5 research outputs found


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    Youth with antisocial and borderline traits in adolescence have been found more likely to commit violence and experience negative outcomes later in life. There is evidence for gender differences in the manifestations of dysfunctional personality features (antisocial and borderline traits) and functions of aggression, but little research has sought to assess unique gender differences that may help unravel the sequelae of personality dysfunction in youth. Accordingly, this exploratory study examines gender differences in associations between antisocial features, borderline features, and proactive and reactive functions of aggression in a sample of at-risk youth. Four hundred and sixty-four adolescents (Mage = 16.75 years, 84.9% male) participating in a military-style bootcamp for at-risk 16- to 18- year-olds self-reported Antisocial Features (ANT), Borderline Features (BOR), and the forms and functions of aggression. This study contributes to the literature by assessing antisocial features, borderline features, and forms and functions of aggression in this sample of at-risk youth, determining how dysfunctional personality features relate to aggression, and identifying novel gender differences in these constructs and associations among them. These findings may be useful for understanding the experiences of at-risk adolescents and identifying opportunities to disrupt negative outcomes in these youth. Limitations and further directions will be discussed herein

    The Systems Medicine of Cannabinoids in Pediatrics: The Case for More Pediatric Studies

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    INTRODUCTION: The legal and illicit use of cannabinoid-containing products is accelerating worldwide and is accompanied by increasing abuse problems. Due to legal issues, the USA will be entering a period of rapidly expanding recreational use of cannabinoids without the benefit of needed basic or clinical research. Most clinical cannabinoid research is focused on adults. However, the pediatric population is particularly vulnerable since the central nervous system is still undergoing developmental changes and is potentially susceptible to cannabinoid-induced alterations. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This review focuses on the systems medicine of cannabinoids with emphasis on the need for future studies to include pediatric populations and mother-infant dyads. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Systems medicine integrates omics-derived data with traditional clinical medicine with the long-term goal of optimizing individualized patient care and providing proactive medical advice. Omics refers to large-scale data sets primarily derived from genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics

    Confirming Eight-Factor Structure of the Substance Use Motives Measure in a Sample of US College Students

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    The 2020 National Survey on Drug Use indicates nearly three quarters of individuals ages 18-25 have used substances in the past year. Research suggests individuals who use substances to cope with negative mood states are typically more substance-involved, report more psychological distress, and have a more extensive treatment history. Additionally, the high rate of polysubstance use among substance using adults in the U.S. highlights the need for broadband measures that can adequately capture use, consequences, and motivations for use of multiple substances. However, most measures assessing motives for use are typically substance specific. Recently, Biolcati and Passini (2019) developed a brief, but comprehensive model of broad substance use motives (i.e., Substance Use Motives Measure, SUMM) based on well-established motives questionnaires (e.g., DMQ-R, MMQ). They found support for their proposed eight-factor model in an online sample of Italian citizens (ages 18–60). No studies to date have examined the psychometric properties of the SUMM with an English-speaking or US college student sample. The current study evaluates the factor structure of the SUMM in a sample of 143 college students (74.8% female, 77.6% White, and 94.4% non-Hispanic/Latinx) at a large, southeastern university in the United States. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis showed support for the previously identified eight-factor structure for the SUMM, with acceptable model fit and internal consistency of each factor found. Findings support using the SUMM as a broad measure of substance use motives, but more research is needed to assess measurement invariance across different groups and to evaluate external, concurrent, and convergent validity using other well-established measures of substance use motives, severity, and psychiatric symptomatology

    Psychometric Properties of the MMPI-3 In a Sample of Black and White American Undergraduate Students: Examining Group Differences and Convergent/Discriminant Validity With the ASEBA Adult Self-Report

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    The current study examined MMPI-3 internal and external psychometric properties with a focus on the impact of racialized group membership (Black and White Americans). The second aim was to examine convergent/discriminant MMPI-3 scale associations with a different broadband, hierarchical self-report assessment tool [Adult Self-Report (ASR)]. Consistent with findings on prior MMPI iterations, we expected to observe no clinically meaningful mean differences on MMPI-3 scale T-scores. We hypothesized that validity coefficients between MMPI-3 and ASR scales measuring similar constructs would be stronger (convergent validity) and the inverse for scales measuring disparate constructs (discriminant validity). We also expected coefficient magnitude consistency across racial groups. The final sample was composed of 254 undergraduates (74.4% female; 63.8% White, 36.2% Black). Results suggest 1) MMPI-3 substantive scale mean T-scores are comparable between White and Black American undergraduates; 2) MMPI-3 scales correlate with ASR scale scores in expected ways with regard to internalizing problems, rule breaking and impulsivity, thought problems, and substance use (but not overall externalizing, aggression, attention problems, and intrusiveness); and 3) convergent and discriminant associations between MMPI-3 and ASR scales are consistent across White and Black Americans. This work provides support for MMPI-3 use with racially diverse individuals, considers next steps for understanding MMPI-3 scale score functioning in diverse populations, and provides novel information on MMPI-3 correspondence with the ASR