4,551 research outputs found

    An Anomalous UV Extension in NGC6251

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    Deep U-band FOC images of the nuclear region of NGC6251 have revealed a region of extended emission which is most probably radiation scattered from a continuum source in the nucleus. This radiation lies interior to a dust ring, is nearly perpendicular to the radio jet axis, and is seen primarily in the FOC U and b filters. The extension has a low observed polarization(≤10\le 10%), and is unlikely to arise from line emission. We know of no other examples similar to what we have found in NGC 6251, and we offer some tentative explanations. The nuclear morphology shows clear similarities to that seen in the nucleus of NGC 4261 except for the extended U-band radiation.Comment: 14 pages AAStex format + 4 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Generality and singular terms in the proposition: a comparison between Bradley and various modern logicians

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    It is argued that propositions are general, which is taken to mean that there are no such things as 'singular terms' in the sense that certain parts of sentences are connected in a direct and simple one-to-one way with isolable bits of the world. Rather, it is suggested, the kinds of expressions usually called singular terms can be used to refer to individual things because of their respective meanings. An expression's possessing a meaning is understood univocally for both singular and general terms: it means that the expression implies certain characteristics which anything must have before the expression can properly be applied to it. The claim that the proposition is general is under¬ stood, therefore, as the claim that any part of a proposition which purports to pick out and individuate some item does so through devices common to the rest of the proposition, and thus cannot be thought of as non-general any more than the predicative component can be.Bradley first articulated this view, and that he did is the chief burden of Part I. In Part II this view is supported through an examination of the three kinds of singular terms: proper names, demonstratives, and definite descriptions. In each case it is argued that the expressions involved are general, as a consequence of their possessing moaning

    Response to Comment on `Undamped electrostatic plasma waves' [Phys. Plasmas 19, 092103 (2012)]

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    Numerical and experimental evidence is given for the occurrence of the plateau states and concomitant corner modes proposed in \cite{valentini12}. It is argued that these states provide a better description of reality for small amplitude off-dispersion disturbances than the conventional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal or cnoidal states such as those proposed in \cite{comment

    Oxygen isotope equilibrium between muscovite and water

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    Oxygen isotopes have been equilibrated between muscovite and aqueous alkali chloride solution and between paragonite and alkali chloride solution in the temperature range of 400°–650°C at 1 and 1.5 kb fluid pressure. Isotopic equilibrium was inferred from the fact that compatible fractionation factors were obtained using 3 different chemical reactions to produce the mica: (1) muscovite or paragonite was prepared by reacting natural kaolinite with 2–3 molal KCl or NaCl solutions; (2) muscovite was crystallized in pure water from a gel; and (3) synthetic paragonite was reacted with 2–3 molal KCl solution, producing muscovite by an alkali ion exchange reaction. The 1 M modification of the mica was made in every experiment. In several cases the extent of oxygen exchange was traced by running companion equilibrations in solutions of unusually low O^(18)/O^(16) ratio. No isotopic fractionation was discernible between muscovite and paragonite in the temperature range studied. Per mille fractionations between muscovite and water are given by the expression 10^3 In α = 2.38(10^6T^(−2)) − 3.89. These data can be combined with the results of other laboratory equilibration studies to establish a set of calibrated oxygen isotope geothermometers. Analogous to the alkali feldspar systems previously reported, the direct relationship between cation and oxygen isotope exchange suggests that some type of solution-redeposition mechanism operated during muscovite-paragonite transformations in aqueous solutions. Also, the extensive oxygen isotope exchange (with the solution) that accompanies the formation of muscovite from kaolinite implies a breakdown of the kaolinite structure. This notion does not concur with hypotheses based on rate studies and X-ray measurements that the unaltered kaolinite structure is partially inherited by the mica

    Where are the Baryons?

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    New, high resolution, large-scale, cosmological hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulations of a standard cold dark matter model (with a cosmological constant) are utilized to predict the distribution of baryons at the present and at moderate redshift. It is found that the average temperature of baryons is an increasing function of time, with most of the baryons at the present time having a temperature in the range 10^{5-7} K. Thus, not only is the universe dominated by dark matter, but more than one half of the normal matter is yet to be detected. Detection of this warm/hot gas poses an observational challenge, requiring sensitive EUV and X-ray satellites. Signatures include a soft, cosmic X-ray background, apparent warm components in hot clusters due to both intrinsic warm intra-cluster gas and warm inter-cluster gas projected onto clusters along the line of sight, absorption lines in X-ray and UV quasar spectra [e.g., O VI (1032,1038)A lines, OVII 574 eV line], strong emission lines (e.g., O VIII 653 eV line) and low redshift, broad, low column density \lya absorption lines. We estimate that approximately 1/4 of the extragalactic soft X-ray background (SXRB) (at 0.7 keV) arises from the warm/hot gas, half of it coming from z<0.65z<0.65 and three-quarters from z<1.00z<1.00, so the source regions should be identifiable on deep optical images.Comment: ApJ in press, revised (fig 3 is in jpg). Whole paper including fig3.ps can be obtained at "http://astro.princeton.edu/~cen/PAPERS_TO_APPEAR/64

    The First CO Map of a Low Surface Brightness Galaxy

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    Using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Millimeter-Wavelength Array (OVRO) we have obtained the first CO map of a low surface brightness (LSB) galaxy. The studied galaxy, UGC 01922, was chosen for these observations because both of its previous CO detection with the IRAM 30m telescope and its classification as a Malin 1 `cousin' - an LSB galaxy with M_HI > 10^10 Msol. The OVRO map detected approximately 65% of the CO(1-0) flux found earlier with the single dish measurements, giving a detected gas mass equivalent to M_H2 = 1.1X10^9 Msol. The integrated gas peak lies at the center of the galaxy and coincides with both the optical and 1.4 GHz continuum emission peaks. The molecular gas extends well beyond the OVRO beam size (~4'' or 3 kpc), covering ~25% of the optical bulge. In all, perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this map is its unexceptional appearance. Given that it took over ten years to successfully detect molecular gas in any low surface brightness system, it is surprising that the appearance and distribution of UGC 01922's CO is similar to what would be expected for a high surface brightness galaxy in the same morphological class.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 figures and 3 tables. also available online at http://www.gb.nrao.edu/~koneil. Accepted by ApJ

    Undamped electrostatic plasma waves

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    Electrostatic waves in a collision-free unmagnetized plasma of electrons with fixed ions are investigated for electron equilibrium velocity distribution functions that deviate slightly from Maxwellian. Of interest are undamped waves that are the small amplitude limit of nonlinear excitations, such as electron acoustic waves (EAWs). A deviation consisting of a small plateau, a region with zero velocity derivative over a width that is a very small fraction of the electron thermal speed, is shown to give rise to new undamped modes, which here are named {\it corner modes}. The presence of the plateau turns off Landau damping and allows oscillations with phase speeds within the plateau. These undamped waves are obtained in a wide region of the (k,ωR)(k,\omega_{_R}) plane (ωR\omega_{_R} being the real part of the wave frequency and kk the wavenumber), away from the well-known `thumb curve' for Langmuir waves and EAWs based on the Maxwellian. Results of nonlinear Vlasov-Poisson simulations that corroborate the existence of these modes are described. It is also shown that deviations caused by fattening the tail of the distribution shift roots off of the thumb curve toward lower kk-values and chopping the tail shifts them toward higher kk-values. In addition, a rule of thumb is obtained for assessing how the existence of a plateau shifts roots off of the thumb curve. Suggestions are made for interpreting experimental observations of electrostatic waves, such as recent ones in nonneutral plasmas.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    The Energy of a Plasma in the Classical Limit

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    When \lambda_{T} << d_{T}, where \lambda_{T} is the de Broglie wavelength and d_{T}, the distance of closest approach of thermal electrons, a classical analysis of the energy of a plasma can be made. In all the classical analysis made until now, it was assumed that the frequency of the fluctuations \omega << T (k_{B}=\hbar=1). Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we evaluate the energy of a plasma, allowing the frequency of the fluctuations to be arbitrary. We find that the energy density is appreciably larger than previously thought for many interesting plasmas, such as the plasma of the Universe before the recombination era.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let

    Medical device design in context: a model of user–device interaction and consequences

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    The practice of evaluating interaction with devices is embedded in disciplines such as human-computer interaction and cognitive ergonomics, including concepts such as affordances, error analysis, skill, rule and knowledge based behaviour and decision making biases. This paper considers the way in which the approach that has been routinely applied to displays and control design within the control and transport domains can be transferred to the context of medical devices. The importance of considering the context in which medical devices are used and implemented is presented, and the need for a systems approach to medical device design is emphasised. Five case studies from medical device control and display design are presented as an aide to developing an understanding of the relationship between device design and resultant behaviours. On the basis of these case studies, four types of mediating factors (catalysts, enablers, facilitators and enhancers) are proposed and a model to describe the link between device design, user, context and consequences is presented
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