8 research outputs found

    Frequency versus quantity: phenotypic response of two wheat varieties to water and nitrogen variability

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    Due to climate change, water availability will become increasingly variable, affecting nitrogen (N) availability. Therefore, we hypothesised watering frequency would have a greater impact on plant growth than quantity, affecting N availability, uptake and carbon allocation. We used a gravimetric platform, which measures the unit of volume per unit of time, to control soil moisture and precisely compare the impact of quantity and frequency of water under variable N levels. Two wheat genotypes (Kukri and Gladius) were used in a factorial glasshouse pot experiment, each with three N application rates (25, 75 and 150 mg N kg−1 soil) and five soil moisture regimes (changing water frequency or quantity). Previously documented drought tolerance, but high N use efficiency, of Gladius as compared to Kukri provides for potentially different responses to N and soil moisture content. Water use, biomass and soil N were measured. Both cultivars showed potential to adapt to variable watering, producing higher specific root lengths under low N coupled with reduced water and reduced watering frequency (48 h watering intervals), or wet/dry cycling. This affected mineral N uptake, with less soil N remaining under constant watering × high moisture, or 48 h watering intervals × high moisture. Soil N availability affected carbon allocation, demonstrated by both cultivars producing longer, deeper roots under low N. Reduced watering frequency decreased biomass more than reduced quantity for both cultivars. Less frequent watering had a more negative effect on plant growth compared to decreasing the quantity of water. Water variability resulted in differences in C allocation, with changes to root thickness even when root biomass remained the same across N treatments. The preferences identified in wheat for water consistency highlights an undeveloped opportunity for identifying root and shoot traits that may improve plant adaptability to moderate to extreme resource limitation, whilst potentially encouraging less water and nitrogen use

    Integrated analysis of environmental and genetic influences on cord blood DNA methylation in new-borns

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    Epigenetic processes, including DNA methylation (DNAm), are among the mechanisms allowing integration of genetic and environmental factors to shape cellular function. While many studies have investigated either environmental or genetic contributions to DNAm, few have assessed their integrated effects. Here we examine the relative contributions of prenatal environmental factors and genotype on DNA methylation in neonatal blood at variably methylated regions (VMRs) in 4 independent cohorts (overall n = 2365). We use Akaike’s information criterion to test which factors best explain variability of methylation in the cohort-specific VMRs: several prenatal environmental factors (E), genotypes in cis (G), or their additive (G + E) or interaction (GxE) effects. Genetic and environmental factors in combination best explain DNAm at the majority of VMRs. The CpGs best explained by either G, G + E or GxE are functionally distinct. The enrichment of genetic variants from GxE models in GWAS for complex disorders supports their importance for disease risk

    Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptions

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    While germline copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute to schizophrenia (SCZ) risk, the contribution of somatic CNVs (sCNVs)—present in some but not all cells—remains unknown. We identified sCNVs using blood-derived genotype arrays from 12,834 SCZ cases and 11,648 controls, filtering sCNVs at loci recurrently mutated in clonal blood disorders. Likely early-developmental sCNVs were more common in cases (0.91%) than controls (0.51%, p = 2.68e−4), with recurrent somatic deletions of exons 1–5 of the NRXN1 gene in five SCZ cases. Hi-C maps revealed ectopic, allele-specific loops forming between a potential cryptic promoter and non-coding cis-regulatory elements upon 5′ deletions in NRXN1. We also observed recurrent intragenic deletions of ABCB11, encoding a transporter implicated in anti-psychotic response, in five treatment-resistant SCZ cases and showed that ABCB11 is specifically enriched in neurons forming mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminergic projections. Our results indicate potential roles of sCNVs in SCZ risk

    Cell Survival Programs and Ischemia/Reperfusion: Hormesis, Preconditioning, and Cardioprotection

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