8 research outputs found

    Tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehittäminen

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehittäminen. Työn toimeksiantajana toimii jyväskyläläinen Mowon Oy. Yritys maahantuo ja myy autokorjaamo- ja teollisuuskemikaaleja, käsi- ja erikoistyökaluja sekä korjaamoiden yleisimpiä kulutustuotteita ja tarvikkeita. Tavoitteena opinnäytetyössä oli tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehittäminen tehostamalla prosessin työvaiheita. Opinnäytetyön tekeminen aloitettiin yrityksen tilaus-toimitusprosessin nykytilan analysoinnilla, jonka perusteella määritettiin kehityskohteet. Kehityskohteiden määrittämisen jälkeen suoritettiin käytännön kehitystoimenpiteet. Työn viimeisenä vaiheena oli tulosten analysointi ja jatkokehityskohteiden määrittely. Työn tuloksena tilausprosessi tehostui mm. uudentyyppisten tilauslomakkeiden kehittämisen seurauksena. Tilauskäytännöistä tuli samalla aikaisempaa yhdenmukaisemmat. Toimitusprosessia voitiin tehostaa ottamalla käyttöön uudet logistiikkajärjestelyt lähteville tavaralähetyksille. Kaikki lähetykset saatiin kulkemaan yhden rahtipalveluita tarjoavan yrityksen kautta. Aikaisemmin tuotteiden toimituksessa hyödynnettiin useaa eri rahtiyritystä, jolloin edullisimman toimitustavan valinta muodostui haasteelliseksi. Toimitusprosessin työvaiheisiin kuluvaa aikaa pystyttiin lyhentämään ja osa työvaiheista voitiin jättää kokonaan pois. Uusien logistiikkajärjestelyiden avulla myös rahtikustannukset laskivat. Tilaus-toimitusprosessista laadittiin toimintaohje. Ohjeessa käydään läpi prosessin vaiheet alkaen tuotteiden tilaamisesta ja päättyen tuotteiden toimittamiseen kustannustehokkaimmalla toimitustavalla.This thesis is about developing Mowon Oy’s order-delivery process. Mowon Oy is located in Jyväskylä. Company’s business idea is to import and sell tools and chemicals used in the industry and auto repair shops. The aim of this thesis was developing the order-delivery process by improving the performance of work steps in the process. The current state of the order-delivery process was analyzed at the beginning of this thesis. After analyzing the current state the objects for the development was defined. Next step was the practical development work. Final step in this thesis was evaluating the results and defining objectives for the further development of the order-delivery process. As a result of this thesis the order process improved by developing new order forms. At the same time the ordering practices turned more uniform. The delivery process improved by arranging the outgoing logistics in a new way. All of the outgoing shipments were transported by one freight company. Previously Mowon Oy used various freight companies for the shipments and it was challenging to choose the most economical method of delivery. Working time in the delivery process work steps shortened and some of the steps were removed. The new way to arrange the outgoing logistics reduced the transportation costs as well. A guide about accomplishing the order-delivery process was created. The guide includes information how to perform work steps of the process from ordering the products to arranging the delivery in the most economical way

    De ov\ue4ntade naturvetarna: Vad kan vi l\ue4ra av studenters olika v\ue4gar in i universitetsfysik?

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    Utbildningar inom fysik \ue4r i b\ue5de svensk och internationell kontext bland de minst j\ue4mst\ue4llda och med l\ue4gst m\ue5ngfald b\ue5de n\ue4r det g\ue4ller naturvetenskapliga och ingenj\uf6rsprogram [1]. I det p\ue5g\ue5ende VR-finansierade projektet “De ov\ue4ntade naturvetarna” st\ue4ller vi fr\ue5gan vad vi kan l\ue4ra oss av studenter som g\ue5tt mot str\uf6mmen och valt att l\ue4sa fysik. Projektet bygger p\ue5 livsber\ue4ttelseintervjuer med 21 fysikstudenter som p\ue5 n\ue5got s\ue4tt uppfattar sin egen bana till fysiken som icke-konventionell. Vi har unders\uf6kt vad som m\uf6jliggjort f\uf6r dessa studenter att ta sig till universitetet, och specifikt en fysikutbildning. I presentationen sammanfattas projektet. Resultatet visar hur aktiviteter utanf\uf6r skolan kan ha betydelse; informella men universitetsrelaterade aktiviteter som sommarskolor och forskarbes\uf6k, men ocks\ue5 deltagande i naturvetenskapliga sammanhang online, kan spela stor roll f\uf6r relations- och identitetsbyggande som m\uf6jligg\uf6r ett deltagande i fysiken och en v\ue4g till en universitetsutbildning [2], [3]. P\ue5g\ue5ende delstudier v\ue4nder p\ue5 perspektivet och st\ue4ller fr\ue5gorna: Vad m\uf6jligg\uf6rs f\uf6r individen genom ett deltagande i fysik, och hur blir vissa val av studier och karri\ue4r m\uf6jliga och legitima medan andra om\uf6jligg\uf6rs i relation till samh\ue4lleliga normer, k\uf6n, klass och etnicitet. F\uf6r n\ue5gra av v\ue5ra informanter har fysik och naturvetenskap varit central f\uf6r att m\uf6jligg\uf6ra en starkare k\ue4nsla av sammanhang, med v\ue4rlden och andra m\ue4nniskor. Detta har dock inte erbjudits av skolundervisningen i fysik, utan handlat om andra upplevelser, och f\uf6rst med st\uf6d av vuxenutbildning p\ue5 folkh\uf6gskola och bas\ue5r har fysiken kunnat ta en central plats i deras liv, vilket har inneburit ett brott fr\ue5n annars alienerande liv och karri\ue4rer. En central slutsats \ue4r att breddat deltagande p\ue5 s\ue5 vis inte beh\uf6ver handla om att delta i formell utbildning, eller att f\uf6lja f\uf6rv\ue4ntade karri\ue4rv\ue4gar, naturvetenskap kan vara starkt meningsfullt i m\ue4nniskors liv i andra formerReferenser[1] Universitets- och h\uf6gskoler\ue5det, “Antagningsstatistik,” 2022. <https://www.uhr.se/studier-och-antagning/antagningsstatistik/> (accessed Oct. 18, 2021).[2] A. J. Gonsalves, A. Johansson, A.-S. Nystr\uf6m, and A. T. Danielsson, “Other spaces for young women’s identity work in physics: Resources accessed through university-adjacent informal physics learning contexts in Sweden,” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., vol. 18, no. 2, p. 020118, Sep. 2022, doi: 10/gqwsp2.[3] A. T. Danielsson, A. Johansson, A.-S. Nystr\uf6m, and A. J. Gonsalves, “Young peoples’ online science practices as a gateway to higher education STEM,” Res Sci Educ, Jan. 2023, doi: 10/grvp8w

    PHOCUS Radiometer Payload

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    PHOCUS – Particles, Hydrogen and Oxygen Chemistry in the Upper Summer Mesosphere is a Swedish sounding rocket experiment with the main goal of investigating the upper atmosphere in the altitude range 50-110 km. This paper describes the radiometer instruments (SondRad) in the PHOCUS payload, which are intended to explore the water vapour concentration in connection with the appearance of noctilucent (night shining) clouds. The design of the radiometer system has been done in collaboration between Omnisys Instruments AB and the Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD) at Chalmers University of Technology where Omnisys was responsible for the design, implementation, and verification of the radiometers and backend and GARD was responsible for the optics and calibration systems. The radiometers cover the water absorption lines at 183 GHz and 557 GHz with 67 kHz backend resolution. The 183 GHz channel is a side-looking radiometer while the 557 GHz radiometer is placed along the rocket axis looking in the forward direction. Both channels employ sub-harmonically pumped Schottky mixers and FFT spectrometer back-ends. The 183 GHz channel employs a CW-pilot signal calibrating the entire receiving chain while the IF-chain of the 557 GHz channel is calibrated by injecting a signal from a calibrated noise source through a directional coupler. The instrument will collect complete spectra for both the 183 and 557 GHz with 300 Hz rate for the 183 GHz channel and 10 Hz for the 557 GHz channel for about 60 seconds reaching the apogee of the flight trajectory and 100 seconds after that. With lossless data compression using variable resolution over the spectrum, the data set is reduced to 2 x 12 MByte

    PHOCUS Radiometer Payload

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    PHOCUS – Particles, Hydrogen and Oxygen Chemistry in the Upper Summer Mesosphere is a Swedish sounding rocket experiment with the main goal of investigating the upper atmosphere in the altitude range 50-110 km. This paper describes the radiometer instruments (SondRad) in the PHOCUS payload, which are intended to explore the water vapour concentration in connection with the appearance of noctilucent (night shining) clouds. The design of the radiometer system has been done in collaboration between Omnisys Instruments AB and the Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD) at Chalmers University of Technology where Omnisys was responsible for the design, implementation, and verification of the radiometers and backend and GARD was responsible for the optics and calibration systems. The radiometers cover the water absorption lines at 183 GHz and 557 GHz with 67 kHz backend resolution. The 183 GHz channel is a side-looking radiometer while the 557 GHz radiometer is placed along the rocket axis looking in the forward direction. Both channels employ sub-harmonically pumped Schottky mixers and FFT spectrometer back-ends. The 183 GHz channel employs a CW-pilot signal calibrating the entire receiving chain while the IF-chain of the 557 GHz channel is calibrated by injecting a signal from a calibrated noise source through a directional coupler. The instrument will collect complete spectra for both the 183 and 557 GHz with 300 Hz rate for the 183 GHz channel and 10 Hz for the 557 GHz channel for about 60 seconds reaching the apogee of the flight trajectory and 100 seconds after that. With lossless data compression using variable resolution over the spectrum, the data set is reduced to 2 x 12 MByte

    The effect of the DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin to improve functional outcome after stroke is mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1 pathway.

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    Abstract Background and Aim: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors (gliptins) decrease hyperglycemia by inhibiting glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-cleavage. Gliptins can also improve stroke outcome in rodents independently from GLP-1 receptor [1,2]. However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We aimed to determine whether gliptins improve stroke outcome via the stromal cell-derived factor-1 \u3b1 (SDF-1\u3b1)/ Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4) pathway, and identify additional effectors behind the efficacy. Methods: Mice were subjected to stroke by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Linagliptin was administered for 3 days or 3 weeks from stroke onset. The CXCR4-antagonist AMD3100 was administered one day before MCAO until three days thereafter. Stroke outcome was assessed by measuring upper-limb function, stroke volume and neuronal survival. Brain GLP-1, GIP and SDF-1\u3b1 were quantified by ELISA. To identify additional gliptin-mediated molecular effectors, brain samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Results: Linagliptin specifically increased active SDF-1\u3b1 (p<0,001) but not GIP or GLP-1 brain levels. Blocking of SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway abolished the positive effects of Linagliptin on upper-limb function and histological outcome after stroke. Moreover, Linagliptin treatment after stroke decreased the presence of peptides derived from Neurogranin and from an isoform of the Myelin basic protein. Conclusion: We showed that Linagliptin improves functional stroke outcome in a CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1-dependent manner. Considering that Calpain activity and intracellular Ca2+ regulate Neurogranin and Myelin basic protein detection, we propose a gliptin-mediated neuroprotective mechanism via the SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway that involves the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and the reduction of Calpain activity. These results provide new insights into restorative gliptin-mediated effects against stroke. References: [1] Darsalia et al., Diabetes 2013, 62(4):1289-1296. [2] Darsalia et al., Diabetes Obes Metab 2016, 18(5):537-41

    The effect of DPP-4 inhibition to improve functional outcome after stroke is mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1alpha pathway

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    Abstract AIM: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors (gliptins) decrease hyperglycemia by inhibiting glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-cleavage. Gliptins can also improve stroke outcome in rodents independently from GLP1R. However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We aimed to determine whether gliptins improve stroke outcome via the stromal cell-derived factor-1 \u3b1 (SDF-1\u3b1)/ Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4) pathway, and identify additional effectors behind the efficacy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mice were subjected to stroke by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Linagliptin was administered for 3 days or 3 weeks from stroke onset. The CXCR4-antagonist AMD3100 was administered one day before MCAO until three days thereafter. Stroke outcome was assessed by measuring upper-limb function, stroke volume and neuronal survival. Brain GLP-1, GIP and SDF-1\u3b1 were quantified by ELISA. To identify additional gliptin-mediated molecular effectors, brain samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Linagliptin specifically increased active SDF-1\u3b1 but not GIP or GLP-1 brain levels. Blocking of SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway abolished the positive effects of Linagliptin on upper-limb function and histological outcome after stroke. Moreover, Linagliptin treatment after stroke decreased the presence of peptides derived from Neurogranin and from an isoform of the Myelin basic protein. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that Linagliptin improves functional stroke outcome in a CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1-dependent manner. Considering that Calpain activity and intracellular Ca2+ regulate Neurogranin and Myelin basic protein detection, we propose a gliptin-mediated neuroprotective mechanism via the SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway that involves the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and the reduction of Calpain activity. These results provide new insights into restorative gliptin-mediated effects against stroke

    The effect of the DPP-4 inhibitor Linagliptin to improve functional outcome after stroke is mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1 pathway

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    Abstract Background and Aim: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors (gliptins) decrease hyperglycemia by inhibiting glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-cleavage. Gliptins can also improve stroke outcome in rodents independently from GLP-1 receptor [1,2]. However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We aimed to determine whether gliptins improve stroke outcome via the stromal cell-derived factor-1 \u3b1 (SDF-1\u3b1)/ Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4) pathway, and identify additional effectors behind the efficacy. Methods: Mice were subjected to stroke by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Linagliptin was administered for 3 days or 3 weeks from stroke onset. The CXCR4-antagonist AMD3100 was administered one day before MCAO until three days thereafter. Stroke outcome was assessed by measuring upper-limb function, stroke volume and neuronal survival. Brain GLP-1, GIP and SDF-1\u3b1 were quantified by ELISA. To identify additional gliptin-mediated molecular effectors, brain samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Results: Linagliptin specifically increased active SDF-1\u3b1 (p<0,001) but not GIP or GLP-1 brain levels. Blocking of SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway abolished the positive effects of Linagliptin on upper-limb function and histological outcome after stroke. Moreover, Linagliptin treatment after stroke decreased the presence of peptides derived from Neurogranin and from an isoform of the Myelin basic protein. Conclusion: We showed that Linagliptin improves functional stroke outcome in a CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1-dependent manner. Considering that Calpain activity and intracellular Ca2+ regulate Neurogranin and Myelin basic protein detection, we propose a gliptin-mediated neuroprotective mechanism via the SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway that involves the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and the reduction of Calpain activity. These results provide new insights into restorative gliptin-mediated effects against stroke. References: [1] Darsalia et al., Diabetes 2013, 62(4):1289-1296. [2] Darsalia et al., Diabetes Obes Metab 2016, 18(5):537-41

    The effect of the DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin to improve functional outcome after stroke is mediated by the CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1 pathway

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    Abstract Background and Aim: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors (gliptins) decrease hyperglycemia by inhibiting glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-cleavage. Evidence from most clinical and experimental studies indicated that DPP-4 inhibitors have favorable effects on cardiovascular diseases, despite they failed to show superiority vs. placebo in the prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with T2DM and high CV risk [1]. We have recently demonstrated that DPP-4 inhibitors improve stroke outcome in rodents independently from GLP-1 receptor [2,3]. However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. The present study aims to determine whether gliptins improve stroke outcome via the stromal cell-derived factor-1 \u3b1 (SDF-1\u3b1)/ Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4) pathway, and identify additional effectors behind the efficacy. Methods: Mice were subjected to stroke by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Linagliptin was administered for 3 days or 3 weeks from stroke onset. The CXCR4-antagonist AMD3100 was administered one day before MCAO until three days thereafter. Stroke outcome was assessed by measuring upper-limb function, stroke volume and neuronal survival. Brain GLP-1, GIP and SDF-1\u3b1 were quantified by ELISA. To identify additional gliptin-mediated molecular effectors, brain samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Results: Linagliptin specifically increased active SDF-1\u3b1 (p<0,001) but not GIP or GLP-1 brain levels. Blocking of SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway abolished the positive effects of Linagliptin on upper-limb function and histological outcome after stroke. Moreover, Linagliptin treatment after stroke decreased the presence of peptides derived from Neurogranin and from an isoform of the Myelin basic protein. Conclusion: We showed that Linagliptin improves functional stroke outcome in a CXCR4/SDF-1\u3b1-dependent manner. Considering that Calpain activity and intracellular Ca2+ regulate Neurogranin and Myelin basic protein detection, we propose a gliptin-mediated neuroprotective mechanism via the SDF-1\u3b1/CXCR4 pathway that involves the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and the reduction of Calpain activity. These results provide new insights into the beneficial effects of gliptins in stroke, thus suggesting further innovative pharmacological target for preventing cerebrovascular injury. References: [1] Scheen, Circulation Research. 2018;122:1439-1459 [1] Darsalia et al., Diabetes 2013, 62(4):1289-1296