain oscillating in an atmosphere of paraelastic interstitials and decorated by a dragging point defect

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    The partial differential equation which describes the geometric kink chain oscillating in an atmosphere of uniformly distributed paraelastic interstitials and, in addition, decorated by a dragging point defect at the midpoint, is solved exactly with use of the Laplace-transformation technique. The internal friction coefficient and the modulus defect are obtained in closed forms which indicate the existence of two separate peaks. The Cole-Cole diagrams are also investigated which show irrevocably the splitting of the original cold-work peak into two subpeaks with an increase of the drag strength of the decorating point defec

    The computer simulation of the internal friction peaks associated with the oscillation of geometric kinks along the nonscrew dislocation in the atmosphere of nonlinear power dissipating interstitials

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    The effects of the nonlinear power dissipation on the strength and the position of the cold‐work internal friction peaks associated with the oscillation of geometric kinks in the atmosphere of paraelastic interstitials have been investigated by the novel numerical study of the related mathematical macromodel. The present macroscopic model of internal friction is described by a second‐order ordinary differential equation with a nonlinear Debye‐type dissipative drag term. This system shows not only dissipative resonance behavior, but it also results in unusually sharp energy dissipations, like the Cherenkov radiation, when the kink velocity exceeds the Snoek jump velocity of interstitials at high external driving force amplitude

    Refrakter metallerde ara-ikame atomlarla dislokasyonların etkileşimlerinden doğan iç sürtüne taflarının bilgisayar simulasyonu

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    TÜBİTAK TBAG Proje01.10.1995Paraelastik, yaygın ara-ikame atomlarından oluşan atmosfer içersinde osilasyonlar yapan, kink zincirinin ortasına yerleştirilmiş, sürünen bir dekoratör atomunu da içeren sistemi temsil eden, eğik differensiyel denklemler takımı, özel bir yeniden normalizasyon ve ölçekleme tekniği kullanılarak sayısal olarak çözülmüştür. Elde edilen iç sürtünme katsayısı iki ayrı spektrumun varlığını, dekoratör ve ana yaygın ikame atomlanna ait, ortaya atmaktadır ki, bunlar sırasıyla lokalize olmuş nokta (sürünen) hata ile paraelastik ara-ikame atmosferlerini oluşturmaktadırlar. Ayrıca, Çabuk Fürye Transformasyonu (Fast Fourier Transformation, FFT) ile paraelastik ara-ikame atmosferinde osilasyon yapan kink zincirinin güç spektral analizi yapılmıştır. Gayet keskin bir şekilde temayüz eden, bir gerilim amplitüdünün üstündeki değerlerde, ve dislokasyon iç sürtünme tayfimn düşük sıcaklıktaki bölgesinde, tek-harmonik jenerasyonuna raslanmıştır. Mütevazı gerilim amplitüdlerinde ise, sistemin tabii frekansı civarındaki harnıoniklerde bir şiddetlenme, ve diğerlerinde tamamen bastırılma gözlemlenmiştir. En nihayet, atmosfer yırtma olayına tekabül eden quazi-kaotik kink osilasyonlarına, sistem kuvvetli olarak süper-Snoek rejiminde sürülürken müşahede edilmiştir