14 research outputs found

    Metrological Characterization of a Clip Fastener assembly fault detection system based on Deep Learning

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    In a time when Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are nearly ubiquitous, railway construction and maintenance systems have not fully grasped the capabilities of such technologies. Traditional railway inspection methods rely on inspection from experienced workers, making such tasks costly from both, the monetary and the time perspective. From an overview of the state-of-the-art research in this area regarding AI-based systems, we observed that their main focus was solely on detection accuracy of different railway components. However, if we consider the critical importance of railway fastening in the overall safety of the railway, there is a need for a thorough analysis of these AI-based methodologies, to define their uncertainty also from a metrological perspective. In this article we address this issue, proposing an image-based system that detects the rotational displacement of the fastened railway clips. Furthermore, we provide an uncertainty analysis of the measurement system, where the resulting uncertainty is of 0.42°, within the 3° error margin defined by the clip manufacturer

    A Deep CNN Transformer Hybrid Model for Skin Lesion Classification of Dermoscopic Images Using Focal Loss

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    Skin cancers are the most cancers diagnosed worldwide, with an estimated > 1.5 million new cases in 2020. Use of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems for early detection and classification of skin lesions helps reduce skin cancer mortality rates. Inspired by the success of the transformer network in natural language processing (NLP) and the deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) in computer vision, we propose an end-to-end CNN transformer hybrid model with a focal loss (FL) function to classify skin lesion images. First, the CNN extracts low-level, local feature maps from the dermoscopic images. In the second stage, the vision transformer (ViT) globally models these features, then extracts abstract and high-level semantic information, and finally sends this to the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) head for classification. Based on an evaluation of three different loss functions, the FL-based algorithm is aimed to improve the extreme class imbalance that exists in the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC) 2018 dataset. The experimental analysis demonstrates that impressive results of skin lesion classification are achieved by employing the hybrid model and FL strategy, which shows significantly high performance and outperforms the existing work

    Data fusion for timber bundle volume measurement

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    In many industrial fields, the direct measurement of a specific parameter of interest can be too costly to be feasible. Using data from other parameters about the process, a data driven approach can instead be used for a cost-efficient estimation of the parameter of interest. For the Swedish forest industry, the measurement of the timber bundles volume sets the price for the customers. Volume is in this case an expensive parameter to measure, where manual measurements have been used as reference to a remote imaging estimation system involving operators. In this paper a data driven approach is presented for the estimation of timber bundles volume, using correlated features such as weight, date of cut, storage time etc., to demonstrate a costefficient software estimation system. The proposed approach, based on neural networks, shows comparable results to the existing remote estimation method when using a few features and even better performance when adding feature information from the timber harvesters

    Wireless Sensor Network Calibration for PM10 Measurement

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    The proposal of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure based on short-range communication is suggested for the continuous monitoring of Particulate Matter. A prototype of Automatic Measurement System (AMS), including a low-cost off-the-shelf PM sensor, has been developed as a remote node to be adopted in the radio Local Area Network. The results of the system calibration and comparison with the data quality requirements of the PM measurement according to European regulations, as well as the simulation of a typical Smart City scenario in terms of communication performance, confirm the feasibility of the proposed distributed AMS for an effective adoption within an urban area

    A novel IVS procedure for handling big data with artificial neural networks

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    In recent times, thanks to the availability of a large quantity of data coming from the industrial process, several techniques based on a data-driven approach could be developed. Between all the data-driven techniques, as Principle Component Regression, Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, and many others, the data on which they rely should be analyzed to find correlations and dependencies that could improve their design. For this reason, the Input variable Selection (IVS) process has become of great interest in the recent period. The classical IVS relies on classical statistics, as Pearson coefficients, able to discover linear dependencies among data; today, due to the significant amount of data available, the challenge of also discovering non-linear dependencies appears to be a necessary skill, mainly for the design and development of a neural network. This paper proposes the use of a novel statistical tool named Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC) for developing an IVS procedure able to discover dependencies in a considerable dataset and guide the IVS designer to the selection of input variables in a data-driven application. As a case study, the procedure will be applied to a real application developed in the context of the Swedish forest industry, in order to choose the input variables of a neural network able to estimate the timber bundles volume, which represents an expensive parameter to measure in this context

    Skin Cancer Classification based on Cosine Cyclical Learning Rate with Deep Learning

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    Since early-stage skin cancer identification can improve melanoma prognosis and significantly reduce treatment costs, AI-based diagnosis systems might greatly benefit patients suffering from suspicious skin lesions. The study proposes a cosine cyclical learning rate with a skin cancer classification model to improve melanoma prediction. The contributions of models involve three critical CNNs, which are standard deep feature extraction modules for the skin cancer classification in this study (Vgg19, ResNet101 and InceptionV3). Each CNN model applies three different learning rates: fixed learning rate(LR), Cosine Annealing LR, and Cosine Annealing with WarmRestarts. HAM10000 is a large collection of publicly available dermoscopic images dataset used for our experiments. The performance of the proposed approach was appraised through comparative experiments. The outcome has indicated that the proposed method has high efficiency in diagnosing skin lesions with a cosine cyclical learning rate

    Recent Advances in Diagnosis of Skin Lesions Using Dermoscopic Images Based on Deep Learning

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    Skin cancer is one of the most threatening cancers, which spreads to the other parts of the body if not caught and treated early. During the last few years, the integration of deep learning into skin cancer has been a milestone in health care, and dermoscopic images are right at the center of this revolution. This review study focuses on the state-of-the-art automatic diagnosis of skin cancer from dermoscopic images based on deep learning. This work thoroughly explores the existing deep learning and its application in diagnosing dermoscopic images. This study aims to present and summarize the latest methodology in melanoma classification and the techniques to improve this. We discuss advancements in deep learning-based solutions to diagnose skin cancer, along with some challenges and future opportunities to strengthen these automatic systems to support dermatologists and enhance their ability to diagnose skin cancer

    Image Scaling Effects on Deep Learning Based Applications

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    The sophistication and high accuracy of Deep Neural Networks have gotten significant attention in recent years, with a wide range of applications making use of their capabilities. However, the deployment of such networks still faces limitations due to the high volume of data to be processed and the high computational requirements. In this article we focus on the effects that data volume reduction, due to image compression and scaling down the image resolution, will have on the detection accuracy for the design case of a powered wheelchair guidance system. Throughout our analysis we show that the reduction in image resolution to a factor of 16times in image area alongside with JPEG compression provides a detection accuracy of over 0.93 in mAP, while the additional error in the position estimation of the caregiver is less than 0.5 cm. By reducing the data volume we inherently reduce the communication energy consumption, which is reduced by more than one order of magnitude. These results prove that we can overcome the complexity of high data volume for the deployment of DNNs in resource constrained IoT applications by interlacing the effects of image compression and resolution reduction, maintaining the accuracy and reducing the node energy consumption