10 research outputs found

    Using SPIN to formalise Accounting Regulations on the Semantic Web

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    Spohr D, Cimiano P, McCrae J, O'Riain S. Using SPIN to formalise Accounting Regulations on the Semantic Web. Presented at the First International Workshop on Finance and Economics on the Semantic Web in conjunction with the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference.The eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has standardised nancial reporting and provide a machine-interpretable for- mat that makes nancial and business reports easier to access and con- sume. Leveraging XBRL with Open Linked Data for purposes such as multi-dimensional regulatory querying and investigation requires XBRL formalisation as RDF. This paper investigates the use of o-the-shelf Se- mantic Web technologies to formalise accounting regulations specied in XBRL jurisdictional taxonomies. Specically the use of the SPARQL In- ferencing Notation (SPIN) with RDF to represent these accounting reg- ulations as rule constraints, not catered for in the RDF abstract model is investigated. We move beyond previous RDF to XBRL transformations and investigate how SPIN enhanced formalisation enables inferencing of nancial statement facts associated with nancial reporting concepts and sophisticated consistency checks, which evaluate the correctness of reported nancial data with respect to the calculation requirements im- posed by accounting regulation. The approach illustrated through two use cases demonstrates the use of SPIN to meet central requirements for nancial data and regulatory modelling

    Semantically Enhanced Passage Retrieval for Business Analysis Activity

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    Business analysis activity often involves the identification and extraction of information from business reports. The unstructured content of business reports poses a challenge to current Business Intelligence technologies. In this paper, we present an application that provides passage retrieval capability, which has been developed for use in business analysis activity at Hewlett-Packard¿ (HP). Preliminary evaluation of the application indicates that the inclusion of domain knowledge such as domain semantics and business intelligence rules plays an important part in system performance. It dramatically reduces the time that analysts spend extracting relevant informative passages within a report or business intelligence. In addition, it can find further relevant information that would have been overlooked by the analyst.peer-reviewe

    Improving customer decisions using product reviews: CROM - Car Review Opinion Miner

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    Online shopping is a very goal-oriented activity. Consumers have a set of preferences for a product or service that is used as criteria for assessment of the available alternatives. However, crucial information about products is often available as text reviews. Finding a product with specific features is extremely timeconsuming using the typical search functionality found in existing shopping sites. In this work we propose a method for the seamless integration of unstructured information from product reviews with structured product descriptions using opinion mining. We demonstrate our method through shopping for a used car based on 148240 car reviews. Evaluation results using a user study and simulations show that the technique enables customers to assess more product characteristics and potentially make better decisions.peer-reviewe

    SWSE: answers before links

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    Abstract. We present a system that improves on current documentcentric Web search engine technology; adopting an entity-centric perspective, we are able to integrate data from both static and live sources into a coherent, interlinked information space. Users can then search and navigate the integrated information space through relationships, both existing and newly materialised, for improved knowledge discovery and understanding.

    Ontology-based Multilingual Access to Financial Reports for Sharing Business Knowledge across Europe

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    Declerck T, Krieger H-U, Thomas SM, et al. Ontology-based Multilingual Access to Financial Reports for Sharing Business Knowledge across Europe. In: Roóz J, Ivanyos J, eds. Internal Financial Control Assessment Applying Multilingual Ontology Framework. Budapest: HVG Press Kft.; 2010: 67-76