1,122 research outputs found

    Influence of glycomacropeptide on rehydration characteristics of micellar casein concentrate powder

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    Glycomacropeptide (GMP) shows potential for enhancing the rehydration properties of high-protein dairy powders due to its hydrophilic nature. This study involved formulating micellar casein concentrate (MCC) solutions (8.6% final protein content) with 0, 10, and 20% GMP as a percentage of total protein, and investigated the physicochemical and rehydration properties of the resultant freeze-dried powders (P-MCC-0G, P-MCC-10G, and P-MCC-20G, respectively). The surface charges of caseins in the control MCC and 10 or 20% GMP blended solutions were −25.8, −29.6, and −31.5 mV, respectively. Tablets prepared from P-MCC-10G or P-MCC-20G powders displayed enhanced wettability with contact angle values of 80.6◦ and 79.5◦, respectively, compared with 85.5◦ for P-MCC-0G. Moreover, blending of GMP with MCC resulted in faster disintegration of powder particles during rehydration (i.e., dispersibility) compared to P-MCC-0G. Faster and more extensive release of caseins from powder particles into solution was evident with the increasing proportion of GMP, with the majority of GMP released within the first 15 min of rehydration. The results of this study will contribute to further development of formulation science for achieving enhanced solubility characteristics of high-protein dairy powder ingredients, such as MCC

    Asymmetric oxidation of sulfides

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    This review discusses synthesis of enantiopure sulfoxides through the asymmetric oxidation of prochiral sulfides. The use of metal complexes to promote asymmetric sulfoxidation is described in detail, with a particular emphasis on the synthesis of biologically active sulfoxides. The use of non-metal-based systems, such as oxaziridines, chiral hydroperoxides and peracids, as well as enzyme-catalyzed sulfoxidations is also examined

    Copper-catalyzed asymmetric oxidation of sulfides

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    Copper-catalyzed asymmetric sulfoxidation of aryl benzyl and aryl alkyl sulfides, using aqueous hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant, has been investigated. A relationship between the steric effects of the sulfide substituents and the enantioselectivity of the oxidation has been observed, with up to 93% ee for 2-naphthylmethyl phenyl sulfoxide, in modest yield in this instance (up to 30%). The influence of variation of solvent and ligand structure was examined, and the optimized conditions were then used to oxidize a number of aryl alkyl and aryl benzyl sulfides, producing sulfoxides in excellent yields in most cases (up to 92%), and good enantiopurities in certain cases (up to 84% ee)

    Influence of transglutaminase crosslinking on casein protein fractionation during low temperature microfiltration

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    Low temperature microfiltration (MF) is applied in dairy processing to achieve higher protein and microbiological quality ingredients and to support ingredient innovation; however, low temperature reduces hydrophobic interactions between casein proteins and increases the solubil-ity of colloidal calcium phosphate, promoting reversible dissociation of micellar β-casein into the serum phase, and thus into permeate, during MF. Crosslinking of casein proteins using transglutam-inase was studied as an approach to reduce the permeation of casein monomers, which typically results in reduced yield of protein in the retentate fraction. Two treatments (a) 5◦ C/24 h (TA) and (b) 40◦ C/90 min (TB), were applied to the feed before filtration at 5◦ C, with a 0.1 µm membrane. Flux was high for TA treatment possibly due to the stabilising effect of transglutaminase on casein micelles. It is likely that formation of isopeptide bonds within and on the surface of micelles results in the micelles being less readily available for protein-protein and protein–membrane interactions, resulting in less resistance to membrane pores and flow passage, thereby conferring higher permeate flux. The results also showed that permeation of casein monomers into the permeate was significantly reduced after both enzymatic treatments as compared to control feed due to the reduced molecular mobility of soluble casein, mainly β-casein, caused by transglutaminase crosslinking

    Synthesis of enantioenriched sulfoxides

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    This review discusses strategies for the asymmetric synthesis of sulfoxides, compounds with many applications in stereoselective synthesis and in some cases with pharmaceutical application. The review describes asymmetric oxidation, including metal catalyzed and non-metal and biological oxidation processes, in addition to synthetic approaches via nucleophilic substitution of appropriately substituted precursors. Kinetic resolution in oxidation of sulfoxides to the analogous sulfones is also discussed; in certain instances, access to enantioenriched sulfoxides can be achieved via a combination of asymmetric sulfide oxidation and complementary kinetic resolution in sulfoxide oxidation

    Bacteriophages and bacterial plant diseases

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    Losses in crop yields due to disease need to be reduced in order to meet increasing global food demands associated with growth in the human population. There is a well-recognized need to develop new environmentally friendly control strategies to combat bacterial crop disease. Current control measures involving the use of traditional chemicals or antibiotics are losing their efficacy due to the natural development of bacterial resistance to these agents. In addition, there is an increasing awareness that their use is environmentally unfriendly. Bacteriophages, the viruses of bacteria, have received increased research interest in recent years as a realistic environmentally friendly means of controlling bacterial diseases. Their use presents a viable control measure for a number of destructive bacterial crop diseases, with some phage-based products already becoming available on the market. Phage biocontrol possesses advantages over chemical controls in that tailor-made phage cocktails can be adapted to target specific disease-causing bacteria. Unlike chemical control measures, phage mixtures can be easily adapted for bacterial resistance which may develop over time. In this review, we will examine the progress and challenges for phage-based disease biocontrol in food crops

    Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases and Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: The US Experience

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    Liver transplantation remains a controversial therapy for Neuroendocrine liver metastases (NLM), with coflicting suvival data reported. The aim was to assess the evolution of outcomes for patients transplanted for NLM in the US, both before and after the introduction of the MELD scoring system in 2002. The UNOS/OPTN database was reviewed to identify patients diagnosed with NLM who subsequently underwent a liver transplantation from 1988 to March 2011 (n = 184); Patient survival was determined using Kaplan-Meier methods and log-rank tests, and cox regression analysis was performed, using SPSS 15.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL). The overall NLM patient survivals in the pre-MELD era were 79.5%, 61.4%, and 49.2% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively. After the introduction of the MELD score, NET/NLM patients had improved overall patient survivals at 1, 3, and 5 years of 84.7%, 65%, and 57.8%. Patients transplanted after 2002 had an improved survival outcome. Notably, the overall patient survival for NET is not significantly different when compared to the outcomes of patients transplanted for HCC, in the current era. This progress acknowleges the significant improvement in outcomes for NLM patients after liver transplantation and the potential for further gain in the survival of otherwise nonsurgical, terminal patients

    Bacteriophage-Derived Peptidase CHAP

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    New antibacterial agents are urgently needed for the elimination of biofilm-forming bacteria that are highly resistant to traditional antimicrobial agents. Proliferation of such bacteria can lead to significant economic losses in the agri-food sector. This study demonstrates the potential of the bacteriophage-derived peptidase, CHAPK, as a biocidal agent for the rapid disruption of biofilm-forming staphylococci, commonly associated with bovine mastitis. Purified CHAPK applied to biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus DPC5246 completely eliminated the staphylococcal biofilms within 4 h. In addition, CHAPK was able to prevent biofilm formation by this strain. The CHAPK lysin also reduced S. aureus in a skin decolonization model. Our data demonstrates the potential of CHAPK as a biocidal agent for prevention and treatment of biofilm-associated staphylococcal infections or as a decontaminating agent in the food and healthcare sectors

    Treatment of Liver Metastases in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Comprehensive Review

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    Patients diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) often are also diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases (NLM) during the course of their disease. NLM can cause significant morbidity and mortality, oftentimes much more than compared to patients with NET. Treatment options have been limited in the past, focusing on surgical resections, for which only a minority of patients are candidates. However, developments of new treatment modalities have progressed rapidly and patients with NLM now have significantly more options, including surgical-directed therapies; liver-directed therapies; and nonsurgical, non-liver-directed therapies. This review provides information about the roles of hepatic resection, orthotopic liver resection, radiofrequency ablation, hepatic artery embolization and hepatic artery chemoembolization, hepatic artery radioembolization and selective internal radiation therapy, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, systemic chemotherapy, biotherapies including somatostatin analogs and interferon-α, vascular endothelial growth factor and mTOR targets, and microRNA-regulated pathways. Given these new options, the clinician can tailor therapy specific to the patient diagnosed with NLM, thereby giving the patient the best possible chance of prolonged survival